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  • in reply to: Seeking info about Prognosis #62249

    It’s been a busy few months ~ and a special G’day Genevive and thanks for your information.
    Following my diagnosis I was stented at Tamworth hospital where as fortune has it, there is a GI Specialist.
    I had a follow-up consult with the GI Specialist at John Hunter (in Newcastle) who stated that neither chemo nor radio therapy was an option and early August I had a permanent metal stent replace the plastic. Since Photodynamic therapy is not available in Australia I would now be referred to Oncology and Palliative care.
    It’s now four months since the original stenting and I’ve got to admit that I feel remarkably well ~ no pain, no discomfort and no restrictions in mobility. My BP is stable and well within the ‘good’ area and my weight has stabilised at 80Kg (+/- 2Kg)….I feel a little more tired than usual and get knocked up a bit earlier ~ but whether that’s down to the cc or being 73 I don’t know.
    Now that the merry-go-round has slowed, I’ll look in more frequently and hopefully may even be able to bring a bit of cheer to my fellow travellers.
    Thanks for being here.

    in reply to: Seeking info about Prognosis #62244

    Last week I had a consult with the Specialist (who has been doing some homework on my behalf too) and his findings were:

    Surgery is definitely not an option since the cc is located in a position that simply prohibits resection and leaving a margin (it is around the biliary duct and has compressed it.)

    Radio and Chemo therapy are not options ~ again the location, which he described as ‘tiger country’ ~ the cc is crowded in by assorted ducts, blood vessels and etc.

    The stent is doing its job well and there has been no recurrence of jaundice or deeply coloured urine.

    My almost total lack of appetite is ‘par for the course’ and I’m to continue on a food supplement, Ensure, and sort of force feed myself as best I can.

    The current 3mm diameter plastic stent will be replaced by a more permanent 10mm metal job on 2 August so another MRI after that date will reveal more data.

    On the plus side, I have had no pain or discomfort apart from the odd bout of mild nausea.

    We discussed Photodynamic Therapy and he volunteered to find out whether it is available in Australia yet, and if so, whether I’m a likely candidate, and who does the procedure and where and when.

    Thanks for your site, and those who care.

    in reply to: Seeking info about Prognosis #62240

    Thank you both for your welcome and wise words.

    I have a consult with the Specialist booked for July 12 and will get some answers to the questions you raised.

    Thank you for this site ~ I’m glad I found it.

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