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  • in reply to: Please help!!! #54611
    mlepp0416 wrote:
    I tried to sign your petition but the link the site sends in an email to ‘activate’ my account does not work.


    You can try logging in here https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/user and then click on forgot password and see if that works.

    in reply to: Please help!!! #54610
    nanjvd wrote:
    I am sorry for your loss.

    Your Mom should be able to collect SS benefits at age 60 because she is a widower. They sometime refer to it as the Widowers pension and it is payable at 60

    Thanks for the information nanjvd. My mother is only 58 so she will have to wait 2 years before she can apply for that. Last that Social Security(SS) had told her is that she would have to wait until she was 62 and a half to collect. SS was scheduled to pay disabilities to my father starting in January but because he passed before his 60th birthday she doesn’t get to receive his disability. Their words to my mother while my father was still alive was ” If he passed before turning 60 then all benefits will cease and you will get nothing…”

    Such compassionate people huh? So all the years of paying SS out of your paycheck gets you nothing…

    in reply to: Please help!!! #54609
    mlepp0416 wrote:
    Jeremy: Tom (my husband with CC) and I also tried to get his Cholangiocarcinoma under Service Connected Disability and we were rejected for the same reasons as your dad. Even though I supplied enough evidence that this cancer is also caused by PCB’s and he was exposed to the Green Army Paint which contains a horrible cancer causing agent including Cholangiocarcinoma (liver cancer). He was in direct contact with no protective gear for three years. Spraying it (breathing it in) – heating and scraping it (getting it in through his pores of his skin) – Grinding it (breathing it in) along with tons of documentation that this cancer does not manifest itself until so 40 – 60 years later. They rejected it and I’m not so certain that appealing it would do any good. It is unfortunate that the Veterans changed the rules along the way. When we got married, even for non service connected disability as his wife, we had to be married for 8 years and he had to be totally disabled for more than 10 years and I would have received his benefits as his spouse. They changed it about 5 years ago that for non service connected disability the spouse gets nothing. Talkk about a huge dissapointment. Not that I married him for any type of VA benefit, but really, how can they publish something like that, then simply choose to take it away?

    I will sign your petition and wish you tons of success.


    Margaret thank you for your information. We are prepared for a long fight. My mother has gotten a hold of several claims that the VA paid out to Veterans that had Cholangiocarcinoma in result to the liver fluke parasite. I think the last count was 10 claims. All of them are exactly what my father had. So she has included copies of that in with the claim. The VA representative for our area was shocked that she had these Accepted claims for they are documents that are confidential between the claimant and the VA. I can’t say on who and where she got these documents but the fact that she has them. As for the Appeal it was told to us that almost 90% of all claims that the VA receives get denied the first time because they never get fully reviewed ( this is what the VA rep. said) and to always get an appeal. For the second time the claim goes in it gets reviewed fully and close to 60% get accepted. So with this knowledge we will continue to appeal it. This was my father’s fight and we are not going to let it down.

    Thank you for signing the petition. I know it is a little bit tricky by having to register, check email and then sign but it is a legal electronic signature that way.

    in reply to: Please help!!! #54605

    Thank You Patty. That is the best way to share it and pass it along. My wife and I post it everyday. We even post it on other Facebook pages.

    Becky the last few weeks are the hardest to go through. The most important thing you can do is visit and be there for her. I have read some of your website and I know what you are going through. It is important to watch the liver counts and if your mother gets really tired, suggest Blood Transfusions to get the counts back up. It worked for my father for a while giving him a boost of energy until the cancer got too bad.

    Did the doctor’s explain to you that with chemo it is a high risk for blood clots? My father took the chemo root and got the blood clots in both his legs. Now very important if you mother has swelling in her legs or the feeling that her legs are cramping really bad and are tight, then Do Not massage them. It could be blood clots and massaging them could release one and be fatal.

    We believe that is what actually happened to my father. He had fallen in the bathroom and my mother helped him up and when she propped him up with pillows (he had become really weak by this time) he slumped over in her arms and took his final breath. So a blood clot must have broke loose when he fell and when he was helped up it must have traveled to the heart resulting in a heart attack.

    My prayers go out to everyone that has a loved one going through this.

    Here is a Poem that my family loved and I would like to share it.

    God’s Garden

    God looked around his garden and he found an empty place,
    He then looked down upon this earth and saw your tired face.
    He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
    God’s Garden must be beautiful, He always takes the best.
    He knew that you were suffering, He knew that you were in pain.
    He knew that you would never get well on earth again.
    He saw that the road was getting rough and the hills were hard to climb,
    So he closed your weary eyelids and whispered
    It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn’t go alone,
    For parts of us went with you the day God called you home.

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