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  • in reply to: New Members #25402


    Thanks for your perseverance. We may have to do some brainstorming & try a different venue. I also do not know how anyone (especially Oprah) could read those letters & not at least respond. In all fairness, maybe they never reached her, but you would think that even anyone on her staff would atleast have responded to our pleas for help. There is so much support for other cancers, why not for CC. I know it is rare, but that is why we need to bring more attention to it. We can’t give up!


    in reply to: Visit site all the time, but never have introduced myself #25400


    Welcome & thanks for introducing yourself. You will find everyone here to be very helpful & supportive. This is the best group of people in the world as far as I am concerned. I too am sorry that your father has gotten to the point in this journey that many of us have already traveled with our loved ones, but I am happy & you can be grateful for the time he has already been given while fighting this awful, unpredictable disease. Kris, thanks for your venting as it is just how I am feeling & now will not have to repeat :)! I am also smiling through my tears. That truely does say it all. I will keep you & your family in my thoughts & prayers.

    Take Care,

    in reply to: Jerry D. #25391

    Dear Nancy,

    I would like to add my sympathy & support to the others. Remember he will always be with you in your heart. My thoughts & prayers are with you & your family.


    in reply to: Hello Again!!! #25371

    Hi Tony,

    No useful information, but I do want to give you my best wishes. I will say a prayer & hope that the scan goes well. I also do not want to tell you what to do as these are your decisions to make, however, my husband was 62 when he lost his battle with this terrible, unpredictable cancer & I thought that was too young, in your case, you do need to fight as you are truely too young not to.

    Good Luck

    in reply to: It’s been 26 months- now what? #25287


    I tend to lean towards the same theory as Irene based on the experience I had with my husband’s illness. He had no symptoms until about 2 months before he passed on. Up until that time he only had a few aches & pains & minor fatigue. At 62 you just take that as old age setting in. In his case, by the time he was diagnoised it all went so quickly that anything that was suggested was not an option because he was losing so much weight & was too sick & weak. My understanding is that he probably had CC for years, but as it was contained in the bile ducts and had not spread & he seemed to be very healthy all his life, it was not found & the symptoms did not present at all until it was too late. He lived a normal healthy life until the very end, so I have to believe that in his case, treatment earlier would not have help, but could have actually shortened his life or atleast made him very ill at times. Unfortunately, I will never know that for sure as we did not have the luxury of being able to make that choice. It was taken out of our hands.

    That said, every case is different and everyone should seek out more opinions & then make the decision that they feel is best for them.

    So this is my 2 cents worth for what it is worth!

    Along with everyone who has had to deal with CC I will be praying for a cure so that others will not have to go through what all of us have & many still are dealing with. And yes, as Lainy stated, it really does redefine your entire life.

    God Bless Us All

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21789


    I also do my bookkeeping the old fashioned way and feel I am an unpaid collector for the government! Hopefully things will get sorted out & back to as normal as things can get under these circumstances. I feel like my life will never really be normal again. Hope you are making some head way with your returns too.



    Dear Chris,

    I too am sorry to hear of John’s passing. Lainy said it well, so I will just add that he will be in your heart forever and you will also always have a part of him with you in Joey. I am sure that Joey will know his Dad through you. As you said, he is now at peace & you seem to be too. Know that we are all here for you if you need us in this time of sadness. Take care of yourself now, as Joey needs you now more than ever. You & Joey are in my thoughts & prayers.


    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21787

    Hi Ladies,

    I didn’t get out today as we had a slight ice & sleet storm over night & everything is like an ice rink! I didn’t really want to open the shop, so I decided to try to get some of my tax stuff together. I spent most of the day doing this, along with salting & sand where I could and then scraping off the front walk. What a mess. This sure has been a hard winter for us here in Wisconsin so far.

    The taxes are another issue, as I don’t know exactly how Jim’s passing on will affect me there. I do know that since our sellers permit was in his name, I have to file sales tax for him until his date of death & then get a new permit in my name to file for the rest of the year. I can’t just transfer it to my name & file it all at once even though we ran the business together. The permit can only be in one name & is not transferrable even husband to wife. How dumb is that. Just one more crazy thing I will have to deal with. I think it is just another way for them to make a few more dollars! Anyway, since I was doing that, I got a good start on getting all our things together for filing taxes for 2008. I will call my accountant tomorrow to see if I have to do anything differently this year. I am sure there will be something. It never ends, does it? At least it did keep me busy for most of the day.

    I haven’t had any heating problems, but the other day my plumbing was making strange noises, so I just plunged everything out good & it stopped. I hope that is the end of it!

    Pauline, I hope your day went as planned & that it was an enjoyable experience for you. Joyce & Sue, I hope you both had a good day too.

    Take Care All

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21783

    Hi All,

    Just want to add to the electric problem issue. I have a light that is again acting strange. Lights, radio & blinkers in the van also & my new cell phone (not exactly electrical, but close enough) is not working at all!!!! Had to have the old one reactivated until I can get another. Has anyone noticed slight scents that you identify with your husband? Usually very subtle and not real often, just now & again. Just curious if anyone else has experienced this.

    Sue, I hope that both you & the dog are feeling a lot better. I also know how you feel about becoming too reclusive. Having the business right below in the same building, I really don’t have much need to get out, but I do force myself to as I need to be away from here & in different surroundings now & then or it is just too easy to just never go anywhere. Even if it is just to the bank, post office, grocery, library or just a walk when the weather is good. It just feels good to get away from it all now & then. Sometimes it is just so easy to just stay in the safety of my comfort zone, but I know that is not healthy for me mentally. Oh, and good job with the fridge. It is amazing what we can do when we have no other choice, isn’t it?

    Everyone take care & try to keep busy tomorrow.

    Love To All,

    in reply to: This may become a comfort zone:) #25269

    Hi Tiffany,

    Welcome! You have definately found a comfort zone. This site & the people on it are the best. They are all very knowledgeable and supportive. I am so sorry that you have had to come here, but there is no better place to help you deal with this terrible cancer. Everyone here knows what you are going through as they have been or are there too. Come back as often as you need to for help, support or just to vent. I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this, especially at such a young age. Know that we are all here for you if you need us.


    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21779


    Thanks for posting the poem again. I copied it out the first time you posted it & read it every day, sometimes twice a day. It really has given me a lot of comfort, especially when I am having a really bad day.

    I am hoping for the best for you & Teddy in the new year. You have been very blessed. Cherish every moment. Stay strong & keep fighting.

    Pauline, Joyce & Sue along with everyone else whow is grieving for their loved ones that have been lost to this terrrible disease, may the new year give us the strength we need to go on. I am thinking of all of you all the time.


    in reply to: It’s a New Year #25264

    I also want to welcome you to the site. Know that we are here for you whenever you need us. I will be hoping for the best for you & your family on your journey with this awful disease. Try to stay strong for yourself & your little girl. It does sound like you have a wonderful & supportive circle of family & friends and that is very important, especially now. It sounds like you have a very good attitude & are doing all the right things.

    Take Care

    in reply to: Help! #25257

    Welcome Charlotte,

    I am so sorry that you needed to become a member of our little club, but thankful that you have found it as it is the best place to be when dealing with this horrible disease. As you will learn, this cancer seems to treat everyone differently. What works for one does not work for another. Some are very successful with treatment & some are not. My husband was one of the unlucky ones. By the time we knew what we were fighting it was already too late. Many on this site are being treated and doing well. All you can do is take things one day at a time. Ask a lot of questions & do your research. Second, third & sometimes even fourth opnions can be helpful. You will find that everyone on this site is more than happy to share what they can. The knowledge & support on this site is just remarkable. I am so glad that I found it & I know that you will be too. I will be hoping for the best for you & your husband on this journey that you really did not want to take. No matter where it takes you, know that you can come here any time & get all the help, support, guidance, strength & comfort that you need.

    Take Care,

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21775

    Hi Everyone,

    Thanks for sharing the verse. I also am crying again. It is almost 6PM here and I too don’t see much point in staying up until midnight. No one to celebrate with & no reason to celebrate a new year when the person you want to share it with is no longer here to share it with you.

    I am thinking of all of you, Pauline, Joyce & Sue who are sharing my grief, along with everyone else who has been touch by this horrible cancer.

    I don’t know of anything that could possible happen that would be worse than what we are now enduring, so I am hoping for all of us the support & comfort we will need to give us the strength to go on and be strong in the new year.

    Love & Hugs To All Of You,

    in reply to: It’s done #25240

    Dear Iris,

    It is with sadness & tears that I read your post. I am so sorry for what you have & will now be going through, but just know that Peter is now in a better place & is no longer in pain or suffering from this terrible disease. It is always harder on those of us who are left behind. I am glad that he passed peacefully & with relatively little pain. Remember that he will always be with you in your heart and memories. You can be so proud of how both Peter & you dealt with your journey with CC that no one should ever have to take. Try to take care of yourself now. You will need all your strength to help yourself to go on. Know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you & Peter.


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