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  • in reply to: My Beautiful Angel, My Mother<3 #78335

    Dear Milena,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You have my deepest condolences. When it happens so fast it is hard on those left behind, but at least your mom is no longer suffering or in pain. She has moved on to a better place.

    I totally agree that life is short and you never know what tomorrow will bring, so we need to live it to the fullest and say and do everything that we want and need to while we can. Unfortunately for most of us, we don’t fully understand or realize this until it is too late.

    Try not to be too hard on yourself. You did the best you could do under very trying and unusual circumstances. You did your best for you mom and I’m sure she knew that. Keep her with you forever in your heart and memories of things you shared before all of this happened.

    Take care and know we all care and here for you to help in any way that we can.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64685

    Betsy, What great news to start out the New Year. Hope things all go your way this year and the transplant becomes a reality.

    in reply to: Hopeful!!! #78302

    Hi Melissa,

    Don’t have the answers you need, but would also like to welcome you aboard. We are a friendly, supportive group. There are several from Australia who post here, so you may be hearing from some of them soon. My friend Janet lives in Austinmer and is a nurse. She checks in now and then. She may have some answers for you. If it is OK with you I can try to contact her and ask her to get in touch with you. Let me know if you would like to have me do that.

    Glad the surgery went well and hope things continue to work out for your husband.

    Take care.


    in reply to: Biopsy Results Confirmed Colangiocarcinoma Yesterday #78295

    I too am glad you found this site, but sorry you had a need to do so. We do have something somewhat in common as my daughter-in-law is a Nia instructor. I have to admit I don’t know a lot about it, but she swears by it. You sound like you keep very active and were in very good health until now and have a great attitude. I hope all goes well on the 10th and yes, let us know when you have some results. Take care.


    in reply to: My Mom’s Story – ICC #78278

    Hi Nicole,

    Welcome to the site. Glad you found us but sorry you need to be here. It sounds like your mom has been through a lot. don’t have any answers for you, but I hope that what ever choices are made that they work for her. She sounds like a fighter and I will be hoping for the best. Hope you stay with us and update us on her progress when you can.

    Take care.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Just diagnosed this month #78168


    That is good news. Lot’s of positive thoughts coming your way.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Just diagnosed this month #78164


    Wishing you the best of luck with your upcoming surgery. Hoping all goes well.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Cat scratch #78235

    Dear Sandy,

    You in no way sound cold to me. You sound like a very strong person with a great attitude who is realistic while being cautiously optimistic. You are living your life and doing what you can to deal with everything that comes your way as best you can. I agree that finding ways to avoid stress as much as possible is a good thing and you seem to be handling that, too. We all have those dark times as can only be expected, but your great attitude will get you through those times too. Lean on your family and friends when you need to and remember you have all of your friends here too, to help you through those dark times.

    It is always said that everything happens for a reason, although we may never know what it is. Stay strong and keep on doing what you are doing. Take it one day at a time and keep giggling. :)

    Lots of love & hugs coming your way from Wisconsin.


    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32477

    I have to agree with the others. You are a good, supportive son. Happy New Year to you and yours Carlos.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Tomorrow is the first day of a New Year #78242

    Happy New Year to you and yours Marion and also to all on this board. Hoping for good things for all in 2014.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: My mom’s scan result #78228


    Good advice from Percy and I agree with Randi, it’s time to just breath and take it one day at a time.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: happy holidays #78271


    This all sounds so good. Hoping for more good news and results for you in 2014. Happy New Year. :)


    in reply to: Desperately seeking support #78205

    Hi Michelle,

    Can’t add much to what you have already gotten from Percy and Lainy, but would also like to welcome you to the “club” none of us wanted or expected to belong to, but I assure you that you will be glad you are here. We all understand and care and the support you will get here is phenomenal.

    I am glad to hear that at this point your mom is feeling good and is doing what she has always wanted to do. We never know where life will lead us and we need to enjoy the time we have.

    Take care and keep us up to date on how things are going for your mom.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: Preparing for my mom’s first scan since chemotherapy #78121

    Dear Caroline,

    I totally agree with everything Lainy has already told you. Just want you to know I am thinking of you and your family and wish you the best of luck with her scans.

    Love & Hugs,

    in reply to: My sister #78101

    Dear Suz,

    I am so sorry for your loss. You have lost your dear sister but try to take comfort in knowing that her pain and suffering have now ended and she is in a better place. She will be with you forever in your heart and memories of better times.

    Thinking of you and your family as you are challenged by these sad times.

    Love & Hugs,

Viewing 15 posts - 871 through 885 (of 2,618 total)