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  • in reply to: Question about ascites?? #29151

    Hi Pam.
    Well, my dad hasn’t had it yet but he is going to have to soon. He has absolutely no appetite so I was hoping that once some of the pressure was gone he would feel better and hungry again. If you are pretty new here, you can find out a lot by using the search forum and typing in ascites. I did that but I was specifically looking for how people felt after-wards and didn’t really find the answer to my question. I hope that your husband finds relief. I know that there is a drug everyone is talking about that you will definitely find with the search forum… it starts with an ‘a’, that they are using it to treat the ascites, and I know that they use diuretics sometimes too, and that it helps. Make sure your husband is taking probiotics or at least eating lots of yogurt if he is on antibiotics all of the time. We didn’t do that with my dad and he got c-diff which is very bad. They sell acidopholous (I think I spelled that wrong) in the drugstore too in a little pill form or a flavored tablet that you can chew, and hopefully your husband’s digestive system won’t get all messed up from the ongoing antibiotics. Also, a lot of people on here who have recurring infections and have to take antibiotics often swear by a product called florostar but I looked it up and it is too expensive for us, but the yogurt and pills seem to be working now and keeping the bacteria in his stomach balanced. Good luck!

    Pam- I looked it up and the drug is called Avastin so you can look under the search forum or even just ask your doctor about it. Or both :)

    in reply to: Lung full of fluid #28840

    I am glad to hear that your draining went well.
    My uncle, who had mesothelioma, had the powder stuff put in his lungs. It did work but it did cause him pain. I’m sure the pain levels must be different for everyone but at least they told you up front that it causes pain. They kind of forgot to tell my uncle that little tidbit.
    Regarding the drain that is long term, make sure you ask them about your mobility factor and if you will be allowed up and out of bed. The pulmonologist my dad saw told us about a long term chest tube, but he said my dad would basically be bed bound after that. I am still not too sure about that particular doctor, but I think you would want to know if you were not really going to have all the mobility you had before. Maybe that would help you make up your mind.
    Supposedly if it is the cancer causing the effusion it will keep happening all over again, but if the fluid is analyzed and shows no cancer then there is a good likelihood they will find a way to resolve it.
    Good luck.

    in reply to: Lung full of fluid #28837

    Tomorrow is my dad’s 69th birthday. Today his doctor told me we would be extremely lucky if my dad made it (as in lived that long) to the family reunion on July 11th. How do you wish someone happy birthday when you know it will be their very last one?
    I know I am supposed to be glad for the time I have with him now. I know I am supposed to be strong for him. I know this is about him- not me. I am already having problems with my mother in that regard…she is overwhelmed by the smallest of things. Today she told my dad how much work he was causing her. I know she is sad and scared and frustrated but how do you say something like that to someone who is dying?
    I probably shouldn’t write stuff like this. But none of my friends really understand. I figure if anyone would understand, I would find them here. I have never been that close to my dad. This cancer has brought us together in the way we should always have been. But instead of feeling glad for having the opportunity, I am only angrier that now that I finally have a good relationship with him he is being taken away.
    He doesn’t complain. He hasn’t complained once. He doesn’t feel sorry for himself- a least not that I can see. The most he will ever say is that he is just very tired. Meanwhile he is gasping for breath, he is wheelchair bound, he has to use a commode in the family room, he is getting needles stuck into him almost nonstop…
    And here I am feeling sorry for myself. It makes me feel like the most selfish person in the world. I want to talk to him about this, I want to ask if he is scared, I want to tell him I will miss him but I feel that I can’t say these things to him because I don’t want to upset him. I feel like I have to just suck it up and be strong and not let him see me upset because then he will be upset and he is already going through enough.
    I really wish it wasn’t his birthday tomorrow.

    in reply to: My Dad passed away on May 20, 2009 #29118

    I am so sorry.

    in reply to: Lung full of fluid #28835

    Thanks. My dad went back in today to get another lung tap to drain the fluid but they were not able to get anything out. The pulmonary doctor said he needs either a chest tube which would require my dad to be admitted yet again, or the next time they try to tap him they would have to use an ultrasound to find the pockets of liquid in the lungs. My dad does not want to go back in the hospital for the chest tube, so when he gets north and settled, my mom will try to get him hooked up with another pulmonary doctor to try again. His breathing had been better for a couple of days but when the fluid comes from the cancer I guess it comes back pretty quickly. We asked about diuretics but this particular doctor doesn’t seem to think they would help. ? Hmmm. My father’s abdomen is also finally starting to swell so I am sure we will be dealing with ascitis soon enough here.

    in reply to: Lung full of fluid #28829

    Well, bad news here. The analysis of the lung fluid showed cancer cells so it has spread to his lungs. It is pretty sad when you end up PRAYING for pneumonia, huh?
    The oncologist told my mom that it would be a good idea for my dad to visit his family like he wanted to, so we are going to try to get my dad north to see his relatives. The doctor said once it gets into the lungs like it is, it all goes pretty quickly from there. I don’t know, I hope not, but have to be prepared I guess. We will call Hospice when we get him settled up north. My mom just lost her brother from mesothelioma and now she is going to lose her husband from this crappy cancer.
    I know I have to keep hoping but it is pretty hard right now.

    in reply to: Cough with Cholangiocarcinoma #28915

    Hi Rosy. Is he taking chemotherapy yet? My dad recently developed some lung problems, maybe due to his chemotherapy. But try not to worry. At first, right after being diagnosed, everything will seem like it is about the cancer, even if it is not. Remember, you can always ask your oncologist too. Don’t be scared to go to the doctor with questions. I have found this out myself… the doctors I have dealt with seem to treat information like a valuable commodity and parcel it out in bits and pieces, never really saying too much at once. If you have questions about anything, don’t ever be afraid to ask your doctors. That is their job. Good luck with your dad!

    in reply to: Lung full of fluid #28826

    Thanks Marion. Yes, he is feeling tons better since he had the fluid removed. We will be speaking to his oncologist again in the next week so I will ask about the different chemos.

    in reply to: Lung full of fluid #28824

    Thanks Jan for your reply. The thing is, when he was taking chemo he had some good results. The big tumors in his liver shrank and his bile duct looked clear on the ct scan. He has been in and out of the hospital with different infections for a month and a half and we really want him to get back to the chemo. I was just wondering if anyone else was having or has had similar issues.

    in reply to: How to regain strength after long hospital stay #28749

    Thank you for all the suggestions. I have been searching online and found a product called suplimed. It was developed specifically for cancer patients and AIDS patients who were having a hard time maintaining nutrition and weight goals so we are trying that. We will also try the pudding- my dad will love that!

    in reply to: Sirspheres #28703

    thank you

    in reply to: How to regain strength after long hospital stay #28745

    Thank you! My dad says he is feeling a little stronger but still very weak… can’t wait to see recipe for power pudding!

    in reply to: Sirspheres #28700

    Do you happen to know if sir spheres is done anywhere on the east coast?

    in reply to: Fevers chills infections #28655

    Thank you – that is a few times now I have heard of Florastar. I will check into for sure!

    in reply to: Fevers chills infections #28651

    Thank you again. This site has been a God-send and I am planning on getting my mom on here as well- at least to read the posts from others and see that we are not as alone as we thought before.
    Today I spoke with the infectious disease doctor and he said my dad’s port was infected with staph- aureus. I am not sure if I spelled that correctly but I know the staph part and I know also that particular kind can be antibiotic resistant. They were going to take the port out tomorrow but rethought it and he went to surgery today and had it taken out and had a triple lumen put in temporarily until a new port can be placed. Tomorrow or the next day he will have a TE-echocardiogram to make sure his heart was not infected with staph. Hopefully he will catch a break for once and his heart will be okay.
    One new thing that he has been saying is he is having excruciating burning pain in both legs, on the top of his thighs. I was wondering if anyone knew what this may be or had any experience with it. I am scared he may have a tumor in his spine creating this but am hoping there may be another less scary reason.
    Thank you again for the help and kind words and I will be back here often reading others’ posts and probably putting more questions on here I’m afraid. As much as I hate this whole thing, I can’t pray for it to be over because that will mean my dad is gone and I want him around as long as possible.

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