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  • in reply to: feeling guilty for not posting lately..wish me luck #27286

    You girls are so sweet… where do I start? Kris ..I do feel guilty asking for good luck when you are going through so much yourself. I am afraid to read all the posts because it breaks my heart to hear all you have suffered through as have so many others! Kris you are so young and deserve so much more…it makes me so mad to imagine how you must feel. I beleive you are definately full of spunk and can kick butt and I am right beside you in this battle kicking all the butts we can. (such a funny visual huh?) ***Jean, I think you read my mind. It is so hard to find the words that you want to say. If I could I would personnally write to everyone who needs a friend during the hard times yet everyones experience is so different and I feel like I don’t know what to say. It seems I know so little compared to others. Unremarkable is pretty remarkable…I sure wish it for you as well on the 26th! I am beginning to get really nervous again. I hate this feeling!!!!! To live to die wondering how it will all turn out. I do this every darn time…get panicky. Please please feel free to email me any of you any time if you just need someone else who gets it. I wish we could all just chat in the chat room would be nice huh? Best of luck !!!!! Keeping you all in my prayers. ****Lainy and Teddy…what an amazing team you are! You give us such hope! Thanks for the kind words! **** As always Marion, you are such a huge support to all of us here and for that I thank you! Wishing you only the best life has to offer! You are a Saint! ******* looking forward to be able to give you good news *******God Bless us all! deb

    in reply to: Live Chat? #26289

    ljg funny I was just thinking the same thing!!!! it would be so nice to actually LIVE chat with others about how we are all coping with this nasty cancer. look forward to chatting soon? deb

    in reply to: Bout with C-Diff? #25744

    Hi Barbara, Sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. My mother in law had a long bout with c-diff after being on antibiotics for a long time (dental issue I think) She was advised to eat ‘live culture ‘ yogurt to help balance out the good bateria and the bad. It did the trick! Good luck and I hope you are feeling better now. Deb

    in reply to: thyroid and autoimmune disorders #25421

    I also have hypothyroidism and rheumatoid arthiritis among several other auto immune issues. I had questioned the doctors about any connection but they looked at me like I was nuts? deb

    in reply to: hello #25336

    Hi Lillian, I read that Marion mention that you may consider Boston and she mentioned Dr Jenkins. He was also my surgeon and in my opinion my life saver! In case you are interested in contacting the team of doctors at Lahey Clinic, Burlington MA here is the contact info: Roger L. Jenkins, M.D., F.A.C.S. Cheif of surgery at Lahey Clinic Medical Center; Professor of Surgery ; Tufts University School of Medicine..41 Mall Rd Burlington MA 01805 phone # 781-744-2500 Oncologist: Keith E. Stuart, M.D. , Chairman. Dept of Hematology and Oncology phone # 781-744-8400 and Radiation Oncologist. Joshua Garren, M.D. 781-744-8780 they are an amazing team of doctors over at Lahey..and on top of that they have to be some of the nicest people I have ever met. I owe them my life. Good Luck to you and we will keep you in our prayers. deb

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma #25106

    wow.. I’ll bet we’d all like to purchase the bracelets for ourselves and our families and friends. Maybe we can brainstorm an idea or two about selling them ourselves to raise money for the organization. (just like the kids sell candy at school to raise $) Please let us know when they become available. thanks, Deb =D

    in reply to: Today is a week #24662

    Charlene, I am so very sorry that you have lost you beloved husband John. He is no longer suffering and is at peace. He was so blessed to have you by his side. I have tears blurring my vision just trying to find the words to ease your pain and emptiness. I cannot even imagine how you are feeling but I want you to know that I am here for you if you need me. You have been so kind to me when I needed a friend. Remember there is no shame in reaching out for help. I wish peace and healing for you. ((((Big Hugs))) God Bless, Deb

    in reply to: Question about cc tumor that has burst #24476

    Hi Barbara, I was diagnosed with cc about 20 months ago and recently had another CLEAN scan! :) I was also diagnosed with mild colitis about 9 yrs ago, after my son was born. Even then I knew something was wrong but felt like a hypochondriac…and kept my mouth shut feeling the DRS know best. Well I was wrong and so I agree with everyone else you absolutely need to advocate for yourself and don’t stop until YOU are satisfied. Lots of luck and I will keep you in my prayers. Deb

    in reply to: CT scan today ..great news! #24320

    It is so nice to let go of some of the fear if at least for a while. It is only normal to get a bit STRESSED and a little CRAZY before a scan. :) This whole illness has taken such a toll on my 10 y/o son. He is always afraid that ‘mom’ is going to die. It truly breaks my heart to see this illness through the eyes of a my child. I celebrate my ‘normal scan’ and the wonderful wishes from all of you. Now I’d like to celebrate those who care about each one of us. God Bless them all! HAPPY HOLI-DAZE*

    in reply to: CT scan today ..great news! #24315

    thank you for those kind words. I wish only the best to everyone and peace for us all. Keeping you all in my prayers… :}

    in reply to: Update on Peter #24324

    Prayers and energy to you both!! Jeff, you and Peter have given us all so much hope and strength! My heart aches for you both. I so admire the courage and faith that you men have shown us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I feel so selfish saying this to you both but please keep fighting for us we all need you. May God Bless you and give you strength and peace. sending hugs, deb

    in reply to: Help..Chemo with Gemsitabine and Cisplatin no longer working #23925

    sc66ca, xeloda worked great for me. I started out on #3 in am and #3 in pm but due to foot pain decreased to #5 a day and so far I am doing very well. good luck! deb

    in reply to: Hi!! I’m new to this site. #23611

    Hi Michelle, So glad you found this site. The people here are so kind and understanding and have lots of information to share. I am also a survivor with children still living at home (ages 10 and 14). After the initial shock of being diagnosed with cc the worst part of all was to think that I may not live long enough to watch my babies grow up. That is when I lost it and cried harder than I ever had in my 47 years. Later I got angry and decided to fight like hell to beat this cancer. So far I am doing great 19 months post surgery!/chemo/radiation! Like you fatigue continues to be a royal pain in the neck but my oncologist suggested giving an antidepressant a try. You know after going through so much with all of the changes that happen I figured it COULD help. I’ll let you know if it does help the fatigue other than that get lots of rest when you can. There is no shame in taking a nap or two. Feel free to email me anytime if you’d like to chat God Bless you and your family. deb

    in reply to: Hello everyone – I’m new here #23044

    Hi Gavin, what an incredible post…my heart goes out to you and your dear parents. So much information, so much pain, so much love ,so much hope and strength. God be with you all on this journey with all of us…keep in touch. hugs across the ocean, deb

    in reply to: And now for some good news… #22708

    Jean and Sue………Fantastic news!!!!! So happy for you both!!! :)

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