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  • donna

    Thank you cherbourg for your response. I had read the info at that site, am hoping someone here has used nexavar for treatment. All the posts I have read I don’t see it mentioned. It has been approved for liver cancer as of last year…..I guess I was looking for someone who had been treated with it and wanted some positive input. Thank you

    Does anyone have suggestions for itching?? I have tried several lotions, creams, hydracortisone, benadryl ……..any other ideas out there??


    Has anyone been treated for cholangiocarcinoma using a drug called Nexavar? (sorafenib) I had a liver resection 2 1/2 years ago….and this June a mass was found on abdominal wall and nodule on the liver. Mayo oncologists recommended this drug…..but in reading I am not seeing anyone mention it?? Any info would be appreciated…thank you

    in reply to: It’s now 2 years ago today, #20527

    I don’t want to bring anyone down, but I was diagnosed March of 2006. I had a liver resection with no additional treatment as the tumor was very small. I have been having MRI’s and my labwork regularly since and was told all is fine. 3 weeks ago I had surgery to repair an incisional hernia from my liver resection. The surgeon found a mass and I was confident it would be nothing as my May 1st tests were all fine. WRONG… is a reoccurrence of my cholangiocarcinoma in the abdominal wall. Has anyone else had this experience where the tests were wrong?? I am leaving for Mayo Clinic where I had my first surgery for tests and recommendation of where to go from here.

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