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  • in reply to: I am new and stumped on what to do. #48843

    Thank you for your responses. My stepmother and I have been on very good terms through this whole thing. When Dad came home the first time I took vaction time and stayed with them to help. So far as I know this is the only thing we disagree on (second opinon or move). I do realize that it is alot of work for her and we do agree that this time when/if he gets out he will need to go to a rehab center to help. As far as the costs. He is a retired firefighter from seattle and has full pension and all his medical is 100% paid. Like I said he is one of the very lucky ones.

    He had this done at OHSU… Oregon Health and Science University. Other then my dads case I have no experience with them. The hospital is in Portland OR. and I live in Seattle Wa.

    I have heard great things about John Hopkins Cancer center in Seattle and University hospital in Seattle but they chose OHSU because it is closer to my stepmother. Which I supported 100% at the time.

    As far as his bed sore, up until he was put back into ICU he has I think they call it a medvac on it that keeps the circulation going to make it heal faster. They do not want to put it back on in the hospital because they say the sponge collects too much bacteria. That makes sense to me. Why it has taken so long to heal I dont know. It was very bad and very deep right above his tailbone area. He got this the first two months he was in the hospital. I am not sure if they were unaware until it was too big or it just got real big real fast.

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