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  • in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33583
    Valjee wrote:
    Hi Doug,

    I’m so sorry for your loss but am pleased that you found this site – the family on here are truly amazing & I do hope you find some comfort in shared experience, unfortunately, rather too many have been through the same.

    I’m one of the lucky ones with this disease (not lucky to get it, though it seems to pick fabulous people) the tumour causing jaundice very early on, in fact so early that although strongly suspected, the final diagnosis wasn’t until the histology results after the op in May (T2 with no evidence of spread).

    Although much of the experience on here makes difficult reading I find it a great help to know there are wonderful people who are so supportive to each other.

    I hope it helps you too, best wishes, Val

    Thanks Val,

    Glad to hear you caught it early.


    in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33581
    marions wrote:
    Dear Doug……I so much understand your heavy heart. We are all together with this disease and that has given me much comfort. I hope it will do the same for you.
    Best wishes,

    Thanks Marion,

    I appreciate the welcome.


    in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33580
    Ashley wrote:
    Hi Doug,
    I’m so sorry to read about your mother. I hope you stay on this board and can find some comfort to your pain – many nice people going through the very same thing. While my mother is still fighting this battle, I understand the roller coaster you must still be on as my mom was also diagnosed this past June.

    Hang in there

    Thanks Ashley,

    I hope your mom is doing well.


    in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33579
    Lainy wrote:
    Hello Doug and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to have to join. We are so very sorry about your mom. She was very lucky to have such a loving son help her on this nightmare journey. We certainly welcome all help we can can have for our awesome “family”. I always say mothers never really leave their children and I am sure yours is closer to you than you think. Our prayers go out to your family.

    Thanks Lainy,

    I appreciate your welcome.


    in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33578
    Darla wrote:
    Dear Doug,

    Welcome to our world. I am so sorry for your loss and your reason to be here, but am glad that you found us. I lost my husband in much the same way as Katie’s Dad and also found this site shortly after he passed. There is very good support in the grief management section of the site. The comfort and support of those who truely know & understand what you are going through can give you strength and comfort as you go through this sad & stressful time. It is truely an extended family. Come back often. We are all here for you.


    Thanks Darla,

    I’m sorry to hear about your husband.


    in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33577
    Lalupes wrote:
    Dear Doug – welcome, welcome, welcome!! I was lucky to find this site within days of the doctors first mentioning CC in relation to my sister, so I’ve had lots of support from my wonderful “cc family” every step of the way. It must be so very hard to cope with all you’ve been through on your own.

    Please keep coming back & telling us how you are. I’ve never known such a terrific bunch of people as those who post on here.

    My very best wishes

    Thanks Julia,

    I hope your sister is doing well. This does seem like a fantastic site.


    in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33576
    Katieloumatt wrote:
    Hello Doug and welcome to the board,

    I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious Mum and the difficult 5 months you went through before she passed away.

    I lost my Dad 7 weeks after diagnosis at the end of June this year, he never regained consciousness after a failed liver resection, dying 9 days later in ICU. I know just what you are feeling, lost, bewildered and with such a raw pain in your heart that you think will never heal.

    Here on the board you will find comfort, support and genuine friendship. I didn’t find the board until after my Dad had died but since then have come on daily and class the friendly folk on here as ‘family’.

    Please keep visiting, it really does help. I am now nearly 6 months along the journey of grief, and although the pain is still raw, it is gradually sinking in.

    Wishing you peace and strength in the next few days, weeks and months.


    Thanks Katie,

    Sorry to hear about your Dad. This is such a horrible cancer, it seemed like every appointment we heard worse news. So you get your hope up for the next thing to try and then go through the same thing all over again. I’ve explored this site only a little bit and already it gives me some comfort. My mom thought her legs looked a little yellow months before this all started. I couldn’t tell in the indoor light but I said she should ask her doctor about it. I should have insisted that she ask her doctor. I saw Dr. Giles answered a question on this site about someone else who had something similar happen. It seems that this disease is hard to catch early on.


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