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  • in reply to: No Resection Because of Multiple Liver Mets #68496

    Hi Bruce and everyone else on here,

    I am new to posting on this site but found this organization back in October of last year when my mother was diagnosed with Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma. She had 3 rounds of chemo to try and shrink the multiple masses they found so that she would be a candidate for the resection.

    After the chemo was complete, they found that the masses did NOT shrink, in fact they grew but scheduled her for surgery anyways. She underwent a resection of 40% of her left side of the liver.

    When they began the surgery they told us that once they go in it’s a very good possibility that they may not be able to complete it if more masses were found. Surprising to our surgeon is was confined to the left side and proceeded with surgery. That was exactly 6 weeks ago and she just went for an MRI last week and they found 3 small masses now her right side of the liver. They are planning to do more chemo starting as soon as next week.

    My question about this topic relates to the initial diagnosis. I honestly feel that if they had proceeded with the resection immediately instead of months of chemo that her chances of it returning in the other side would have been severely diminished. Obviously I can’t say that for sure, but it seems to me since the masses did not shrink why wasn’t she a candidate for it immediately?

    She is a healthy 65 year active woman who eats healthy, exercises every day and still works 14 hours a day. Even the doctors told her she was in very good health besides the cancer.

    I’d like to know everyone else’s opinions on that as well and appreciate any feedback.

    My reason for posting this is in your prior post you mentioned that you have compiled data on 329 members from this site. Is this data available for anyone to read?

    Thank You in advance,


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