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  • in reply to: Blood labs questions #87436

    Hi Julie –

    My Hemoglobin is currently 12, that’s the highest it has been since April 2014. My Creatinine is currently .8 and has stayed fairly the same since April 2014 with a peak in August 2014. I started chemo in April 2014 ending that round May, Radiation in July and August with chemo the first week and last week of radiation, and chemo again in September. Last chemo was September 17th.

    My doctor seems to think these are acceptable levels given what the body has been put through.

    I’ve attached the graphs for the two levels so you can see how it has fluctuated.




    in reply to: My Introduction #80304

    Thanks for information. I’m sorry your Mayo team hasn’t been helpful. My results won’t be available for another week or so. When I get them, I will let you know what their findings are.


    in reply to: My Introduction #80302

    Hi Matt –

    I was reading your posts and saw some similarities and thought I would reach out to you. My initial introduction can be found here:

    When I had my surgery in February of 2014, everything seemed to be healing fine until I found myself with an incisional hernia. My bowel was pushing through the abdominal wall. At the time, I was still going through chemo and radiation and the surgeon wanted to wait until at least 3 months after my last treatment. My last treatment was Sept 15th and surgery to fix the hernia was performed on January 30, 2015. The surgeon who performed my initial surgery also performed this surgery.

    During the surgery, she discovered three nodules, two of the nodules were intraperitoneal and one of them was adherent to the peritoneum. One of the nodules was biopsied and was found to be positive. Although not entirely surprised, it seemed a bit odd that all of my scans have been clean. My oncologist thinks this is a recurrence of the same cancer and not new.

    My oncologist sent my specimen to Foundation One for genomic testing and I am waiting on my results (will probably be another week or so). I noticed that you too had a recurrence in what seems to be the same area and sent your specimen to Foundation One as well.

    Although mutations found will be specific to each person, were the treatments they suggested for you include chemo? Do they also suggest other types of treatments other than chemo?

    Thanks for any information you can provide.


    in reply to: ERCP recovery #85290

    Hi Erin –
    I too, was diagnosed with a Klatskin tumor. My bilirubin level reached 20 and a stent was inserted. I had a problem with the stent and another was inserted. They then decided to to a bile drain a couple of days later. A tube was inserted into my abdomen area. I was told to keep the bag at chest level and I drained the bag about 3 times a day. This was followed by a saline flush that I performed. The horrible itching was relieved within a couple of days. The jaundice color however took much longer to go away. I would say probably a couple of months before the color of my skin and eyes returned to “normal”. I was more concerned about the itching since there isn’t much that can be done for that. They prescribed medicine, but nothing really helped much. Within a month my bilirubin level went from 20 to 5 (normal ranges I’ve seen in research is 0-2). As long as the bilirubin level is high, the yellow will remain.

    My thoughts are with you and your mother-in-law and hope her doctors can relieve this quickly for her.

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