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  • in reply to: I need some suggestions please. #34826

    Hi Stan
    sorry to hear about your doctor but I must agree with Lainy. Change doctors. You need support at this time so go and find another one. Good luck with everything. Julie

    in reply to: what treatments are out there #34149

    Hi Gavin thanks for your reply hope all goes well with your dad Julie

    in reply to: what treatments are out there #34148

    Hi Jane sorry for the lateness of the reply have been spending most of my time at hospital. I had a meeting with the onc the other day as Greg has had another set back with a yeast infection. One doctor his immunologist was a bit gloom and doom but his surgeon was up beat and sure the infection would clear quite quickly. the surgeon seems to be correct so hopefully he’ll be out in a couple of days rest for a week or two and then chemo so not sure about chemo as hasn’t started yet. The onc did advise that they know pretty soon if chemo working and also said that they can change drug choices can be mixed and changed to attempt a good result. I spoke about PDT as an option but onc advised that this was still an option but not much was known about it and the affect that it had on Greg’s type of cancer but that chemo was still his best option. So will keep you informed. My advice to you is ask as many questions you can think of no matter how silly you may think it is but also get on this website and ask for help as everyone here is here for you and your family and if they can help we will. Good luck with your journey and stay positive. Julie

    in reply to: what treatments are out there #34132

    Hi Katie thanks for this info. Julie

    in reply to: what treatments are out there #34140

    Hi Gavin
    Thanks for responding just knowing people are listening helps. I’m sorry I don’t know what PDT is could you explain it for me.Julie

    in reply to: what treatments are out there #34138

    Hi Janet
    I was told that healing had to be first as chemo will stop that. He’s had a lot of trouble with fluid on his right lung and also bile seeped into his stomach cavity so he has had drains put into both areas and they seem to be working well. So let’s hope this will be the end of all our setbacks as it’s been approx 3 weeks since surgery. Also thanks for the information on chemo drugs. I think here in Aus we use different drugs but have been told that if they don’t work they can get their hands on drugs from the USA so that’s why I’m trying to get as much info as possible so if this does happen I know what is happening. Once again thanks Janet for all your help.Julie

    in reply to: what treatments are out there #34136

    Thanks for all your support he has it in the bile ducts. It was found quite early as it’s in the section where the left and right join in the liver which then joins into the main bile duct. Surgery was to be removal of the left side of the liver, gaul bladder then reconstruction. This didn’t happen due to the spread so the surgeons thought it best to leave, as the tumour was so small that no cat scan mri, could detect it. The reason it was found as he went jaundice. He had 3 1mm tumours found in the stomach cavity and on a kidney but these were removed but the spread has started so they decided to stitch him back up so chemo could start as soon as possible. We’ve had a few set backs but hopefully he will leave hospital in the next few days and start chemo asap. Thanks for all the tips and hopefully others will have some good ones too. Julie

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