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  • in reply to: Surgery 5/21 with good news! #21374

    Hi Jeff, they did not do the biopsy before the surgery, as they thought this is cancer (cholangiocarcinoma) in most of the case. After the surgery, based on the pathology report, they can confirm that this is cholangiocarcinoma, and the lymph node and margin is negative (maybe i do not use the correct words, but they confirmed that it is clean in her body now).
    What about you and other patients who also had a resection surgery?

    in reply to: Liver transplantation for cholangiocarcinoma #21379

    I’ve read some posts, and this one is quite interesting. As what i’ve understood from this post, liver transplantation is applied for advanced cholangiocarcinoma, not for early stage only. So, please scan through this and advise if this is incorrect.


    One more thing, does anyone know that if the resection is fail (after the surgery, the tumor come back), can liver transplant be a next treatment?

    Hai Minh

    in reply to: Surgery 5/21 with good news! #21369

    Hi Jean, congratulations on your successful surgery. My Mum just had a liver resection as well, however her recovery is not so fast.
    After the surgery, they did a test on the tumor and liver part, lymph nodes taken out and they found nothing also, the negative bile duct part is only 2mm. The only difference I realised between my Mum and your case is that the Dr did not perform a PET scan for my Mum before the surgery. So that, anybody here who has experience on this please advise if this is totally necessary or not?
    thanks alot for your advice.
    Hai Minh

    in reply to: It’s now 2 years ago today, #20531

    Donna, have you received any news, or kind of treatment? I have been advised that in this case, radiotherapy is the best way to apply. BTW, could you pls advise exactly where the “mass” appear??


    Thank you all for your supports. After having a double doses of NovoSeven for bleeding stop and the drain tube a bit out, she has been better. The bleeding was just a little, and it was not fresh blood like 2 days ago, its color turned into pink color. However, last night it suddenly turned dark (like fresh blood, although the volume coming out is also little). The Dr said they need to observe some more days.
    Yesterday they took the tube to her stomach out, and they suck the fluid out of her stomach once per 4 hours. She vomited 2 times yesterday. They still gave her the injection for anti-vomiting.
    Joyce, so your husband is now taking the medicine from an internal medicince doctor? is he ok? is it necesary to have another surgery? Hope that they can treat him with medicine only. Re-operation is a terible thing, and they are considering doing that to my mum

    Best wishes,
    Hai Minh


    Thank you so much for your helpful advices. She has just had the angiography –> they found nothing; then gone for a CT scan –> no problem. The Dr explain for the bleeding that there maybe a small bleeding on the cut surface of the liver, however because the drain tube is touching that bleeding source, the blood comes out alot (the wound on that surface cannot be healed). He will draw the tube a bit out, so the head of the tube will not touch the surface, and already given her 2 doses of Novoseven (double). All the explanation is just “maybe” and he could not ensure anything.
    So far, the condition of my Mum is quite good, except that bleeding (Blood presure is ok, no fever, not tired). Regarding the vomitting, she vomitted blood in 2 first days, then the color turned more yellow and pure. However, the tube is still there to drain out the fluid in the stomach. She is also on antibiotic through pills and drip; and blood transfusion as well.
    For sure, I somtimes suspected the capability of the Dr, because some other patients here having the same operation (removing half liver, bile duct and gallbladder) are in good conditions and stay in hospital for some days. Cannot understand what the Dr is doing…


    the bleeding has not been stopped since the day before yesterday (2 days), although they have given my Mum NovoSeven (for stopping bleeding) and Platelet (for increasing coagulation). They may have an Angiogram for my Mum today, however I doubt the doctor’s capabilities. Does anyone know that the cause of bleeding is due to the operation or the condition of each patient??? Please advise me, I dont know anything to do now.

    in reply to: We’re done… #21273

    i think you should not surrender like that. please go to another place for further advice, perhaps they can do something better. for my mum’s case, 2 best doctors said they cannot do anything, however we came to another hospital and they have done a surgery for her. dont surrender, we have to fight till the end.


    Thank you so much! The Dr just came and told us that the liver function for coagulation was decreased according to the blood test (actually, I saw it is still at normal threshold, however quite low). the blood is coming from the cut on the furface of the liver. the immediate action is to give her an injection for blood cloting (coagulation), then one more after 8 hours. If the bleeding slow down, then it is ok. However, if it is still bleeding, they may have to insert a tube to check if the vessels inside is ok, then they shall suture it. So far, she is still fine & strong, look good, however I’m so worried on her bleeding and stomach problem. Because, there is a worse case of dealth, which makes up a certain percentage of surgeries.


    Thank you so much, Patty. Hi Marions, the vomiting lasted 2 days, until they insert a tube into her stomach through her nose, to suck the fluid out. Now, she feels better and does not vomit, however, the fluid is still flowing out so much (color like coffee ground – the tube is still there, they have not yet taken it out). The Dr said that it is due to her stomach, it did not work well so the gastric juice flow up and caused vomitting.
    In addition, she is still bleeding, from the wound where they insert a tube to drain out the fluid from the liver after the surgery.
    Has anyone had experience on this? Please give us your advice so we can talk with the Dr. Thank you so much.
    Hai Minh

    in reply to: It’s now 2 years ago today, #20528

    congratulations, Mary! Donna, I was advised that for prudent purpose, patients should take chemo/radio right after the surgery, even it is completely clear after the surgery (the cancer cells were removed, and it has not yet affected the lymph nodes). So, for your case, is any treatment suggested by the Doctor? i think they may apply radiotherapy.

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