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  • in reply to: End stage- please help #38704

    My father passed away on June 5th, a day after my wedding ceremony at my Dad’s bedside. It was a beautiful event and my dad even though so weak and in pain smiled and cheered for us. He even managed to clap his hands as we walked in! He passed away exactly 30 hours later. I firmly believe that a person chooses the time when he decides to leave this world. In fact, after the ceremony, he told us that he can now leave this world peacefully and said he has reached his limit. He then turned to my fiance and told him “I trust you”.
    The end happend rather abruptly. I was so fortunate to be with him until the very end. He even managed to crack a little joke 15 minutes prior to his passing. The last two days before his death, his breathing was very heavy on and off. His mouth was very dry but he managed to drink water even minutes prior to his death. He was unable to go to the bathroom for about a day and he kept wanting to go but couldn’t. He kept complaining of back pain because he was always lieing down so we tried to move him around a little. All of a sudden, his eyes rolled backwards and we could tell that we were losing him. And within seconds he was gone. Just like that.

    I think every case is different and every person has their own unqiue experience at the end. My father while very tired and weak was had a 100% cohesive mind until the very end. My dad wanted to die in dignity and this he did. He stayed very sharp and responded to us even the last hour of his death. We did notice something different on his last day. Usually he had his eyes closed all the time during the last few days. But after my wedding ceremony by his bedside, that whole day, his eyes remained open. He stared out into the window and into the sky for hours the very last day and didn’t want us to leave his side which was a little unusual of him. He was in so much pain at the end but it was only on the last day that he started taking oral pain medicine. He was on the patch for about a month. I hope this information is helpful to those looking for what is in the end stage. Again, every patient’s experience is very unique. Just be with him or her and talk. I told my dad everything i have always wanted to say in the last few weeks of taking care of him. Nothing was left unsaid.

    in reply to: End stage- please help #38699

    Thank you all for such wonderful words of encouragement. We just cancelled our wedding but we decided to do a small ceremony infront of my dad at home this Friday in 2 days. My fiance, a wonderful, loving man is flying in from Boston as we speak to see my dad before he leaves to heaven. We still have not told him that we cancelled Tuesday’s wedding. It would just be too difficult for all of us to go through and I am afraid that even if he makes it to next Tuesday, I can’t get married worrying that my dad may pass away and I won’t be by his bedside.. we are too scared to break the news to him yet because we don’t want him to stop fighting. It seems like he is in a mission now to make it till then. While he can barely talk, he says every morning “Day 6” and is counting down the days to my wedding.

    I know he is in severe pain but he does not like to show it. He can barely talk although he tries so hard to concetrate and talk. It is unimaginable that even a week ago, while he was bed-ridden he had no problem talking to us and was quite chatty. It seems like everything happend over night. All of a sudden, he can’t eat, drink water, and unable to walk and talk. I love him so much and maybe I am being selfish but I just am not ready to lose him just yet.

    in reply to: End stage- please help #38694

    My dad is on Durogesic D- Trans patch to relieve his pain. He has been on it for the last 2 weeks and the effect is not as strong as before. Has anyone have experience with this patch? The doctor recommended that we use a patch and a half now. My dad is determined to not start on hard pain medication because he says he wants to stay as lucid as he can. While I believe that he is in severe pain, he does not express it to us. While he can barely talk, he is still adament that he will live until Tuesday.

    My dad’s feet started swelling up today and his belly is very large. Everywhere else he is basically bones because he lost so much weight due to the cancer. I know this is hard to discuss, but can anyone share the last few days of your loved one’s life? I am trying to get as much information as possible to look for signs and prepare myself. My dad has refused all hospice care and it is just me and my mom at home taking care of my dad.

    in reply to: End stage- please help #38690

    Thank you Janet for your kind words. For now, we are planning on having the wedding. My dad will not be able to attend but he says he will feel much more at peace to know that I am married and have started a family of my own. My dad is quite the family man himself. I don’t know why but he says that my wedding is the only thing keeping him alive right now and he is determined to make it to next Tuesday. We are just so worried what would happen if he doesn’t make the next seven days. It is just really hard because he rarely eats or drinks and is in constant pain. He can’t really move around either and lies in bed 24/7. He is also having difficulty talking. While physicaly he is very weak, his mind is 100% alert when he is awake.

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