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  • hope2010

    ok, now that the appointment with the gastorentologist is over, it looks like we are dealing with stage 4 cirrhosis due to the heavy drinking my father did pre-cancer. I was wondering if anyone knows much about this and what to expect with a combination of cancer and cirrhosis. His oncologist says he is cancer free, but that he needs a liver transplant and that that is not an option due to the cancer and age…etc… He has been struggling with fluid build up for the past year since his surgery, and seems to have become worse since he had to have double hernia surgery about a month ago.

    Of course we are going to make the most of the time he has left, but I would so appreciate any information anyone has to share!

    Thank you so much!



    Thank you ALL so much for your feedback and wonderful information! My dad had his blood drawn today for his appointment with his gastro…dr coming up On Friday. We took your advice and asked them to check his amonia levels. I hope to find out his results this week.
    I am trying to understand this process better while I am in town. His oncologist is telling him he needs to see him every Other week even though he tells him he is “cancer free”. He is on Medicare and is worried the doctor might be abusing his good benefits…but he is supposed to be the “best” in town!!!???
    Betsy, I am going to find out if he can get on the cholestyramine medication and hopefully get some relief! Thank you SO much!It is so wondeful to get all your help and have a place to talk to people who understand.!!!

    in reply to: Post surgery confusion..what to expect?!?!? #35077

    Thank you all so much for your post and good advice. I am hoping to get more opinions from other doctors, and to get my father and his wife on board with all his options.
    We had surgery at Shands Hospital in Gainseville Fl.
    Cinnamin…do you mind me asking where you guys had surgery? I am sorry you are going through this journey, but if you ever have questions or updates or answers or anything, please feel free to share…my email address is cjemi215@msn. com
    Have a nice weekend!
    God Bless

    in reply to: Post surgery confusion..what to expect?!?!? #35071

    I am back after a little over a month of down time trying to get back to whatever normal is. My father has been home post surgery for almost 2 months now. He was back and forth to the hospital after surgery because he was trying to do too much and is legs started to swell pretty bad.
    I was told his last trip to the hospital was a good one and that he did not have to come back for 4 months.
    I am so confused about what is next. He has been told by his surgical doctor that radiation and chemo will not help him, but they do reccommend doing it??? Also, he finally went to the oncologist yesterday, and they are saying insurance covers it all and he should do it all??? Do they just want his money, or should he have the radiation and chemo???
    So confused.
    I know it has taken him this long to even go to the oncologist because he is having a hard time dealing with his prognosis.
    I do not want to upset him…he can be very fragile for he does not rely on faith to help him through this.
    Faith is the main tool I have in my toolbox to help me through life!
    Anyway, I would love any help, advice, experience anyone has to share!

    Thanks so much,

    in reply to: Post surgery confusion..what to expect?!?!? #35067

    THANK YOU so much Margaret! It is so incredible to have the support from this site. Your response means so much to me and I am sorry you are fighting this battle too.

    I am 38 years old with three young children 5, 7 and 9 and buried my brother 10 years ago at the young age of 25, so I am going solo with this journey.

    Thankfully my faith is strong and has carried me through this so far. It is hard not knowing when the rollercoaster is going to change, but I am praying that it will slow down a little.

    I have a wonderful husband who has helped me so much through all of this. Unfortunately I live in Georgia and my father is in Florida. I cannot be there in person right now, and that also makes it hard to communicate with the doctors.

    Thank you for your information and encouragment.

    God Bless


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