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  • in reply to: hello #25332

    From our experience with this disease, Drs. Gamblin and Gellar with UPMC’s Liver Cancer Center have been quite aggressive and optimistic with surgeries. They are wonderful doctors and very familiar with this disease. My mom had three chemo-embolizations done through them along with theraspheres and they were able to shrink her tumor to where they could take it out. Unfortunately the cancer had spread, so her surgery was cancelled. Prayers and hugs to you and keep on pushing for options!

    in reply to: Hi everyone #25213

    Sophie, I am so glad you were encouraged by what I said. I have passed onto my mom what you said about the drainage and it too eased her fears. We have yet to hear back from the doctor about the results of the CT scans.

    If your daughter ever wants to talk, please email me. I know how impossible it seems when you are pregnant and dealing with something this heavy. Please tell her that it gets better! There is so much less to worry about once the baby is born and others can help.

    LJG, thank you for the message. My mom is right now being treated at West Penn Hospital, but began at UPMC Liver Cancer Center. Once the cancer spread, they thought it would be best to go back to the oncologist that she really liked at West Penn since they would be using the same drugs. Was your mom from Pittsburgh or just being treated here? The weather is awful but the hospitals are great! : )

    Pray you all had a wonderful New Year. Many blessings in every day!

    in reply to: Hi everyone #25210

    Thank you all again so much for your responses.

    Sophie, I am particularly touched by your message as I feel so much for you and your daughter. I was 27 weeks pregnant with our second child when we found out about my mom and it was absolutely devastating. There are so many things to be careful about already when you are pregnant – and then when something like this happens it seems to all be so overwhelming. I was so concerned for my unborn son – would he be ok even though his mother spent hours crying and exhausted? There were days I could barely keep food down because the emotions were just washing over me all hours of the day. We were so thankful that my mom was doing so well and was at the hospital when he was born. The Lord has blessed us with so much time. I am also so thankful that we have a healthy and very happy little boy despite the enormous anxiety and depression I dealt with while carrying him.

    That is wonderful that you are so much more comfortable now that the fluid has been drained. It sounds so much like what my mom is going through. She is such a skinny minnie but she has this big, pregnant looking belly right now. Did the procedure hurt at all? Are you having trouble with nausea? If she doesn’t eat, she starts to get sick. She had another CT scan today so we should know in a few days what’s going on.

    Sophie, when is your daughter due? I will begin praying for her and your family. I keep counting my blessings and reminding myself that things here aren’t as they seem. The Lord is in control and nothing can separate us from His love. We’re all essentially getting “better” by getting close to dying everyday. I am thankful my mom wasn’t taken from me when I was a child like so many others and I am thankful that I have all of this time to serve her and show her through this trial how much I love, respect and admire her.

    God bless you all and thank you again for the kind words and encouragement.

    in reply to: Hi everyone #25204

    Thank you so much for such a warm welcome. What a wonderful place to share.

    We didn’t get a clear answer as to what is causing the swelling. She had a CT scan this morning because they wanted to see what is going on. They have talked to her about having it drained if it is indeed fluid. What is interesting is she had a sonogram done about a week ago to determine the amount of fluid in there and the doctor was surprised that there really wasn’t any? We are confused as to what is causing her abdomen to be so hard and full though. Any thoughts?

    You all will be in my prayers.

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