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  • in reply to: 80% Survival Rate at Mayo Clinic #23672

    My Daddi–>
    Please give me some advice on this decision. I just talked to Dr.Chapman office and talked to nurse Velva specifically about my dads condition, she asked to send all his file and scan to the office. I would love to do so but before, I need to clarify something. Is my dad absolutely inoperable???. If he is, then the liver transplant would be the option to go, but what if the doctor will do the resection after CT/radiation? THen which is better, the resection or the liver transplant. Since i’m so new to this– I’m not sure what to do in this decision. I do know one thing that the protocol for liver transplant is when patient is absolutely inoperable and should I just send my dads data in for Dr.Chappman to review and he will then determine from there? Dr. Chung which told me my dad tumor site is at the Y-site which is hard to resect, said that he want my dad to do Chemo and radiation and would review if my dad is operable or not later on. Should I wait for this, letting my dad go through this CT decision or should I just go straight to Liver transplant.?.. What if the size will go down and be resectable later, then is it a wrong idea to have the liver transplant be in process??>.. this is my biggest concern. Please respond, ANd how about the cost?> My dad has medicaid (molina)… so financial wise is a concern also.. SInce i live in michigan and Dr.Chapman is in MO, (what is the estimation $$)

    in reply to: MY DADDIE :( == hilar cholangiocarinoma #71082

    My Daddi–>
    Please give me some advice on this decision. I just talked to Dr.Chapman office and talked to nurse Velva specifically about my dads condition, she asked to send all his file and scan to the office. I would love to do so but before, I need to clarify something. Is my dad absolutely inoperable???. If he is, then the liver transplant would be the option to go, but what if the doctor will do the resection after CT/radiation? THen which is better, the resection or the liver transplant. Since i’m so new to this– I’m not sure what to do in this decision. I do know one thing that the protocol for liver transplant is when patient is absolutely inoperable and should I just send my dads data in for Dr.Chappman to review and he will then determine from there? Dr. Chung which told me my dad tumor site is at the Y-site which is hard to resect, said that he want my dad to do Chemo and radiation and would review if my dad is operable or not later on. Should I wait for this, letting my dad go through this CT decision or should I just go straight to Liver transplant.?.. What if the size will go down and be resectable later, then is it a wrong idea to have the liver transplant be in process??>.. this is my biggest concern. Please respond

    in reply to: MY DADDIE :( == hilar cholangiocarinoma #71080

    HI Stan and everyone in the forumn. Update one DADDIE..
    ** We just met with DR. CHUNG and unforntunately Dr. Chung said my dad has to be on Chemotherapy, the operation “resection” would not go as plan b/c it seems the tumor is in the ‘branch”… HE hope the CT will decrease the size to a resectable size…. … I don’t know what else to say, other than I dotn’ know what to do now… .. I coulnt’ ask any more question and would like to know how positive is this and should I get a 2nd specialist to determine the tumor site. I would like your advice on thiS? …. My dad sseem to be very weak for C-T , he had lost 10lbs and I can say can’t walk right due to the tiredness adn the pain from The “EXTERNAL” tube that they placed in him to drain the bile since the “stent” doesn’t work… —

    I’m really frustrate right now… should I entirely trust on soley Dr. Chung…?? Is he workign with a group of specialist to decide on this??? and what is my best option after this?? Should I gather the data and pix and sent it somewhere else to confirm the resection descision prior my dad starting on chemo???…. –> We have a meeting with the “radiology dr” this afternoon to talk about my dad C-T plan and see if he is able to get the C-T… …

    If a second option is best, which is a great place that have team of expert on this and the resection, I really want him to be resect b/c the external drain seem to give him so much pain… Please help

    in reply to: MY DADDIE :( == hilar cholangiocarinoma #71077

    Hi everyone== Thanks again for the response and support. I”m glad I join this forum that have such rich experience and knowledge regarding to this.

    My dad’s concern for is that if he were to be admitted to the hospital after the ER visit, would that affect his surgery date. which is on the 5/14. In addition his pre-operative clearance date is this following tuesday. The pre-operative clearane is when his primary doctor will look at his overall health with lab values and etc to determine if he is healthy enough for surgery. If this also got push back then it might affect his surgery date.

    in reply to: MY DADDIE :( == hilar cholangiocarinoma #71074

    Stan- and everyone that reply :: thanks so much for everyones comment and suggestion…. Here is my update…

    === My dad seem to be resectable, the nurse call to let me know to call dad’s primary doctor for a “pre-operative” clearance and it will be this coming tuesday. She also said to wait for a phone call – the dr will placed a tube from outside into his liver to drain the bile and said that this will direct him for surgery. The set date is 05/14… Dr. Chung– seem to be very knowledgable, and after reading Stan’s comment, I thank you for giving me some thoughts into this. and I agree– he seem to be very clear and firm in his stands and ability. He explained everythign very clearly and I think i will give him a try, My dad’s condition , fatigue, headache and N/V is getting worse with losing weights, I think I couldnt’ afford to switch him around at this time. I will gather his info in need after the surgery though. …. Dr. Chung suggest that my dad has to stay healthy, eat and not to lose weight and be ready for surgery. However, THIS IS MY CONCERN AS OF RIGHT NOW>>>
    DADDIs condition scared me this past few days after Wedns talkign to Dr. Chung…. today is Sunday — My dads keep complaining of headache, severe headache, and he felt his body so uncomfortable and fatigue tired… I can see the veins showing on top of his forehead – moving adn beating, in touching it i can feel the heart beat from the vein… I took him to the near by pharmacy to test his BP but it was normal….. IS THIS A NORMAL SYMPTOMS ? and HOW TO HELP HIM??.. He is right now can’t sleep and just sit and couldnt’ sleep sayign his body doesnt’ feel right… ?. He is scared to go to the Emergency again, and I couldn’t convince him too — He lost 4 lbs already in 4 days. and that is not good.. IS THERE ANY WAY TO RELIEVE HIS SYMPTOMS? I Tried to give him ice packs for his Headache, but not help much and I dotn’ know wat to do for his body symptoms.. uncomfortable that he said he cant’ explain.. He look so pale.. it is so heart breaking lookign at him.. I Wanted to give him some sleeping pills so he cna just sleep and forget the body symptoms.. but he is scared of the med also…?? Can you guide me..?..

    JASOn– please tell me more of DR. CHUNG… thanks everyone so much once again.

    in reply to: MY DADDIE :( == hilar cholangiocarinoma #71062

    Hi, PCL and everyone that reply, thanks so much for yours response, I live in Grand rapids, Michigan. My dad has an appointment with Dr. Chung at Spectrum Downtown this coming wednesday for the discussion and review of his labs/DX. Should I wait to see how he is and what he have to say about my dad condition before deciding to transfer my dad somewhere else.. Yes, I’m suspecting also b/c Dr. Chung is the only dr in the area that are able to do this surgery– I am scare and worried b/c I do want to fasten the process before his condition become mestasisize

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