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  • in reply to: It’s the one year mark !!!!!!! #88500

    Brenda…..that news is just downright incredible…and so wonderful to hear. Hugs.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Goodbye, Sis #88470

    Dear Krassi, I agree…you already are like her and she would be so proud of you for your courage and strength. Now, take some time for yourself…….to try to come to terms with what has happened. People of great strength, like you, tend to store away their emotions through a crisis and eventually, you will need to let go of those emotions and start to heal. God bless your and your family. Julie T.

    in reply to: Corinne’s passing #88441

    I’m so sorry to hear of your wife’s passing from CC. Thank you for thinking of us here as well… sound very caring. Your wife was very lucky to have you in her life.

    Julie T.


    Elizabeth, Thank you for sharing the info about Peter’s history , CC and treatment. And….unfortunately, there are problems to share too. I don’t have experience with bilirubin being high, so that isn’t something I can help you with. However, I would definitely either go back to Mayo Rochester or MD Anderson….or for that matter….get a 2nd opinion from both, if you are able to do that. Neither will be offended with you going elsewhere for another opinion. Both may end up agreeing with each other, but that may give you some sense of security. But, don’t rule out going to yet even a third place for an opinion. Maybe some of the others on here will give you their personal favorites. I , personally, went to Mayo Rochester because it is only 3 hours from us….and my case was very clear cut, and because of the status of my intrahepatic CC cancer, they offered a resection the next day. Yours is a different situation.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: 5.5 year scan #88359

    Randi,, That’s absolutely awesome news…and I hope it continues forever for you. I wish the same for myself and everyone on here…to have the chance for such great news. I have to say that when I had a heart attack back in 2002… was on my mind every day…..for a long time…..wondering when it would strike again….and then gradually, I find myself only thinking about it when the subject comes up for someone else….or on that infamous anniversary date. I just had a cardiology appt this last week and we didn’t even discuss the heart attack…and I didn’t think about it then either. I was more concerned with how my cardio guy thought I was doing. I find with the CC, I don’t think about it every minute any longer… I can see the same thing happening….gradually, the intense feelings are fading slightly. I hope that continues to happen for you. Best wishes for the good news to continue. I’m so happy for you.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: My Intro #88322

    Christine, I want to welcome you also to our CC boards and hope they help you find some answers or emotional support as you go through what is the “crap know as CC.” I am also an intrahepatic CC patient….had surgery Feb 2014 at Mayo Clinic in Rochester. I’m glad to hear that you are getting a 2nd opiniion….as it’s always good to compare. What size did they say the tumor was? Also…..what side is it in?…..left lobe…right lobe?

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Great news on my husband #88277

    Wow oh wow…….fantastic!!! There are just no words to really express how happy this makes me today ….to hear such a great result from the pathology and the word, “benign”. It’s a word we all wish we could hear, but cheers us all when we hear it for others. Live your lives and give thanks.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80358

    Matt….I know you’ve dealt with the wound healing issues before, as have I, so I know what it is…..dealing with it daily. But, it does finally heal . Are you using the silver impregnated strips to aide in healing?

    Glad to hear that there were no mets…..though I am with you , wishing that the surgeon could have removed what was left of the tumor. But, if they can blast it…..and send it to la la land……however it gets gone….it’s good.

    Thinking of you a lot these days.
    Julie T.

    in reply to: My sister #88282

    Krassi, I’m so sorry to hear about your sister’s CC diagnosis and that it wasn’t found earlier. I hope that she can get some relief from the vomiting and pain…..and pray for strenght for you and your parents to help see her through. The others are far more knowledgable than I am concerning medications and such,. We have some absoutely super people here on these boards who have and will probably respond to you. Right now…..I am sending prayers and hugs for you all.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Dealing with constipation from Zofran #88255

    IMcherry…..I had to laugh about your creative solution for the constipation…..the additional of the diet chocolates. They certainly DO have that effect….which I found out quite by accident one time. It never dawned on me to use the candy for constipation. In fact….the low sugar /carb ice cream had the same effect.

    Otherwise…it really sounds like you are sailing through the chemo fairly well, with little side effects. I hope that holds for you and the candies continue to keep you more regular. That’s just a crazy idea …but if it works……that’s all that matters. Love it!!!


    in reply to: Marijonas Bondzinskas #88197


    Thank you for sharing the picture of your dad. He has that kind of look on his face of someone who is kindly and jovial. You are right…..about telling your dad you loved him. I’m sure it meant the world to him. I’m so very sorry to hear of his passing .

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Dad diagnosed with Klatskin #88242


    Thank you for your post about your dad’s CC diagnosis and treatment. The information you posted may help someone in the future. Meanwhile, I agree that it might not hurt to get at least one more opinion as another surgeon may have a different way of attacking the CC. It’s good to hear that the oncologist has been looking at sensitivities to various chemos….and as Marion mentioned, it would be good to have the tumor tested for targeted treatments for specific mutations., if that hasn’t already been done.

    Hang in there…….Julie T.

    in reply to: 3 Month Check #88237

    Yup…..nothing but good stuff wished for you and Ron…..and that means no repeats in 7 years!!! :)))) Enjoy your Memorial Holiday and celebrate!

    Julie T.

    in reply to: 4 year ct scan #88217

    Susie….fantastic news on the clean scan. I’m so sorry to hear about the miscarriage, but it’s such a wonderful thought to know what you’ve been through and yet you have the hope for a family and the future. Thank you so much for posting this great news…and as Catherine says…”inspiring.” It helps all of us get through.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Novartis BGJ 398 Clinical Trial #87965


    I think it’s just awesome that you guys are on these trials and are able to communicate how you’re feeling and results as time goes along. Thanks so much for sharing this with us.

    Julie t.

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