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  • in reply to: Percy #88174

    Me too, Karen…..even though I never met him personally,….he profoundly affected my life.

    Jiulie T.


    Maggie, I’m so sorry to hear the story of your dad’s CC and his quick death. My dad also passed away in just a few days after diagnosis from another type of cancer, with little advance warning. We had no time with him to talk as he was put on a respirator after problems during the biopsy, due to his heart stopping while in surgery. I lost my superman dad as well… I was also, “Daddy’s little girl.” So, , I know a little of what you are feeling right now and how hard it is to comprehend this happening so quickly. Nothing can prepare you for this. I hope that as time goes on, you can find some comfort. As KrisV said, your dad can still help in the research for a cure for CC by filling out the forms for him and if there is any biopsy material left, requesting it be sent as well. For all of us with CC or with a love one with CC, it woiuld be a gift from your dad.

    Julie T

    in reply to: What to do when the end seems so near? #87678

    Annie, I’m so very sorry that your MIL has passed away. Grieving is very individual and doesn’t happen overnight. Give your FIL as much time and opportunity to grieve as he needs. When someone tries to squash their grieving, it doesn’t keep it from happening, it only delays it. If he wants to talk about his wife, let him talk and share. They were together for over 52 years …and yes, there aren’t that many who can say that. The Mother’s Day BBQ was a wonderful thing to do and I’m sure it helped him ,and you all , a lot. Sharing special times with dad to keep her memory alive for him is an important part of the grieving process…and will help him to realize that others still remember and haven’t forgotten. Prayers to you and your family for continued healing and comfort.

    in reply to: Novartis BGJ 398 Clinical Trial #87961

    Patty, I am thrilled for you. Prayers that all continues on the same path….and the last of that tumor is toast.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: David Michael Kovalcik #87953

    Sandy….my most sincere condolences and prayers to you and your family.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Successful extended resection! #86724

    Debbie……add my good wishes and extend them to Mike as well. Getting back to a normal routine is great news and music to our ears.


    in reply to: Hello everyone #87796


    I am up late here and found your post. I’m just appauled at the poor care your dad has received and yes, you are right…being a good person and being a good doctor are two different things. I’m so sorry to hear about the decline of your dad’s condition and how and why things have gotten to where they are. I’m so sorry you are in the position to have to say good bye to your dad. I wish I could wrap my arms around you, your son and mom and make this all go away.
    Prayers….Julie T.

    in reply to: Update on LY2801653 clinical trial #79285

    Catherine….sometimes, I think that the “Quality time” on the deck is the best time.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80350

    Good Luck tomorrow, Matt.


    in reply to: My One Year Mayo Clinic Report #87222

    Judy…..when do you go in July. I will be there sometime in July also. Appts for me are usually on a Friday, though we don’t know yet. They don’t have a schedule for that month yet for my onc so they are going to call me when the calendar opens up. It would be cool if we were able to meet. Who is your oncologist there?

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Hello #87914

    Welcome to these boards. This is a fantastic group of people…some stay for a while…some longer. But, everyone is intimately connected to CC in some way or another…as a patient or caregiver, family member or friend. If you ever need someone to lean on …..someone will step forward. I’m so verry sorry about your mom…wish it could have been different for her…for you. Right now, you are starting to heal from the shock of her passing so quickly…take time for yourself and don’t expect things to be “okay” overnight.


    in reply to: Thank you for the nudge!!! #87433

    Outstanding news……so glad to hear the great outcome of your surgery!!!

    in reply to: My One Year Mayo Clinic Report #87219

    Okay…..Cutting to the chase….no more worrying about posting good news. Now….hoping that I will get to continue to post good news as well as many others because of new treatments that work. Thank you everyone for making things clear for me and others that it’s okay to post something good without feeling suvivor’s guilt.

    in reply to: Mark Volland #87903

    Kris….Condolences to you and all of Mark’s family. I , also, have watched every milestone post that chronicled the path that you and Mark traveled with the CC. I was immediately drawn to you….and though you often dealt with issues with Mark, you always have had time to answer my questions on the boards and privately. Now, it is time for Kris….to decompress and figure out where you go from here in your life. As Duke said….Mark will always be here to help you through this in his own way…..and your family here will be as well.

    Love and Hugs,, Julie T.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80340

    Matt….I’m soooo happy for you. With the events of this last week…and today especially, it was time for some really great news on here. This is what I was praying for for you. Thanks so much for sharing and making my day. So glad to hear that Dr. N. is going ahead with surgery next week. AWESOME!!!

    Julie T.

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