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  • in reply to: 1 year, 8 months without Mom #22889

    Joyce— While at Disney world you can always let your daughter know this is where Gramma wanted to bring her. You can always sneak her a Mallomars and tell her that Grammy wanted you to have this just from her. In other woords let Grammy be part of the trip in some way. I think you’ll benefit as much as your daughter. Memories are meant to live on and be supportive and beautiful in my opinion.

    God Bless You All, and have a great Trip in November. I’ve always wanted to go there my self. Who knows what tomorrow will bring, Hey ?

    Say Hi to Micky and Donald,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Anyone on AMIODORONE? Does it cause Jaundice witth Gemcitabine? #22897

    Sue, Sorry to hear your husband is having such a difficult time. I can only give you my opinion, is that gemcitibine did not cause the juandice and there probally is an underlying cause. Being referred to a liver specialist is a good move by your oncologist as the juandice is more than likely being caused by advancement of the desease in to the working part of the liver. Extreme tiredness can be the chemo accumulative effects and also disease it’s self. Have they though of doing any kind of radiotherapy for the liver? I had 3-d conformal radiation around the tumor on my liver over a year ago and it is still holding it’s own and functioning properly. The specialist don’t like doinf external radiation to the liver due to damage that can possibally happen to the good functioning part of the liver. Wish you the best with the liver surgeon. I hope he has some answers for you. Probally a few more test first, the agony of waiting is bad enough.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Very low WBC??? #22837

    Haiminh, G is right there is a medication called neupogen aka Filgrastim. Normal white blood countlevel is 4.8. 4.0 is not bad. It usually goes back up before treatment if not she should skipuntil count goes back up. or start taking injection which cause primarily muscle and bone pain. There are two type of white cells .this kind is your white cells that fight off infection and lowers your immune system. 2.8 is considered immunosuppressed, she just needs tostay away from sick people and wash hands often. I really doubt they will give another round of treatment until they go back up. She should also ask about filgrastim injections to protect her self from infections. I was taking 7 injection each cycle of one regimen I was doing. What causes it is the chemo kills off cancer cells but it takes good white cells as well as it can’t tell the difference. Wish your Mom the best.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: parents anniversary #22731

    Daddy’sGirl, What a wonderful gift for your Mom. A memory show case for ever. Being retired from the Air Force, I can certainly feel how special that is to have. You done super girl. Your the best.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Fred Gard #22874

    Collen, My sincere condolences to you and the girls. It saddens me deeply to see such a young man taking away from such a young and loving family. My prayers of support are headed your way.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Butch is going on hospice #22847

    Joyce— I echo Lainey’s sentiments exactly. Please tell Butch I give him a double thumbs up for his couragous fight ! He’s a man of all men without a doubt.

    God Bless!
    Jeff G.


    Sue….. I’m going to tell it like it is becuase you have a higher than normal likelyhood due to your already CC DX . CC does mets to the lungs. I let mine go until it was to late to do anything to my lungs. They started as umeasurable spots, to mm size and now CM size, very indolent, over 8 years since first noticed. Atrophic pancreas another area of mets for CC. I would be asking questions and be asking for biopsy, as if found early in pancreas it is possible to remove cyst ,if that is what they called it or in any case a needles biopsy. Sue I really don’t want to arlarm you, but I have to tell it like it is and if I had to do it again, I would have biopsy and removal while it is segemental. Just might prevent or slow any progression if it is found to be mets. If you have mm size showing in lungs now with a ct scan, I would ask for a more detailed type scan that can detect possible smaller spots. And don’t let them tell you they don’t or can’t . Sue I waited. My CC was very indolent (slow growing). Maybe if you are a little more aggressive than I, you’ll have a lot better turn out. Sorry if I was so blunt but I wenrt for years under the impression if anything will work it’ll work later as well as earlier. I don’t believe that any more. The sooner the better. Also consultation with an specialist who will be up front with you. I surely hope it is nothing to worry about ,but I would take precautionary steps just in case. Wish you the best in what ever you decide to do. MRI with contrast to verify ct scan and possible give you a better picture of what is going on. I guess I would not just bow it off.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Why am I so tired? #22782

    Hi Lisa, Yes, the feet seem to get it the worst. Dry aching, tingling, sore red looking and possible edema /water retention swollen. Foot massage with aloe vera lotion or other foot lotion Bag Balm and find time to lay and raise feet higher than the level of your heart helps a lot. The tingling and numbness will get a little more intense as the chemo accumulates after so many treatments. My wife keeps telling me to keep off my feet and I ignore her or I would be stuck laying in bed all the time . But you do have to find a happy medium.
    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #22766

    Ron , Yep thats the one. The U.S. Was conducting low level radar training and blew out an engine and had to make emergency landing their. If I remember right, we had one F-111 swing wing fighter jet fly right in to the side of one of your mountains. Can’t remember, I think in the 80’S.

    in reply to: Day 2 of chemo treatment #22803

    Hi Suzanne, Once upon a time I was on this same regimen. My advice would to have anti -nausea meds ready and take before the nasuae starts. Eventually you’ll start feeling some nuropathy in the hands/fingers and feet. Thats accumulative build up from treatment to treatment. I think this was the first time I lost my hair. I’ve lost it and grew it back three time now. You may feel some anxiety from the pre med decadron the first few days that kept me awake ,but goes away within a few days. You may experience the hiccups as well. Drink plenty of fluid and keep those bowels moving helps but also be ready with some immodium in case of diareaha. You will or I did feel sluggish whilr taking this combination. That’s about all I can remember for know. best to you!

    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #22763

    Cheers mate ! One scotch to ya !

    in reply to: Update on John #22815

    Charlene, It’s never ending is it. But John is closer to peace and painlessness. He is such a strong willed man. He appears to be fighting all the way. He just wants to stay with his loved ones and I’m sure a little afraid of what to expect. God’s blessings for you both, that all goes in the direction of relief.

    in reply to: Why am I so tired? #22780

    Lisa, Sorry to hear about your bout with sepsis infection. Knocks ya for a loop. Lisa just wanted you to know that fighting fatigue goes with the disease. Iv’e been fighting it for a long time. I had to make some adjustments to deal with it. I don’t fight it as it is signs that your body is fighting for you. When I get fatigued I go with the flow and take a nap and ir helps. If everyone is going somewhere thats going to take a long time ,I either make sure I have a place to nap or I stay at home. You know scientifically your body rebuilds it’s energy and repairs it’s self when in a dark quiet room and sleeping. that’s why we all sleep at night. Sometimes ittakes two or three short power naps before I’m up and running until my afternoon nap. I find drinking Ensure at least twice a day sometimes three gives me a real good boost. A lot of cancer support groups will provide it by the cases or you can get as a prescription for like four case and only pay the co-pay of $4.00 or $8.00 . The hardest part of fatigue is motivating yourself mentally. I will plan things for the next day and make myself follow through and I find I feel great for doing it. It’s hard without a doubt having to make changes and adjustments, even more so with children involved. You also need to watch out for over eating,as that can put you in a sleepy mood as well. The one last thing is depression. I know alot of people don’t like to hear that, but it’s true. If your stressing and worring about things and not letting your mind slow down ,you could be developing a chemical inbalance called depression , in turn causing fatigue and wanting to sleep. Meds do help. Make a realistic daily schedule, nothing elaborate but surely throw in something you would like to do each day. Just taking a nature walk and looking for all those neat things you would not normally do, like looking at the shape of clouds or watching how ants scurry about building an ant hill. Ha! I know I’m wierd. I had a butterfly resting on a flower the other day and put my finger down slowly and it walked on my finger neat to me. Well I know you are probally full of advice from others, but all because they care and you know that. Lisa, explore the beauty and practice putting your mind where it is beautiful and you’ll feel better, take it from a pro, as I’ve tried both and the beauty is far better. divide the time with the children and have your alone quiet time as well. So, I’ve written another book. Wish you the best and hope you can adjust this fatigue to go with the flow of daily living. You have a heart of gold, that is the only prerequsite.
    Bless Ya Girl !

    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #22761

    Hey ! Thanks Ron, Brings back many memories. RAF Prestwick was the one.
    RAF Bentwaters in Suffolk is where I first got stationed. It is where I got married as well. Had my Reception at RAF Woodbridge. Bentwaters now a museum wow! That tells my age. So don’t keep me hanging — What is haggis and neeps? or should I look it up? Ha!
    Thanks Ron for the ride through memory lane,
    P.S. Pig Intestines uch! My wife just told me.

    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #22759

    Hi Ron and Kris,
    Kris, Are you a natural red head? I don’t remember if we ever found out the truth? My wife is from England and loves her brown sauce. I still prefer ketchup on every thing. I was in Scotland once when stationed at RAF Lakenheath. One of our F-111’s blew an engine and I have to take one up to a RAF Station somewhere near the Lock Ness Monster lake. Gosh I can’t remember the name, but they put us up and gave us beans and bangers with brown sauce. Ron have you ever seen the Lock Ness Monster? I’m bored today . Just wanted to post something.
    Cheerio for Now,

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