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  • in reply to: NEW OPRAH UPDATE #22692

    Gale, Everyone has been submitting through the website. Just click on Lainey’s e-mail. You can address it to Whom it May Concern, as the Cholangio Org is going to provide a cover lettter for all the letters.
    Best wishes, Thank You!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Too Many Sweets!! #15695

    Hi Mercedes…. I agree whole heartedly with Diane. The sugar thing I have never changed my sugar intake in 9 1/2 years. The Mayo website under cancer facts and myths, puts sugar in the myth category. Certainly no harm in cutting back a little but not completely. Your body needs sugar, which it does get from other foods other than just granulated sugar. Personally I would not know what to do, if I could not have my chocolate chip cookies and waffles with syrup on them. Greasy fatty food I’ve always avoided except ocassional KFC. It clogs your ateries. I guess I eat pretty much normal with a healthy twist to it if I can.


    in reply to: Teddy Update #22794

    Lainy, Beans on wheat toast smothered in ketcup. Ha! Yummy my favorite! high fiber ,high protien, and plenty of lycopene.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Teddy Update #22789

    Hi Lainy, Yes I would be frustrated!, But looking at it from a third party, I konw that cyberknife machines are fairly scarce U.S wide and are like double booked at a lot of places. I know here in Kansas they even have a priority list of who goes first and what for. I overherad my onco talking with the cyberknife radiologist about me a while back and it basically boiled down to they had a waiting list and was only focusing on patients with brain tumors first, as the tumors were small and and more effective to treat. I was told point blank that a particular hospital was focusing strickly on brain tumors at the time and any tumors over 2cm they recommended other types of radiation. But I thought you had yours all coordinated to happen after IMRT? Maybe you need to be talking with the hospital’s patient advocacy office.As it is not making sense tio mein one way , then again it is in some ways. Did doctors drop the ball in communicating how things were suppose to happen or what. Wish you and Teddy this best lainy. I can’t even get started with my radiation because the machine broke down and the other machine in in the middle of being replaced with a new one. Oh! life’ srials wind me up sometimes.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Come in and laugh at me #22723

    Lainey…Like a blueberry bagel. Ha! You catch that Marion? Feeling pretty good. See onco again today to further discuss options and I start radiation this evening as well. I’ve been warned of possible sore throat from this treatment. That’s okay I got 4 cases of Ensure Plus on hand just in case,with lots of different flavored syrups and straws. If they try going to far to long I’ll say that’s enough for now gentlemen. I guess there was a diagreement between my Onco and radio/onco about type of treatment .I’ll get to the bottom of this today. I think I’ll skip my pain meds so I’m extra gumpy! Ha!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Come in and laugh at me #22721

    Ha! Ha! Ha! That’s right better to let it out and bear the shame( in this case probally not), than keep it in and bear the pain. Ha! Ha! my mommy told me that one years ago. A couple of months ago, I was visiting her at the nursing home and she needed to go to the bathroom and she only wanted help from Jeffrey. So, nothing new i’ve helped patients before. Except in this case she couldn’t make up her mind whether she had gas or you know. So as I helped her stand up and pull up her depends, I felt something warm on the back of my hands, Yep ! I’ll leave the rest to your imagination. Ha! I hollered for the nurse for a little assistance ,then assured Mom it was all okay just a little accident in timing. She giggled and said to me , I guess I don’t need the prunes anymore. You had to have been there .Ha! my daughter and wife laughing at me ,not in front of mom, but after the fact. Then my wife remembered and said ,well Jeff you know that saying your Mom always said. They rubbed it in for a few days just to watch my face get red. Anyhow she got changed and then had a good ole dance around the ward, with parkinsons,dementia onset, and previous broken hip, she still could do the polka. Not bad for 80 years young.
    According to my wife, your always suppose to use your manners and say excuse me no matter how often, so some days I spend most of my time saying excu—-se

    me! Ha! Kris toot a you want, just remember to say excuse me even if they can’t hear where it come from. Isn’t that called self incrimination? Ha!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Update on John #22737

    Charlene… A big cyber hug for you. Now John can get relief and you as well.
    God Bless You Both.

    in reply to: Trying to help aunt Who is 900 miles away #22725

    Pegtucky…. I was in the same situation a few years ago with my mom. She did not have cancer but parkinsons, dementia, amd she to fell and broke her hip. Unless you are ready and fully understand the role of a caregiver, especially, of someone with dementia and a prognosis of terminal cancer; well I would really take a close look/review. My Mom bless her heart is in a great nursing home and are having all her needs taking care of in a very professional manner. We thought of moving her across the states to live with me or my sister and finally after talking with relatives and social workers and doctors, it was determine it would be in her best interest health and emotionally to stay where she grew up and still have contact with familiar surroundings and people. Once you cut their roots of where their livelyhood is/was you are in my opinion taking away a an improtant part of their life and time again ,working in this field I have seen them debilate remarkabally fast. It’s like robbing them of the rest of there life. Now saying this some elderly are ready for excitement and change and do very well. But the caregiving part can be a full time situation in some cases, health, safety , appointsments, you name it. If money is no object, and you can hire someone to assist, then the caregiver part is okay. Then you have to think back to the other side of the coin. Just my past observations and experience. I hope your Aunt is doing as well as can be expected. It is remarkable how fast you can recover from broken hips now a days. A replacement joint and off they go walking around and doing therapy. It’s a nobel and ;loving thing your thinking of doing, all I’m saying is really take a good look at all the pros and cons and what is best for your Aunt firstly and then If you feel you could handle your end. We correspond all the time and visit once or twice a year. Mutiply that by all her friends and other children and the activities she enjoys,and new friends she is quite a happy with the choice made. Wish you the best of luck in your decsion making. It’s a tough one. Oh, I did want to mention , we have complete immediate contact with my Mom ,nurses, and doctors when ever we want, that was a prerequsite for our family.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.


    Hi All, Just a friendly reminder, above your name on the left , in the highlighted green bar is the date of actual/original post from other members. Sometimes we don’t start new links and keep on answering a post that is, very old. In this case it started in august , 2007 over a year ago. Feel free to open new topic and start a new thread, even if similair topic or others may think your still replying to an old message, and not reply to your new post either.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Introduction #22586

    Becky….. Baby or not to have a baby? You and Norm evidently had already had plans about the course you guys would take. Unfortunately your Mom has become ill with this relentless disease and has put a twist on things. Well, it has in your mind for sure. It is normal and great to show your Mom she was successful in raising you and to show her that your going to be a good mom just like her. Becky dear, changing your lifes’s plans with your newlywed husband due to your Mom’s illness is not the answer. You said you have read all about this disease, so you know how unpredictable it can be. I’m not going to go in to a full blown lecture as you appear to be a young lady with a good level mind of thinking. Something could happen tomorrow or a month from now, or 6 months from now. In this day and age you have to have a plan. Sorry to say the reality is a lot of our plans revolve around how successful we manage our resource/finances. Becky life goes on after the death of a loved one. I’m sure your Mom loves you enough to understand your plans and doesn’t expect you to drop and sacrifice to try and have a baby before she departs this world. Your Mom whether on earth or in heaven, will see and bless your baby. Personally, my advise is follow the plan your husband and you have made. It takes a lot to raise a child and you have to be prepared or all/how you really wanted things to go will be such a burden and so stressful, you’ll be asking yourself why? You can also look at it as when the time comes, your Mom will need your loving support. Ask your self, where will I be , at the hospital maybe, Trying to find a baby sitter? or you are having complications? Just general thoughts I’m throwing out, using my imagination. Bottom line becky, is stick to your lifes plan you and your hubby agreed upon . There is no need to up set the apple cart for something could or couldn’t happen. Let things go according to plan. Trying to have a baby before your both ready or for a reason that is respectable in deed, will not change anything. Give and show your mom the love you have ,it appears there is plenty of it to give. This may sound selfish but really is not , you have to think of you ,your hubby and the baby when the time is right and your future’s. Sorry If I’m being a little blunt. But If I got word that my daughter was going to try and race the clock or make major life changes because I’m going to heaven, I would be telling her where is that solid foundation I layed for you to follow,

    God Bless you all!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: And now for some good news… #22702

    Great going Sue! Thumbs up and keep on rolling young lady!
    Bless Ya!’

    in reply to: update on Joe #22663

    Mary Anne, I agree whole heartedly about the emotions. After a while you get so tired, but you keep on pushing to protect your loved ones, from the emotional pain that you know they will go through. I’ve only recently realized that no matter what I do, My family will have to go through the grieving process. Some more emotionally than others. It’ll be a sad time. I guess it’s all called love. I just don’t fully understand why the dying patient has to feel a sense of guilt. We didn’t ask for this disease nor the emotional pain it causes our loved ones. I know eventually I will understand, when the time is right. Mary Anne, May god bless You, Joe and your Family while travelling the path to greener pastures.

    God Bless,
    P.S. Thought I would mention, since stopping chemo and drinking 2-3 Ensure plus a day. I have felt really good and lots of energy. My vitals have all turned to normal. Even so, I still have to try radiation again for the pain, just because it worked last time. I guess this instinct to keep pushing is pretty addictive.

    in reply to: An update…and farewell #22671

    Dear Belle, My deepest sympathy to you and your family. A safe and happy place for eternity. May your Sister enjoy the peace and tranquility of heaven.
    God Bess,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Recent News #22464

    Irene, I am so sorry surgery was aborted. We were all ready for you to have a successful one. Did anyone mention possibility of transplant protocol? Irene ,we are here to support you, in what ever you decide. Take time to recover and heal emotionally and physically and we’ll chat with you soon. Your in our hearts for sure !

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Update on John #22643

    Charlene, I understand what your going through. Almost your exact words is what my wife said to me the other evening after she returned from a cancer support group meeting. She came home very emotional and crying. This was the first one she has gone to. I asked her what was the matter and she said, You, your going away, I’m being robbed, I just want my Jeff back! I know I’ll never get you back, I feel like we are just roommates, why?
    She said, I see you at night getting out of the shower and you are not the same person, it’s not your body, I see your bones. I’m afraid to hold on to you or snuggle up to you, afraid I’m going to make your pain worse. All I could do is hug her and tell her, Your one super roommate! And it would be okay, I feel okay and God is good. She said, I’m already lonley and you haven’t even gone to hospice, I know you ,once you go in to hospice you won’t come home again. The years we have been fighting this and she has just now left the denial and entered the angry phase. I could only hug her and tell her I will always be with you babe. You’ll know I’m still around, you know me, I’ll have to continue to wind you up some how. She then giggled a little as well as I, and we went to bed snuggled close for the night. Like I’ve mentioned before Charlene your not alone, although it may feel that way. Like lainey said, part of John will always be with you. I truly love your heart beating support and understanding of what John is going through. I will pray for him and for you as well charlene. None of us should have to go through this emotional hurt,as if we haven’t endured enough already. But I feel God is watching and will give us the love and spirit to follow through with his plan for us. I feel there is a reason why everything happens the way it does. Yes, one day we will all know why. Until then don’t stop loving yourself or ever doubt that you are loved. I wrote what I did not for a response Charlene ,but just to show how your post just shined a little more light on how I can help my Valerie, as it is obvious she needs some emotional and spiritual shoring up, before my departure down the road. Charlene, love and prayers are coming your way. Thank You for sharing your heart. The strenght you need is coming your way from so many.

    God Bless You,

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