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  • in reply to: question about feeling itchy etc. #22294

    Hi Debrah, Just Just echoing patti an Belle, could be signs of some type od blockage going on. I have to say That Using stool softner, not laxative has helped me to keep asicites, amonia levels,and itchy to a bare minimum by just being able to have a good bowel movement every two days at least. Your stool can become a little hard and creat temp blockage until relieved. Sorry to be talking about #$%@ so early in the morning. But just a suggestion that hells for me. Are the kids excited to be back at school? I know my grandson was. I told my dauhter to enjoy it whilse it last. Hope you get this itchy situation solved pretty soon. You know nerves, certainly can cause itchy spells. I’m allergic to iodine and sulfur also.

    Bless you and the Kids,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Confusing, mixed messages #22276

    Hi Barbara Ann,
    As hard as it is, the best thing in my opinion, for your Dad now, is to be pampered and loved and eat and drink what ever he wants. He’ll only eat and drink when he wants anyway. It’s heart breaking to know you have to let go and let nature take it’s course. I’t sounds as though he still has some control and knows what he wants, which is good. To me that is acceptance and he’s okay with what is happening or at least knows there is no other options, so he ‘s going to make the best of it.

    Gods Strength,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: In sadness #22298

    Diane C… God’s strenght and peace be with you! May Brad rest in peace.
    God’s Love,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: question about feeling itchy etc. #22287

    Hi Debrah, I would let your doctor know and maybe get an xray of chest and abdomen to see if you might be having some fluid retention/ascites. Do you have allergies by any chance? Do you have a temp or other symtoms? hard to tell without blood work or xray. I sounds like either high ammonia levels or ascites. Have you been constipated, if so a good laxative may be in order. About all I can think of Debrah, unless you ate at a dive and got food posioning of some type. Worth checking out before it gets worse my dear. Could be a reaction to a medication that has bulit up over time.

    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Ascites #22232

    Hi Diane, I just wanted to pass on my condolences for the lost of your husband Brad. May God’s strenght and peace be with you.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Ascites #22230

    HiMmary Anne, Sorry Joe is having problems with asicites. I have has fluid retention inmy right cavity around my lung and have been taking (lasix) Furosemide tablets 20mg twice a day and also potassium tablets one 500 mg once a day . As you know the lasix encourage s the kidneys to excrete more fluids, therefore pulling from the body and because of the constant rotation of fluids your prone to loose your potassium balance. As a nurse you no the importance of keeping your potassium levels up. This is the second time I’ve had fluid build with the itchy ascites. My oncologist says it is disease realated, however I told him I believe it was the gemzar causing it. I’ve been on gemzar twice and had fliud /ascites both times. I found it improtant to drink plenty off fluids to keep the kidneys producing and excreting urine. I feel this has benefitted me on both ocassions. I’m not due for another check up until late October but I have noticed my fluid retention lesson and feel what I’m doing is working. Also another contributor has been a lot of walking. So, that is my story and my opinion. If ther is still fluid retention going on ,I’m not feeling it and it is nothing bothering me with any itchy feeling. I initial was takingone furosemide daily and themn bumped up to twice daily as one was doing the trick. Wish Joe the best! I know hoe uncomfortable and was painfull for awhile with me. He has to continually visualize the fluid /urine flowing. I just added that as it helps me. I don’t know if your into meditation and visuliazation techniques or not.

    God Bless,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CC Letters to Oprah #21598

    Hi Sophie …let me know if my letter arrived intact. Thanks a bunch! Your a sweet heart! I will admit my face turned a few shades of red,but with such bueatiful words you all piled on me ,I loved it! How can I act? like a fool Ha!
    Spohie ,would you do me a favor and reply or forward back,so I cajn have a record of it. Thanks for going thr extra mile girl, it’ll pay off, I’m sure.
    Bless you all!
    jeff G.

    in reply to: Surgeon Referral #22184

    Hi haiminh—- I believe it is posted on this site back in October ,06. If you go into the introduction forum and click on my name, then click show all post. I think this will get you my introduction. I don’t really think the information will help medically speaking. If you are looking for specific treatments or pathology reports,etc. I might have mention them some where. What exactly are you looking for? treatments I have done? As I don’t remember step by step of what and how I did things specifically only generally. I would have to do a permission of release to get my own medical records for myself to review and determine exactly what I did and when. I posted as I went, here on the site. If your more specific of what you would like to see, I would be more than happy to help if possible. I hope your Mum is doing okay?

    Bless Ya!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: IMRT Radiation #22227

    Hi Lainy…. That’s good to hear no burning. I didn’t realize he was going to hvae cyberknife as well. That’s good he’ll get a little break and that explains to me the lenght of IMRT. Sounds like it’s programmed at low dosage and slow build up. If he can deal with the side effects, you’ll most likely see some positive results. I can honestly say the radiation treatments did me the most good of anything else to date. Hang in there Teddy! I admire your courage and strength. Kick butt and take names later! Just expressing, I don’t believe in violence, but in this case it is self defense.

    Bless Ya,
    Jeff G.


    Handyman, Sorry to hear about your wife. It is harsh treatment. In fact some patience with colon cancer actually stay in the hospital for 3 days while doing the treatment. Other treatments for me might include trying Tarceva, but that is an if/maybe. I’m currently doing holistic IP-6 with inostal, Milk thistle, Mushroom extracts, vitimin D and Potassium, and alot of 130% dark grape juice. I’m am also doing EFT (Emotional Freedom Tapping), along with visulization, and white sounds ,like the ocean. I’m trying to realign and increase my body’s energy and build my immune system before I try anything else.
    I hope your wife has some success with this treatment.
    Bless You Both,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Surgeon Referral #22181

    Hi Sophie,
    David M. Norgorney, MD
    Gastroenterologic and General Surgery
    Mayo Medical School
    Professor of Surgery
    Mayo Clinic
    200 First Street SW
    Rochester,MN 55905
    Phone: 507-284-2644
    Fax: 507-284-5196

    This was the surgeon who did my resection 9 1/2 years ago. Sharp Individual. He will do if there is no signs of mets, As he turned me down after it went to the lungs. Which I can understand why.

    I haven’t made contact with him since 2 years ago, but I know he is still there and teaching and conducting surgeries.

    Bless ya,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: A blockage…and then what #22176

    Belle you all are doing your best ,don’t doubt that for a minute. Your right the IV fluids are needed for comfort and pain control as well. Continue to be as Strong as possible, with God’s help. My heart and emotions are with you all, praying for relief real soon.

    God Bless You all,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: IMRT Radiation #22222

    Well Lainy …. Yuo got to call it the way you see it. If you really feel this is taking a toll more so than you thought? Each time I went is was 2 weeks each, once a day. One was directly to the liver and the other a soft tissue tumor tickling my spinal roots. And that stopped both tumors growing which was over a year ago. Actually shrunk each as well. I don’t mean to get you worried, if you think Teddy is handling okay, but maybe still mention your concern. They could have been giving me a higher dosage with less visits and maybe Teddy lower dosages for a longer period. He hasn’t complained of any pain has he? I just like to be cautious,as I know of 3 indiviual cases where they went just a bit to far and caused internal organ burns ,requiring pain meds and antibiotics. You have done great calling the shots so far ,so don’t doubt yourself. But at least discuss with doctor and keep him/her on their toes.

    Bless You Guys,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: CC Letters to Oprah #21592

    I don’t know what I was thinking, Dah! I suggested that in the first place didn’t I? Maybe I just had some delayed chemo brain. I can still use that as an excuse right? Ha! My wife woulddn’t buy it though.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: IMRT Radiation #22220

    Hi Lainy… I had IMRT 3-D conformal twice with no side effects other than tiredness. Some peole do have side effects though. It is usually dependent on location of body and what organs might be involved or very close by the t reated area. Maybe if he is having side effects now, simply maybe the dosage is just to much for his body and maybe consider stopping treatments a few days earlier. I have seen people not recover worth crap from radiation ,especially if given for to long of a period. My Aunt had it done to the neck area over a year ago and she is still fighting drainage and infection of her lungs. She is so depressed about it. Just food for thought lainy, sometimes the Radio- Oncologist go just a might to far.

    Jeff G.

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