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  • in reply to: rude doctors #16049

    Deeko….. I’m so sorry for your lost. I lost my Dad 2 years ago from congestive heart failure. I to wish I could have been able to communicate better but he and I both knew how much we loved each other. It was just one of those generational times where my Dad was not shown how to show affection. He was one of the hardcore earn the money and support the family guys. Due to distance and pretty sick with chemo I was unable to even make it to his funeral but relatives taped it so I got some closure. 4 months prior to his death I told him how much he had always meant to me and how much I loved him and promised that he and Mom would stay together and I kept that promise and made sure they had a room together with matching recliners in a nursing home. My Mom was sitting beside him holding his hand when I called to wish my Mom a Happy Mothers Day. Needless to say that did not happen that year. I hope to get my health back up to par to go visit my Mom again, phone calls just aren’t enough. Deeko you and your Mom will have loving memories forever, that can’t be taken away I assure you. May your Dad Rest In Peace.
    God Bless You Both !
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: LATEST MRI #16081

    Hi Jliu168… Wow! I feel bad for your Dad. Those psychotic Medication can do a number on you. It doesn’t take much of a dosage either. Shrinkage of those tumors would be great news. I see Nuero Surgeon for consult tomorrow. Just want to explore and know my options if this tumor that was tickling my spinal nerves putting it mildly, decides trying to come back. Radiologist Oncologist feels confident radiation put it out of it’s misery. Hopefully a few more days and the sunburn effect will be gone. Take care to you both.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Bad News #16101

    Hi Susie —- May your Dad rest in peace and God give you the strength.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Gas pains and bloating! #16093

    John…. Great news on cancer free. Lets keep it that way! I had liver and gallbladder resection and hernia folloed.. A lot of gas a bloating. I was prescribed prevacid 20mg to take 30 minutes prior to breakfast each day as to much stomach acid will cause these symptoms. Maybe try lowering your digested enzymes a little bit. See what your doctor says. Best to you!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: one year ago #16083

    You Are Never Alone If God Lives In Your Heart. I have this little card on my computer desk and when I’m feeling low and sad I read it and read it again. I understand the loneliness is only temporary and I know those who I have lost already would not want me to continually grieve but remember the good times until eternity arrives and we meet and embrace once again. God gives us the strength I’m sure.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: clincial trial/chemo options for my dad? #16011

    Isaac… I also have tumors on liver and lungs. I was wondering if Xeloda was the only treatment you have been on these past eight months ? I’m getting ready to start up chemo again after having radiation for a tumor they found on my spine and if Xeloda is working that good by itself I might try leaving out thr oxaplatin(sp). Really glad to hear your doing so good keeping things at bay.
    Best wishes!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: fusing of large and small intestines #16076

    Belena…. Nice to hear things turned out okay with small intestine and radiation. Wish you all the best!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: fusing of large and small intestines #16074

    Hi Belena… I can attest to the pain being severe as nothing before. I have one more week left of radiation to the spine. I thought something was going on a few days ago and went to ER and demanded a CT Scan. Luckly all was okay. Thanks for posting this information though, as I will stay on the alert. My situation turned out to be irritation of the subcutaneous nerves in my abdomen. They tried different meds and nothing helped the pain in the abdomen, So off too WalMart again and got me a spray can of solarcaine which had 2.5% of Lidocaine hydrocloride. One good spraying of stomach ,side and abdomen gave me instant relief to all those soft tissue nerves. I continue to use it every 3-4 hours as needed which depends on how much I move around. I’m still using morphine for the primary spine nerve pain but at a reduced dosage as the radiation appears to be doing the trick. Despite the unfortunate fusing did the radiation help your husband? I feel like I might reduce or try stopping pain med in a couple days. The possible side effects of radiation was probally in the fine print of the consent form I signed. I have heard from a patient’s husband that his wife recieved some pretty bad burns to her insides because the doctor tried to be to aggressive with to high of dosage. Belena, is your husband going to have a nuero surgeon consult or do you feel the radiation took care of the tumor? I had radiation of my liver as well back in Dec. 06 because of pain and had positive results.
    Best Wishes to you Both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: LATEST MRI #16079

    Hi Jliu168… I’m sorry to hear things are getting confusing. Hopefully your doctor will come back with a plan of action. Necrosis can be good or can be not so good from my research. I don’t want to alarm you but if necrosis is happening and if it isn’t being cleaned out of the body’s system by certain enzymes it can become gangerene. My Mom had this happen to her gallbladder. Luckly they caught it early enough and removed the gallbladder before it spread to other organs. I read that necrosis caused other than by the body’s natural cell death can spread. I think the only sure way of stopping it is by some type of freezing and removal. Maybe CT guided or scope surgery. I guess If it was me I would be saying it’s time to remove before infection /gangerene sets in. Please forgive me for being so straight forward but your Dad has come a long way with your help and I just feel the doc needs to think outside of the box a little on this one which it sounds like he is doing. I hope I understood your post correctly and am not out in left field somewhere. Hope a plan of attack is sorted out real soon. Prayers to you both!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: pulmonary edema after chemo #16053

    Hi Patrice, Sorry to hear about your unexpected excitement. Hope Dave is doing okay now? I had to make a visit to the ER for fluid in one of my lungs last year. It was not called edema but bad infusion. It had partially collapsed. They gave me something but can’t remmeber what. It was fine within 6 hours and they let me have the choice of spending the night for observation or go home. I chose home. I’m so glad you were there and knew what to do. I have read quite a bit about edema/fluid on the lungs as I have a few on both lobes and from what I found out it usually doesn’t become an issuse until the tumors get to the 4-6 CM size. I think I’ll do some re-looking at this area. Lets hope Mr. Misery doesn’t ask for any more company hey?
    Bless You Both,
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Suspending Treatment for week (mid cycle) #16073

    Amilcar…. Just to let you know I have had several on/off times with Xeloda as well as different dosage changes and it appears to still remain effective for me. My Oncologist seems to be more eager to get me started on another cycle than I. As of last weeks CT Scan my primary tumors of liver and lungs remained stable in size. In fact I did a double take as my liver tumor shrunk 1 CM. Of course I know that could simply be the radiologist reading the scan but made me feel pretty good anyhow. The tumors on my 10th rib and spine are also being knocked out by radiation slowly but surely. Another week to go and I should have enough cummulative rads to do the trick(knock -on -wood). You know I kinda feel off and on again maybe confuses the cc and catches them off guard.
    Best Wishes to you and your Dad !
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: rude doctors #16047

    Deeko…… I agree 100% with Sarah!!! I would report him to the Hospital and State Ethics Board. Thats totally inappropriate regardless what context it’s put in. Be firm and professional don’t lower your values because of a jerk. God bless you guys! I surely hope things have eased up a little. When you have time please let us know how you all are doing okay? We are limited on the type of support we can provide but we are here if you need to chat.
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: healing from liver resection? #16051

    Hi Nancy…. Your Husband has been through quite an ordeal. When I had my resection of liver and gallbladder I was told 6-8 weeks without complications. I returned home after 7 days without external drain. One week after being home I felt something wasn’t right and went to my local ER. I had developed staph under where my gall bladder was resected. A pouch of infection was about to burst. They under CT guidance drained it and then I spent another 9 days in isolation and had to have external drain back in for another two weeks. So taking in count infections it can certainly take longer to heal. It was 4 months before I was back to work full time. Thank God my employer let me do little projects at home and kept my pay check rolling. Cyber knife radiation is state of the art. I was going for it myself but was told my tumors were to large and to many treatments would be required and that it would be just to much exposure. I did have 3-D conformal IMRT instead and it seem to have faired pretty good with my liver mets. I am now having it agian for a tumor discovered on my spinal bone. Only 7 treatments so far and it feels like progress is being made. I measure my progress by the amount of pain meds I need to use. When those tumors start putting pressure on your spinal roots you will definitely know it from the flank and hip pain. Back to Cyber Knife; normally is reserveed for brain tumors or other tumors less than 2 CMs. That is what I was told.
    Does your husband have other suspicious spots ? Or maybe are they going to try stopping some blood flow to certain areas? I guess I would be asking why cyberknife if he had clear margins. Chemo, I can tell you from experience that if it is going to work it will, regardless of size tumor although I’m sure we all prefer the sooner the better route. Just don’t want to rush it before the body is ready for it. As far as the repeated infections, maybe a highly trained nurse could show you again the procedures / and cautions to avoid infections although sometimes we know it is diffult not to get. Nancy, it’s a roller coaster dealing with this CC, but remaining vigilant and positive does and will make things a little easier. Definitely call in for support when you need a break. I’m sending a few prayers of support your way for you and your husband to share. Keep on trucking!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: clincial trial/chemo options for my dad? #16003

    ZuZuby…. I have the same input as Marions. Also, when making your decsions remember this cancer is considered systemic and there is always the possibility some free radicals are still in the bile. I was giving clean margin ect. and no signs of tumors, but it still came back. Then again, he could go years with no problems. I guess that is what makes these decisions so dog gone difficult.
    God Bless!
    Jeff G.

    in reply to: Pain killers & nausea — any suggestions? #13795

    Hi Deeko… You and your Mom quite welcomed. I did want to add one thing. Dependig on the amount of pain medication being taken, it will cause sluggish bowels and constipation in turn making you nausea and not wanting to eat in turn loosing weight and energy. It all seems to have a snowball effect. You can use a colace(stool softener) and a mild(vegtable laxative) senokot or generic brand to help keep you cleaned out. Will make your Dad feel like a new man. I would certainly run this by the doc as you can use to much as well. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated when using. Bless you Guys!
    Jeff G.

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