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  • in reply to: Trial Drug is working! #61378

    Wow, my husband is 28 and was diagnosed with CC in January and this week has been one of those “down” weeks on this CC roller coaster. My husband has told me yesterday that he dreads the days that he goes to chemo and if things aren’t shrinking he doesn’t want to keep going with chemo… your story has given me the boost of hope that has been draining this week. Thank you for sharing!


    Hi Susan, sorry to hear about your husband, as you can see CC hits different people in different ways. My husband was diagnosed in January, he just turned 28 years old in March. We have two children ages 2 & almost 4. We have seen a few different doctors, we are in easturn Canada where not many doctors know much about CC so we opted to travel to Milwaukee to see a wonderful doctor that is from here. Unfortunatly because we were put on hold for a couple months here with doctors trying to figure out what to do, the cancer has now spread through his abdomen. We are doing chemo and he seems to be feeling better. he, like your husband, seemed to retain water and his pants were getting tight…… I don’t think the chemo is helping this but other problems that he had, like a sore shoulder, sore back and “upset stomach” feeling have almost gone. He goes for chemo every other week and for a whole week after chemo he feels aweful, but we live for those good weeks where we do as much family stuff as possible. This is our good week and he is taking our kids camping on a “no moms allowed” camping trip with a bunch of dads and kids from our church. This also gives me a chance to go for a spa weekend with my girlfriends….. all of this CC stuff can really mess with a person’s head and a little break from “cancer life” is much needed! My husband is battling a bit of depression at the moment too, the more people treat him like he is dieing the more he gets depressed, so live life to the fullest, but not like it’s your last day either! I hope you are pleasently surprised with a lot longer than doctors have given you! Good luck and have a great weekend :)

    in reply to: My husband has it too #61094

    Hi Dianne, I feel for you, my husband has CC as well, he is only 28….. He has never had a problem with biliruben but our story is very similar to yours, we found high liver enzymes at a check up because his stomach was bothering him. They told him he may have hepatitis and a CT scan showed tumors. We ended up being tossed around here in Eastern Canada for a couple months with nothing done so we went to a great doctor in Milwaukee to have surgery… turns out after spending all of that money (that is not insured) the cancer has spread to his diaphram and he is inoperable at this point. The wonderful doctor in Milwaukee still has hope and is keeping in contact with us as we have come home to do chemo where it is “free”. We have gone through 4 rounds of chemo, he goes every two weeks, but the chemo that he does makes him really sick for one week after. We haven’t had another CT scan yet but will have one at the end of next month…… after saying all of this I just want you to know that you are not alone and I know how hard it is to stay positive… but in the end you have to, I find the more the weather sucks the worst he feels after chemo.. I really think when he is depressed from things like the weather, or what is happening with our business the worse his chemo affects him. So keep your chin up and enjoy the summer :) I hope your next CT shows something positive, just a tiny bit of hope from a doctor can help stay positive as well! Good luck

    in reply to: just learning about CC #57068

    Thank you everyone, I really draw strength from reading your replys in here! We should be hearing back from a doctor in Toronto by Monday, he asked for all of my husband’s reports to be forwarded to him/her and sounds very promising. We are really hoping to have the surgery there. The doctor in Halifax said that he would do the surgery (depending on the PET scan) but he also told us there was no way it would cure my husband…. that hopefully chemo would after surgery. I have also gotten a referral to a doctor that is know for specializing in CC in Boston at the Massachusetts General. We would like to go and see him but we don’t have insurance that will cover surgery out of Canada. However if that is our only option after talking to the doctor in Toronto then we will find the money to go to Boston, there is no amount of money greater then the life of my husband. I will keep you all posted. Thanks again for your amazing support!

    in reply to: just learning about CC #57055

    Thank you everyone, I really hope that this doctor was having a bad day and/or didn’t realize how much the way he spoke to us bothered us. We are waiting (not so)patiently for news of a second oppinion from Toronto. We know that the PET scan is the best thing to do and will still have that done in Halifax and send that information on to Toronto as well. I think at this point we are going to go with the first doctor that gets back to us as I don’t think time is on our side here. I am so glad that I found this site, a friend actually found it for me, we have a great support system here, but it is so nice to talk to people that have been through what we are about to go through. I am definitely ready for a fight and I hope my husband is as well…. I have put him on a healthier diet but is there any information on some foods feeding cancer more than others? Is there something that I should steer clear of or add more? I have heard that asparagus is supposed to be a “miracle veggie” for cancer, and it is one of those things that is always around and can’t hurt right… the poor guy is going to be sooooo tired of asparagus that he will crave hospital food ;) Thanks again for listening, it really helps knowing that we are not alone!

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