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  • in reply to: Hi, I am Lamia from the Washington D.C area #20574

    Dear Lamia,
    I am so so sorry to read about your situation – I hope for the best outcome possible for your mother. I agree with Alice that your mother would want you to continue your education, but I am also a daughter – my mother died of this horrible disease 1 year, 5 months ago – and I know I would want to be with my mother as much as possible. I hope you find a way to be with her without having to give up your studies – that would be the best solution. Whatever you decide, whatever you do, there is never reason to feel guilty, because your parents will always love you and know that you did the best for them. You are a loving daughter and I know your mother is so proud of you. Best of luck to you – all good thoughts going your way!

    in reply to: It’s now 2 years ago today, #20524

    Congrats to you and your husband, Mary! May the great news continue for you – it’s always uplifting to hear about those who beat the odds.

    in reply to: Tammy Neumann – Wonderful Wife & Mother #20379

    Dear Ron,
    My thoughts are with you and your family and I’m so sorry for your loss. Tammy sounds like an amazing soul – the world is a better place because of her.

    in reply to: My father, my friend, my hero #20504

    I know the pain you are going through and words cannot heal your sorrow, but I offer my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Your father has impressed all of us through your words, and we didn’t even know him. His legacy will live on.
    I wish you peace,

    in reply to: Happy Mother’s Day, Mom #20059

    Dear Charlene and Jeff,

    Thank you so much for your words of comfort – this place is a wonderful haven to me and so many others.

    Jeff, I love your idea of a diary and I’ve tried to write a few letters to my mom, but there’s just so much to say. When you see someone every day, you tell them every little detail of your life and share everything, and it’s hard to try to reproduce that. I realize now that I can’t ever reproduce that, so I will try to do a diary and not feel pressured to include every mundane detail – that would be 500 pages a day!

    I think I posted my Mother’s Day greeting here because I sometimes feel like I’m the only one who remembers my wonderful, irreverent, glorious mother, and I wanted something public where others could be reminded of her. I don’t want to feel that she’s forgotten by the world, after all her struggles and heartache and joys. And I hope they don’t need computers in the afterlife!!!! And yes, I have felt my mother’s presence – strangely enough, I can smell her sometimes.

    I hadn’t responded till now because my grandmother (my mother’s mother) died last week at the age of 91. She had a full life, a happy life, and she was ready to go. She was still living on her own in her apartment in Brooklyn, drinking and smoking in moderation, doing her crossword puzzles and entertaining everyone with her piano – though losing her short-term memory lately. She had a stroke while watching TV alone one night — probably instantaneous, didn’t know what hit her, and that’s EXACTLY how she would have wanted to go. She did it HER way, right to the end. I’m so proud of her, but of course I still miss her terribly. I hope she’s reunited with my mother, my stepfather and my dog Slash and they’re having a great Scrabble game together (well, not Slash – he was smart, but not that smart!)

    Thanks again for the opportunity to vent, and for all the great compassionate souls on this board. Jeff, we wouldn’t know what to do without you!

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20331

    Wow, Barb – you have quite a fan club! Just wanted to tell you I’m part of the club, too – always keep your funny and positive attitude!

    in reply to: new scan clean #20360

    That’s great, Kris!! I wish you many years of tormenting your husband!

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20314

    All good thoughts going your way – for you, your son, your extended family and friends. Get better!

    in reply to: Lost the battle #20220

    Dear Steve,
    My sympathy to you and your family. Your love for Lana shines through in your posts and I hope you are able to find comfort in that love that will never die.

    in reply to: Taxotere no longer appears effective ? #20184

    Wow – remodeling a kitchen?! You really ARE a superman! My husband can barely do that without moaning and groaning about his aching muscles, and he’s totally healthy and probably younger than you! (But don’t tell him I said this!)

    Jeff, you are such a beacon of light here – I see you’ve already found a new treatment to look into. We should put you on the board of the Mayo Clinic or something, to show people the way when they’ve been hit with this terrible disease, give them some hope and a chuckle.

    Stay strong,

    in reply to: My Miracle Man…Mr. Whipple #20199

    He really is an inspiration – here’s hoping the blockage is something simple to remove and he gets another long reprieve!

    in reply to: Taxotere no longer appears effective ? #20179

    Best of luck, Jeff – if anyone can find a new way to beat this thing, it’s you. I know you’re feeling good mentally (and we’re all inspired by you and your attitude), but how are you feeling physically? I always mean to ask you that – seems that you never really complain so I’ll just give you a chance to do so here!
    Have a great time in Maine – keep on truckin!

    in reply to: Pet Peeve #20142

    Oh, what a great idea! It seems everyone has THE answer to how to cure cancer, not realizing how insulting and degrading it is to the people afflicted, almost like blaming the victim. If there was ONE cure, don’t you think we’d know about it? So maybe it’s OUR fault that we got cancer because we didn’t eat our spinach?

    I share your pet peeve, even if there isn’t a separate section for it!

    in reply to: Scotts Transplant #20133

    Still another good wish and good thoughts going your way – hope is in the air and you’ve given us all a needed lift! We’re all in this with you,

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed from Brunei – South East Asia #20052

    Dear Joel,
    So sorry about your mom – you did all you could do in the short time you had. You were a wonderful son to her and I’m sure she appreciated that until the end. I wish you some peace in the rough times ahead.

Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 473 total)