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  • in reply to: Mary Passed #28243

    My heartfelt condolences on your loss. I wish you strength to get through the tough times ahead. So sorry –
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Agitation? #28025

    My mother was also given a prescription for Haldol, just in case. And it turns out we needed it once. Hospice gives the Haldol to everyone, I suppose, because there might be moments of confusion/anxiety/agitation toward the end. I don’t know if it’s high ammonia or the tumors themselves or something else. But 2 nights before she died, my mother became very agitated and insisted that she could get up and walk around. When we tried to stop her, she was scared, confused and angry. I couldn’t stand to see her that way so I gave her the Haldol and it really helped. That was the only episode.
    I hope you don’t need to use it, but it’s good to have.
    Much luck to you,
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Absolutely conflicted #27967

    All I can say is: I’m with you 100%, all the way. The anger resurfaces time and again and it’s not rational, but I think it’s the little kid inside me who just needs her mommy back. It’s good to get it out – glad you did! Now I don’t feel like the only one!
    Joyce M

    in reply to: I got chemo and good news #27951

    Hey Kris, that’s great news! I knew things would start looking up – you’re just too important to this board with your uplifting posts. Glad you gave the blood clots/tumors the old TKO. Keep it coming!
    Joyce M

    in reply to: My Mom Helen Louise Whitfield Davis #27909

    Dear Pam,
    So sorry for the loss of your mom. Her love and the love of your family will get you through this. Cyberhugs and sympathy,
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Not a good update #27891

    Dear Pam,
    I have been down that road, too, and I know how your heart must be breaking. I wish I could make things better for you. Your mom is in my thoughts and prayers.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Newbie from UK #27733

    It’s great news that you’re scheduled for surgery! As you know, that’s the surest way of beating this thing. Much luck to you!!!

    in reply to: Missing my best friend :( #27861

    Dear Sarah,
    I, too, lost my best friend, my mom. And she was taken so quickly, just like yours. We were treated pretty badly by the medical establishment, also. I understand the horrible pain you feel, the surreal feeling. My mom was 64, which is young, but yours was even younger — I am so very very sorry for your loss. I feel cheated and I feel a huge sense of injustice — I always say “it’s not fair, it’s not fair,” and I just can’t get past that. I don’t care how immature and irrational I sound: I just want my mommy back, I just wake up every day in this living nightmare and fool myself into thinking she’ll be coming back. I know your pain, as much as anyone can really know something so personal and individual. No one can replace a mother – no one. Please feel free to vent your grief here, if it helps you — it has certainly helped me to have an outlet when no one else really seems to care.

    Many hugs and hopes of comfort to you and your family,

    Joyce M

    PS – Lainy, that poem made me cry, it was so beautiful! Similar to what was on my mother’s funeral card.

    in reply to: Blah. #27749

    Dear Kris,
    Many cyberhugs to you and here’s hoping they find some benign answer for all of this. Keep up your great attitude ! Have a pint of ice cream and a good cry – you deserve it.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: mum has passed #27797

    Dear Marc,
    My heartfelt sympathy on losing your precious Mum. We’re all here for you, and you can lean on us if you need to vent in the heartbreaking days ahead. As you said, at least your mum is at peace. I hope you can find some of that peace for yourself.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Strange Question #26575

    I think your post (about the decision to go for chemotherapy or not) should be put at the top of the page of every post so everyone can benefit from your wisdom.
    Ron, we’re all hoping and praying that the test results are STUPENDOUS so you can breathe easy for a while.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: New Little Addition is Drying Some Tears #27705

    Congratulations, Tess! I know it’s trite, but the whole “circle of life” thing is just so true. I’m sure your dad is happy and proud, wherever he may be. And your child may never know Grandpa personally, but you will definitely make Grandpa come to life again with your stories and memories.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: My liver was declared unresectable today. #27669

    Oh Rose, I am so sorry to hear your news! It sounds like you have an amazing attitude and great strength, and I wish all the best for you!
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Missing my wonderful mom #27662

    Dear hopeandgrace,

    There is no one in this world who can replace a mother. I know how you feel, especially with my own birthday coming up. I used to joke that my mother should get presents on my birthday, since she’s the one who did all the hard work.

    And I’ve had problem with breathing, also. It’s part of intense pain, I suppose. As Patty said, I often feel like I’m in an alternate reality, and I think it’s my coping mechanism: even after 2 years, 2 months, 4 days, I refuse to believe she’s gone. I wait for the call, the visit, the email. I know it won’t come, but it helps me get through the day to pretend to be delusional. Funny how we develop strange strategies to live through the pain.

    Your mother is always with you, whether you want it or not. I told my own daughter that I would always be with her, no matter what, and I believe it. I would cross the barrier of death for my daughter, and I know my mother would do the same for me. Your best friend is always there for you, though you may not be able to talk to her or touch her. I tell my daughter that all the love my mother felt for us can never die: it is around us all the time, protecting us (this helps when she has nightmares and I just think it’s a nice thought).

    All your life, you will feel the loss of your mother. And all your life, you will feel her love and her encouragement and her beautiful memories. One day, hopefully, the good will overshadow the bad. I hope you find some peace and comfort in this horrible time of new grief. Your mother was lucky to have such a daughter.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: michelle.t #27554

    My sincere sympathy to Michele’s family and loved ones. She seemed so full of hope and life – I can’t bear to think of her two daughters without her. What a tragic loss.

    Joyce M

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