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  • in reply to: thyroid and autoimmune disorders #25420

    Hi everyone,
    I believe I posted before about my mother – she had autoimmune hepatitis, went through severe itching/hives for years before they found out what caused it – same itching that people with cc and lupus and other autoimmune diseases get. Anyway, she was on meds for 3 years and they said it was under control, when they discovered her cc. By then it was too late, too many tumors, so I’m sure the cc must have been present for a while. Diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis at the age of 60, died of cc at the age of 64.

    The autoimmune connection is very strong, I believe, and I’ve posted on autoimmune hepatitis forums, also, to be on the lookout for cc. Doctors should be aware that they have to screen autoimmune patients thoroughly! Glad you brought up this subject, as I believe there’s a direct connection between autoimmune diseases and cc. Now we just have to get the word out!

    Joyce M

    in reply to: Jerry D. #25389

    Dear Nancy,
    My deepest sympathy to you and your loved ones. What a fighter Jerry was, for 8 years! I hope your memories and love comfort you in this tough time.
    Joyce M


    Dear Chris,
    So sorry to hear about your John and so sad for you and your little boy. But as you said, you will keep John’s memory alive and your love will live forever. You are a brave soul and I wish you some solace.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: It’s done #25245

    Dear Sophie,
    So sorry to hear you lost your Peter. I am glad, however, that you were able to care for him until the end, and that you had so many years with the love of your life. It’s something most people don’t ever get to experience, but that doesn’t change the fact that your heart breaks when you have to lose your loved one. I wish you peace and some comfort in this hard time ahead.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Dad passed away Christmas Day #25179

    All my sympathy on the passing of your dad. I know you’re beating yourself up that you didn’t get to say good-bye, but I know that he loved you and would never begrudge you for that. I wish you some solace in the days ahead.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: ? about Alkaline Phosphatase levels #25011

    Hi- I’m so glad the website helped, and even better, a doctor was able to reassure you.
    I had never heard of ferritin, so I looked it up, and it’s indicated in anemia and restless legs syndrome – two things that have affected me, so it was very helpful to learn about it. My bloodwork said I have low protein levels, but didn’t break it down, so I wonder if my ferritin is low, too. So thank you for bringing this up!
    Also, I realize I didn’t extend my condolences earlier. I’m so sorry about your dad. I know this time of year is especially hard – I hope you manage to get through the holiday season okay.
    -Joyce M

    in reply to: Grandma passed away this morning #25047

    Dear Tonia,
    So sorry to hear about your grandma – you were a wonderful granddaughter and caretaker. I know your heart is aching right now, and it may be helpful to anesthetize yourself with anti-depressants or a support group until you’re ready to face this all-consuming grief. I know I needed a crutch when my mother died – I thought I would go insane. Just a thought. My heart goes out to you-
    Joyce m

    in reply to: ? about Alkaline Phosphatase levels #25013

    Hi – I was also concerned a few months ago after routine blood work showed elevated GGT levels, and the website about lab results really helped me understand that other factors, like recent Tylenol use, can cause the numbers. I wish I had the website, but if you search under “lab results” maybe you can find it. Best of luck to you!
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Can I not catch a break? #24804

    Dear Kris,
    I’m sure Hans is so thrilled to have you back – I hope you have a good Christmas with him, and the doctors get you some relief soon!

    It’s a good idea to avoid those Scandinavian fish things – I grew up in a Norwegian neighborhood and my best friends are Norwegians, and the fiskebolles and dried cod they eat is HORRIBLE! So at least you have a great excuse to avoid that!

    Try to have a merry holiday – our fingers are crossed for you!

    -Joyce M

    in reply to: The holiday #24770

    I echo what everyone else said here so eloquently. It has been 1 year, 10 months since my mother died, so it’s going to be my 2nd Christmas without her, and I am just overcome with sadness – still. It’s easier than last year, but it’s still extremely hard. People don’t know that it takes more than a couple of days, or even a couple of years, to get over the loss of someone you loved for so long – someone you shared all your thoughts with, someone you spent holidays with, someone you spoke to every day about trivial and important things.
    Do what will make you feel better – go home and “wallow” (as my husband puts it) – be surrounded by the spirit of your husband and try to remember him at his funniest and most alive – the memories of the last horrible days have a way of taking over, and he wouldn’t want you to remember him that way. I know – sometimes you can’t help it.
    Take all the time you need and do whatever you can to heal yourself, and don’t worry about what other people may think. This is a tough time of year and only YOU know the best way to survive it. Find someone who has gone through the same thing, or someone who loved John almost as much as you did, and avoid other people for a little while if you can. Not for TOO long – don’t become a hermit, or you’ll really feel cut off. But I understand and empathize completely with your heartbreak and your anger. No one understands until they’ve gone through it themselves. But you are never alone here.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: Can I not catch a break? #24794

    Dear Kris,
    This is so horrible that your holidays are being ruined like this – I feel so bad for you! You’re always so incredibly strong, because you ADMIT when you’re terrified and you need a hug – that’s a strength that many people wish they had.
    I know this is probably a dumb suggestion, but everyone in the northeast here is having terrible bouts with “stomach flu” – not actually the flu, but the kind of 24 hour virus that hits you like a load of bricks and usually goes away in 24 hours. Except, this year, a lot of people have it for 2 weeks or more, and I’ve been dreading catching it. Just thought I’d throw that out there – a virus? Well, I’ll be hoping that’s the case with you. Keep us updated and vent all you want!

    in reply to: My sister Anita #15483

    Dear Carolyn
    I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. I pray that you find some comfort in her memories to get you through this tough Christmas season.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: LainyA #24729

    Dear Chris,
    Please accept my sympathy on the loss of your wife – and sympathy for your daughter and your family and wonderful support system. It seems they’ve lost a truly remarkable lady, but the gift of love she gave will always be with you.
    Joyce M

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do #24340

    Dear Charlene,
    I am so so sorry for your loss and your grief. I know nothing can console you right now, but go ahead and vent all your feelings here – where there are people who have gone through this, and understand. I so wish I could ease your pain. You’re in our thoughts and prayers
    Joyce M

    in reply to: At Home Hospice care For Jeff #24455

    Dear Jeff,
    I echo what everyone else said so eloquently – get rid of that pain, have a happy Thanksgiving and we will all be giving thanks for your continued presence here, supporting us and making us smile. You’re one in a billion.
    Joyce M

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