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  • in reply to: Dac with CC #49630

    PS – when I meant “bad new”, I meant in the inconclusive diagonsis. Not knowing for sure is what I meant by the bad news. And yes, the news could be worse, so lets hope that’s as bad as it gets.

    I re-read my post above and wanted to clarify this as my wording did not read as I meant it.

    Long day, time for bed and think and write more cleary tomorrow.

    in reply to: Dac with CC #49629

    Hi Again,

    Well some good news first. My dad had his stent replaced, they removed the old one and replaced with another plastic stent. That seemed to help alot. It took a few days but his heart functions are better, his jaundice is nearly gone, they had him on anti-b and that seems to have done the trick on his bacteria in the blood, kidneys back to normal.

    He’s at Morristown Hosptial, NJ so I’ll give them credit for getting him from bad shape when he checked in a week ago to almost ready to go home.

    Now the bad news, after doing scans, ERPC, they still can’t confirm 100% if it’s cancer/CC. They told us the test results were “abnormal”. When I questioned what this means, they said while they can’t confirm it’s cancer yet, everthing points to cancer.

    They did another ERPC today, doc said he did not see any tumors, lymph nodes were a bit enlarged so he got a sample of a node for testing. Should have the test results in about 2 days they said.

    Due to his condition, mostly heart issues, docs don’t want to do any evasive stuff for a biopsy. They kind of said if these test results are also inconclusive, they may want to start radiation. This part has me confused & concerned, starting rad treatments based on “we think”??? I did not know what belirubin, and all this other stuff was until about a week ago, man is this overwhelming and frustrating! Anyone have any comments on this part?

    I’m suggesting to my dad he consider getting a 3rd opinion at Sloan, we’ll wait and see what the test results look like but that’s what I’m leaning towards. Doc’s at Morristown Hospital have mostly been great imo but I like the idea of multipule opinions.

    Dad was looking good today, told me some stories about growing up in the 1930’s. I’ve heard them before but they are always a kick to hear.

    Thanks all for the kind words and support, this is a great site and has helped me. I’ll continue the updates, maybe I can help someone too.

    May all that try to help one day receive the help they need too,

    in reply to: Late 80s with bile duct cancer #45110

    Hi all,

    My dad is likewise in his upper 80’s. We are still trying to get a confirmation that he has CC since they don’t want to do a biopsy due to his weak heart.
    He’s a tough old guy, so I hope he fights and stays with us as long as possible but I also want him to have a good quality of life.

    This is real tough, we just recently found out so trying to understand all the options for what to do in his case.

    God bless

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