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  • in reply to: Update and seeking advice for Mother in Law #90370

    Thank you Lainy and Marion for your quick and perceptive replies. Yes, the issue we’re struggling with, my wife and I, is how to balance being non-intrusive and nonjudgmental while at the same time helping someone we love get the best, most informative perspective on a very difficult decision. Your replies are so helpful – it is of course not up to me to decide, and my wife and I are aware that our approaches to what is a terminal illness won’t be the same as hers. Still, no one wants unnecessary suffering, least of all for someone we love so much.
    So….its very helpful to hear from the patient’s and caregivers’ perspective. Our Oncologist is great – while absolutely willing to provide whatever treatment my Mother in Law wants, she also wants to frame this decision in the most medically realistic, helpful and informative way possible.

    I guess one additional question we want to ask this board is how elderly people in general tolerate Xeloda/ Capcitobine. Is it milder than gemcitabine? Similar in side-effect profile? I realize patients respond differently, but its been tough watching how much the Gemcitabine has wiped her out, leaving her with hardly any energy at all most days. Its seems to take a week or more to recover from a short trip away from the house. Do patients in the experience of people on this board get somewhat better energy after stopping a given chemo protocol? Does the quality of life often improve for a period of time?

    Thanks Again,


    Update – my dear MIL was able to do a couple of rounds on Gem/Abraxane but had to discontinue because of neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. Fever of unknown origin put her in the local hospital for a few days. Neupogen pushed the WBCs back up nice and strong, she’s feeling much better, back home.

    Second opinion already received at Dana Farber in Boston – rec. going to Gem/Cis. Next visit for a third opinion already scheduled for Sloan Kettering this week.

    Previously, our local oncologist was thinking it was a tossup between pancreatic and CC while still unknown origin, but now Dana Farber and our onc agree its most probably CC originally, and Gem/Cis will be the better protocol.

    Any thoughts appreciated.



    IowaGirl and Lainy –

    Thank you so much for your generous welcome posts. I am trying hard to catch up and understand more about this illness, as ill-defined as it is in my Mother-in-Law’s case, and I appreciate your willingness to help.
    Julie – MIL is being treated at a local hospital in her town. We are pursuing second opinions at Dana Farber, Sloan-Kettering and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance.
    I realize Gem/Cis is the usual first-line treatment. Not sure why our oncologist is choosing to go with Gem/Abraxane.


    in reply to: First Chemo not Gem/Cis? #86699

    First-time poster Bob here. My mother-in-law is getting Gemcitabine plus Abraxane (paclitaxel) as a first-line treatment. Curious if anyone else has been given, or offered, this protocol.

    Any information welcome.


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