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  • in reply to: How long for stent to work? #37373


    You are right. The treatment at St James in Leeds is second to none. I was diagnosed with bile duct cancer last year, at the ampullar of vater, where the bile duct and pancreatic ducts meet the duodenum.

    I had a whipples operation at St James. Mr Menon was the surgeon. And get this, he did the operation by keyhole surgery. 12-hour operation.

    Mr Menon is an absolute darling. The most kind and caring doctor I have ever met. Exceptionally warm man. Kudos to him. All the medical staff were in awe of his surgical skills. He apparently was the first surgeon in the UK to perform whipples by keyhole. Amazing man. The daughter of a friend in my support group is godmother to Professor Lodges children. St James Bexley Wing is the best cancer facility in Europe so I have been told.

    in reply to: Newbie from UK #27735

    Well, I had my CPX test on Monday. Anaerobic Threshold 11.3. Normal Gas Exchange Data. No Ischaemia. So that means I am fit enough for the trauma of recovery after surgery. What a relief. I was so sure that I would fail the test. But it was a doddle. Easiest bicycle ride I’ve ever had :-) . Have a pre-op talk with the Leeds Consultant, Dr Prazad, on 20th April. Then after that, just sit tight and wait for a date for the surgery. It is the waiting that is the worst thing. Just want to get it over and done with. I worry that every day of waiting is one more day for the cancer to grow and spread. *(actually, it is just as well I am waiting, because I have a virus at the moment, a sore throat and tickly cough, so best to get the bugs out of the way first). every day of waiting seems interminable. Never known such stress before. Guess from now on my life is going to be full of stress. Operation, recovery, scans, tests, more tests. for the rest of my life (however long that may be), the big C will always be there, lurking in the background, never gone, ready to rear it’s ugly head. Cancer sure changes people. I am a different person to the one I was two months ago. On tenterhooks. Oh I wish the clock could be turned back. Sorry for the gloom, but I am feeling low today. First day that I have really cried. Think the enormity of this thing has finally hit me. Does every one suffer this? weeks of denial, and then, wham, all of a sudden, reality, and fear, and tears. Take care all of you for now. Will try to cheer up for my next post. Ciao. xx

    in reply to: Newbie from UK #27729

    Hello all my wonderful new friends. I went to see my Consultant today, expecting the very worst, so that at least I couldn’t get any lower. The results of all my accumulated tests are better than I dared to hope. The MRI and EUS showed that the cancer is apparently confined to the ampullary area and doesn’t appear to have spread. Also, the enlarged Adrenal Gland is benign. So, Leeds St James Hospital are going to operate on me provided I pass the CPX Test. Hope to have the operation by the end of the month.

    There is still the worry over what may be found when I am opened up, but will cross that hurdle when I get there. I am just so grateful to be given this chance. Know I will never be cured, but if my life can be prolonged, that is something.

    All you lovely people have been through similar experiences, and all of your stories are slightly different. I think we all share a common bond because of this dreadful disease, and I am so glad to have found this forum.

    By the Way, Marion, Ron and Devoncat. The surgeon who will undertake the op is Dr. Krishna Menon (scuse spelling). I googled him and found he has years of experience. Professor Lodge apparently deals more in Liver Transplantation these days, so my cancer support nurse informs me.

    Take care. Will be back soon with more updates. Be brave everyone, and take care.

    in reply to: Newbie from UK #27727

    Sorry Ron, just opened the link you posted and it answered my question. He is based in Jimmy’s. So fingers crossed, if I can have surgery, I am hoping he is the man.

    in reply to: Newbie from UK #27726

    Hi all. Thank you for your kind words of support. I have just been reading through them all.

    Ron and Devoncat. I will bear Prof Lodge’s name in mind. Is he at St. James Hospital? I was there last week at the Bexley Wing for my endoscopic ultrasound scan.

    I believe that if surgery is an option for me, then the operation will be performed at St. James. It is quite possible then that he might do the operation.

    My consultant in York is Alistair Turnbull, a lovely man with a very kind bedside manner.

    I await Wednesdays outpatients appointment with a great deal of trepidation, and these next few days will be dreadful, I know. having difficulty sleeping because this terrible disease is constantly on my mind. It is lovely to be able to know that we can all on this board share experiences. LIke the old saying, a problem shared is a problem halved.

    God Bless all of you. Till Wednesday, bye for now.

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