Thank you jules. We are hoping that our original diagnosis from the liver biopsy was not accurate and that he has prostate mets rather than cholangio with bone mets. The pathologist was originally thinking prostate or pancreas mets from the biopsy. He said a PSA stain was negative, then favored primary liver- cholangio. I have read that cholangio can go to the bone, but this would seem extremely rare to only have identifyable mets to the bone. Problems with the prostate theory; however, is that his PSA level is only 1.5 (although has been slowly rising over the past few years where it was 0) and it also seems unusual to have a solitary 8cm mass in the liver that is a metastasis.
We have sent everything to MD Anderson for a second opinion. Now we are anxiously waiting. If he does have cholangio with bone mets, does anyone else now what the treatment might be?
Thanks again,
Hopeful in Oklahoma