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  • kelslilsis

    Thank you all so very much for your support and advice. Kel’s husband and I will be taking her to see the ONC this morning. I guess I’m just so surprised that on 3/11 the PET Scan didn’ show any involvment in the brain or other organs – it’s only been three weeks, can it really move this fast? I spoke with her last night and she is a bit incoherent – unsure of what day it is, hearing things and generally confused. Whoa, this is just so scary – and not how she wanted to be. I will be talking with the doctor about hospice and I already know she’s going to fight me on it. She’ll say “No, its not time”. And I don’t blame her, but I have to do what’s best for her.

    The family and I, we just wish we knew how to move from here. Is it going to be fast as in days or weeks or months? None of us can afford to just take off of work or leave our jobs, but if she’s going soon we want to be there with her as much as possible. I don’t want to exhaust my vacation now if she’s going to need me more in a few weeks. It’s so hard to make the “right” decision. How do you know?

    Thanks again for all of the support, it really helps to know that you folks are there and truly understand what we are going through.

    With much love and hope..

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