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  • in reply to: dizziness from xeloda? #60480

    The redness was better today. Still sore and red, tho. The lines are very defined. So I didn’t call. I figure I have 3.5 days left. If I can bear with it, great. If it’s too much tomorrow, I’ll call the emergency number.
    No peeling or blisters yet, but my left thumb DOES feel like a blister is trying to form (I’m left handed, BTW).

    in reply to: CTCA #61112

    Tiff: You have a great team at MD Anderson. They are one of the best in the country. If you can get into NY Presbyterian or Sloan Kettering they are among the best, too. You have to trust your docs at some point.
    I know it’s hard. What if I went here? What if I did this? I think that’s the hardest part. At least with “known” cancers there are certain protocols and we don’t have that. So we just have to believe what we are doing is the right way for us to go. And trust that God is holding us and leading us the right way. It sucks but it’s all we’ve got. Hope in us, God and our docs.
    Gavin posted a new thread about Dichloracetate but I couldn’t read it. I’m going to ask Dr. Kemeny when I see her on the 30th. Maybe the researchers are getting somewhere!! We can only hope that’s the case.
    Love you, girl. Stay strong! Good luck this week in TX!!!

    in reply to: CTCA #61110

    I know they are not affiliated with Aetna. Aetna will not accept their charges and doesn’t work with them or vice versa. And the only other thing I know is a former coworker told me not to go there. Nothing else known.
    Randi: Cancer Treatment Centers of America


    I would really like to know what this says. I just joined and signed in to read it, but now it says 30 Euros to read further. Do you have access to it and can cut and paste the “good” parts on this forum??
    Thanks so much if you can.


    in reply to: starting chemo on may 1 – any tips #60400

    Melissa: I don’t know what to do about swelling legs etc. But I do know my onc asks about it. I would call if it’s concerning you.

    in reply to: starting chemo on may 1 – any tips #60396

    Yes, I seem to be more sensitive to the sun. Athough I really wouldn’t know since I wear sunscreen IF I go out during the day. And if she is already tan, it might not matter.
    I have also become a bit of a germaphobe. I wash all my fruits and veggies before eating. This includes washing cantaloupe and watermelon BEFORE cutting them. Onc nurses taught me that one. They said the dirt will go with the knife thru into the edible meats. Better to be safe than sorry, right?

    And I went dancing last night!!! My feet and hands are starting to burn but I’m doing what I can. I say cancer has taken enough from me… it won’t get more without a fight!

    in reply to: starting chemo on may 1 – any tips #60394

    It’s great that you mom is able to do all that after chemo. Just make sure she cleans well after working with dirt, bird droppings, etc. as her blood counts might be low. So she will need to be careful about germs. And also make sure she uses good strong sunscreen! I specifically asked my onc about gardening and she said as long as my counts were low to refrain from gardening, or to be very careful that I clean thoroughly afterwards. And if I went out in the sun to wear 30+ sunscreen.
    And I say as long as she has no side effects, let her be as normal as she can be. On my tired days I take it easy. On my “good” days I go dancing!
    Good luck to your mom.

    in reply to: Is this something we could do at home?? #61098

    That is one of the things I dislike most about chemo: wearing at least a 30 spf. The chemo makes us more prone to sunburn, so chemo patients are not supposed to be exposing themselves to sunshine. UGH!
    I also agree that with any supplement you should check with your oncologist. Some of them are okay with it, and some don’t want supplements to interfere with treatment.

    in reply to: dizziness from xeloda? #60478

    They didn’t adjust the Xeloda. Once I started taking the preferred amounts of allergy pills, most of it went away. As long as I know when I lay down the room might spin, I’m prepared. It doesn’t happen during the course of the day, thankfully.
    I hope your mother weathers the Xeloda well. There are some side effects that most people get. Of course, since I’m such a rare human being, I get the rare ones. :)
    Actually, I do have some burning in my hands and feet. They are getting red and a little painful, but no blisters yet. I will call my onc’s office today to see if they want me to lower the dosage or just push on thru. I only have 4 days left in this final cycle. I hope to hear after my CT scan on 23rd that we’re a go for resection.
    Good luck to your mom You can get more Xeloda information by going to Genentech’s website. And if your copay is high for this (mine was $350) you can get financial help for the pill. I don’t remember, but I believe it’s about $2000 a year or something like that.

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60839

    I also posted on FB how happy I am to hear all this. I am so glad Lauren’s procedure went so well. Here’s to some “zapping”!!

    And Lainy:
    I’m doing okay. I have a CT scan next week. Just waiting till then to find out what’s next on the agenda. Dizziness, etc. is better so I went for a brief ride on the “new to me” scooter Sunday. Hope to get out tomorrow too.
    Hugs to all

    in reply to: New to the site #60575

    I, too, have times when I’m angry. I come here to vent, as many of the other members here know. I have always been a healthy person. A few years ago I changed my eating habits and started trying to be more healthy. Then March 2011 out of the blue I was diagnosed with cc. No sickness, no warning. Just a gallbladder attack.
    I still ask “why me?” And i still get angry. But I love going to the good news section when I’m down and feeling sorry for myself. It gives me hope that i can beat this horrible disease. I don’t know what I would do without this family I have found.
    And yes, some of the posts hurt. And some of them I can’t even read because I get so upset. But without the hope that I get from this site I don’t know what I would do.
    I don’t have a spouse or children to lean on. I live alone. I would love to have someone here to support me and give me a strong shoulder to cry on. That makes me angry, too, that my ex boyfriend decided he didn’t want to deal with it anymore. But I WILL beat this, and I know that for the rest of my life I have to worry about recurrence. But I will do what I have to do, and I will have a good life, for as long as God will let me stay here on earth.
    We post on here to give and get support. I ask questions, and answer people when I have some experience in what they are going thru. Most of us are patients and/or caregivers. Some are actual surgeons or nurses, or others with a good background. We are here to help each other and for a place to go to ask questions and get support.
    And I love each and every one of the people on here that try every day to help us thru this rollercoaster ride.

    in reply to: Lauren’s Theraspheres #60835

    I’ve been praying for Lauren’s first treatment to go great for over a week now! And I ain’t stopping till I hear how great it went. Finger, toes, and eyes crossed, too.
    Lots of love going out to you,

    in reply to: Here´s to life!! #60982

    Go Maria!! I’d send you energy if I had any to spare!! But here’s some cheers from the U.S. cheering section!!
    Go Maria!!! Go Maria!!!!

    in reply to: sugar/caffeine vs veggies #60755

    Good luck next week with Dr. Fong. I love him. He’s my surgeon, also, and I hope to hear some good news in a couple of weeks about my resection.
    As for nutrition: I know I should worry more about my nutrition, but I love my ice cream. And I also figure with everything I’m going thru I should be allowed to have my ice cream!
    I try to eat healthy, or at least healthier than I used to. I try not to microwave my food as much anymore. I don’t succeed as often as I would like, but I try.
    And then I eat my ice cream!! :)

    in reply to: SSDI–Compassionate Allowance Ruling #60308

    And you ought to talk to a lawyer about the firing, too. I checked into it, because I was laid off as soon as I had my surgery. The way my company laid off 11 people made my claim hard to prove. You might have an easier time. It is illegal.

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