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  • in reply to: Introduction / Welcome #100761

    Hello, Laurie!

    I am sorry to hear of your CC diagnosis but also feel so comforted in the fact that you are so positive and having good success and treatment on your journey!  I think that your positivity will serve you so well in the next few week and months as you continue.  My favorite saying is, “you haven’t come this far to only come this far!” and with your positivity– you certainly have the right frame of mind to kick this cancer!  Keep asking questions.  Keep fighting for answers.  Advocate for yourself.  You’re doing all the right things.  And most of all, stay close to our group.  We are all here to support you and help you along the way.

    Hugs and best of luck in your treatment!

    in reply to: Labeled with Intrahepatic Cholagiocarcinoma #100760


    I am so sorry to hear of your diagnosis.  Know that you are surrounded with support and hope in this group!

    My father has CC and his moto during it all has been ” stay strong and positive!”  So you’re in the right spot to stay connected to all of us here who have been a part in some way of this journey.

    I would agree with Mary, and I’m sure my father would agree too, that multiple opinions are important as well as finding a team of doctors who deal with this specific cancer.  The CC Foundation website is a great tool to use!  And as I said, we’re all here to help you and we’re all in this together.  Please know we are all pulling for you and here to help!

    Take care, Kristen

    in reply to: Help with surgery option #100607


    I also love your username!  Being POSITIVE is such a wonderful way to start each new day and to approach this cancer journey.  I wish you all the best with your wife and her treatment plan.  You are not alone, we are all here to support you and your family through this time.  My father, too, has CC.  He was not given the option of surgery.  I cannot help with a personal experience- I am sorry.  But I know you will find many in this group who will be able to give you their experience.

    Thinking of you– stay positive!  Hugs and support on this Sunday night.


    in reply to: New diagnosis #100606

    Hello!  I am so sorry to hear you have already battled one cancer and are now dealing with another.  It sure sounds like you’re a fighter!  My father, too, has this cancer, and I can tell you that you are not alone.  Such a supportive group here with so much knowledge and information.  We are all here for you.  Please keep us posted on your care.  Mayo Clinic is an outstanding institution!  Sending hugs and strength!


    in reply to: Introduction / Welcome #100482

    Hello Ayhan!

    Welcome to our discussion boards!  I am so very sorry to learn of your mother’s new CC diagnosis.  My father, too, has unresectable cholangiocarcinoma.  I know how hard and scary this time is!  I am sure you have questions swirling around your head.  You have come to the right place!  We are all here to help you and support you in your new roll as a caregiver and advocate for your Mom.

    May I ask how her first appointment went?  Were you able to be at the appointment with her?  Were your questions answered by the doctors?  I hope you were able to find some guidance as you begin this new journey.

    My father was diagnosed in 2017 with CC.  It took us some time to come to terms with his diagnosis and wrap our brains around what  was happening.  It’s an uncertain time for your family….but as I said, you’ve come to the right place.  We are all one family here- there is nothing we can’t see each other through.  From one caregiver to another, I wish you strength and patience to find answers.

    Please keep in touch and keep us posted!

    My thoughts are with you,


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