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  • in reply to: Juniper tea #40024

    It’s almost a year later since my last post and my mom is still with us. She is actually showing signs of decline right now. She is very jaundiced and has lost a lot of weight. She tires easily and can’t seem to get warm enough. She is still in good spirits and is not giving up.

    in reply to: Juniper tea #40023

    I’m going to ask her to ask her doctor to send me the reports. Good idea. Thanks Marion.

    in reply to: Juniper tea #40021

    Marion, my mom is eating healthy and drinking plenty of liquids. The juniper tea is a once a day thing. I just recently mailed her some dandelion root tea as I hear it thins the bile. A few days ago she had pain in her side and the doctor told her that her liver was enflamed and gave her a prescription of antibiotics for it. The pain went away before she got her prescription filled but she’s going to take them anyway. She is doing great and is enjoying life. She’s getting a portacath on Tuesday as she is due to start chemo again on Thursday. Gemcitabine and Cisplatin I believe are her drugs. She hasn’t had chemo since December 2009. I have no idea why they’re having her start it up again. It sucks living so far from her and not knowing exactly what’s going on.

    in reply to: Juniper tea #40018

    Actually, I’m from Labrador, Canada…lol. Mother is still doing well but she doesn’t understand her blood work very well. She said she had a count of 36 today and her internal stent is not draining so she is back to wearing an external drainage bag. She will also be starting chemo once again, first time since Dec 2009. What is this count she’s talking about? Someone please fill me in.

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