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  • in reply to: My psychologists take on cc #39289

    Thanks for this, Kris. It makes a lot of sense of the state of perpetual anxiety which has been known to pervade this house – even Laura (the cat) gets unusually jittery at times …

    in reply to: Alan #39309

    Hello, Marie – a big welcome from me, too.


    in reply to: How long did you wait to start Chemo? #39326

    Thinking of you today!!

    in reply to: ABC 03 Trial – recruiting September time #39257

    Thank you, Andie. What a rollercoaster!!!

    At Kings, they kept telling my sis they wouldn’t start chemo until her bili was down to 50. I think she was about 257 at the time (I’m trying to dredge up a memory from a time I’ve spent the past year trying to blot out ;)) In the end they didn’t wait until 50, although I can’t remember the actual number.

    I’m keeping everything crossed for you Dad.


    in reply to: I’m at the beginning of this frightening journey. #38907

    I’m so upset about your Stanford Onc’s attitude, Snezzie – that is not what you need. I wish you the very best of luck with your scan & am hoping a good result will help reduce your understandable anxiety.

    Best wishes

    in reply to: Dad diagnosed with inoperable klatskin Tumour oct 2006 #38877

    That’s wonderfully inspiring, Narinder. My sister & I both love juice, so I’ve dusted off my juicer & set up an order for a weekly delivery of veg.

    My best wishes to you & your Dad – & thank you.


    in reply to: A CC DATE with 32COUPE #39319

    Brilliant!!! :D

    in reply to: UK Cholangiocarinoma charity to hold ball July 17 #39313

    I’m thinking, thinking, thinking how I can get to be there … Stanstead’s not that far from me …

    [… come on, Julia – get your brain in gear & work something out …]

    in reply to: newly diagnosed #39215

    Hello, JC. Welcome from me, too!!


    in reply to: Computer Crash #38139

    Gavin – my curtains are very thin & whilst I hate blocking the light out, I really don’t want to be woken by it tooooo early. I’ve started wearing the “travel” eye-mask people use to sleep on aeroplanes & they do the trick!! ;) Hope they help you sleep a bit longer. x

    in reply to: A question from my sister #39248

    Thank you very much – all of you. I’ve printed off your suggestions & given them to my sister. She looks so well at the moment (long may it last) & I’m so proud of her. Last Monday she got on a train & went to visit my brother & sister-in-law in York. She stayed there the whole week & walked, walked, walked (& slept, slept, slept, too :)) She’s come back looking SO much like her old self.

    I think the break did us both good. She said it was a shock to have a week with no one talking about cancer, but she found she liked it!!

    The Onc we saw on Monday is very pleased with her & wants her next follow-up to be in 2 months. He said he doesn’t believe in re-scanning purely for routine’s sake but will rescan the moment he senses anything untoward is indicated. I can see his point, but it makes me nervous … I suspect I may continue to watch her like a hawk, but I’ll try & be more subtle about it than I have been to date ;)

    Thank you – if you have any more ideas, please keep ’em coming!! :D

    Julia x

    in reply to: Mum just been diagnosed Ninewells #39068

    This is such a hard time for you, ScottsMum. I’m thinking of you & sending my very best wishes.


    in reply to: Acupuncture #32749

    Good Luck with the acupuncture, Lisa. I look forward to reading your updates.


    in reply to: ABC 03 Trial – recruiting September time #39255

    Thank you so much for this information, Andie. Unfortunately, by September, my sister’s chemo will still have been within 6 months of the recruitment – & she had the Gem/Cis combo which seems to exclude her, too. But I’m so grateful to you for seeing, assessing & posting this.

    I hope your dad feels a lot better now.

    Julia x

    in reply to: To Chemo or Not #39138

    Dear, dear Lainy & Teddy

    I’ve been offline for a while (my phone’s fine for accessing Facebook, but not for CCF unfortunately) & have only just read your update. I’m so sorry to hear of Teddy’s latest hurdle & the decisions you’ve had to make. I am always so gobsmacked by your wonderful, wonderful attitude, though, & send my love & best wishes for your trip to Milwaukee & the next stage in your journey together.

    Love Julia xx

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