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  • lalupes

    My sister is often cold & clammy; she was talking to another cc patient in the Onc’s waiting room yesterday & the other patient has exactly the same experience with the chills. When I asked, the Onc just said “cancer itself can cause chills & cold sweats” & didn’t seem at all concerned about it as a symptom of anything.

    My sis likes lots of hot drinks/hot soups to warm her up from the inside.

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33514

    I send my very, very best wishes, too, Sharon. I’m thinking of your & your family.

    Julia xx

    in reply to: Heart breaking 6 months #33571

    Dear Doug – welcome, welcome, welcome!! I was lucky to find this site within days of the doctors first mentioning CC in relation to my sister, so I’ve had lots of support from my wonderful “cc family” every step of the way. It must be so very hard to cope with all you’ve been through on your own.

    Please keep coming back & telling us how you are. I’ve never known such a terrific bunch of people as those who post on here.

    My very best wishes

    in reply to: Hospice care for dad #33269

    I’m so sorry, Gavin. You seem to have shared all the ups & downs with your mum & dad in this. You are clearly making all you can of all the precious moments. My thoughts are with you all.


    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33419

    Wow!! Sounds great (& there’s nothing wrong with the 50s – I was born in that decade :D)

    I love your attitude, Lisa & am looking forward to you posting a photo :)

    Julia x

    in reply to: The journey starts #33044

    You sound to be doing well indeed, Tom. I’m really, really pleased. I heard about Sir-Spheres for the 1st time last week & I want to raise it when my sis & I see her Onc on Monday, She’s had her week off Gem/Cis this week, too. She starts her next cycle on Wednesday.

    My sister takes Fortisip Plus to help with getting her weight up – what are you on to help?

    Pam – Thanks for mentioning Biotene; I’ve checked it out & found it in Boots the Chemist. My sister’s mouth is incredibly dry but not particularly sore yet. I’ll bear it in mind in case she needs more help with the dryness.

    in reply to: Mom Receiving Hospice Care #33477

    My heart goes out to you, LoveMyMom. My very, very best wishes to you & your family. I wish I had the words to say more.

    love Julia x

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31893

    I hope your dad’s feeling better today, Gavin (& that the tilers left you enough milk for your own essential cup of tea!!)

    I’m so sad your dad’s going through these hard times again; you must be under such a lot of pressure at the moment.

    My best wishes to you all.


    in reply to: Newly diagnosed…what next??? #32925

    My sister’s been prescribed “Fortisip Plus” (3 times per day) for when she’s not up to eating. She really likes the vanilla & fruits of the forest flavours.

    It’s so scary when all you hear are bad prognoses; I don’t blame your brother being apprehensive of going onto what he may see as just another website where he might just hear more of the same. That’s what’s so wonderful about this site – there’s so much hope, optimism & support. It’s not blind hope either, as the survivors on here regularly show.

    Please send my best wishes to your brother. He’s a survivor, too.

    in reply to: Hair started falling out today! #33416

    Lisa, I hope you have a wonderful time checking out scarves & hats before you go the buzz-cut route. It seems a shame to take it all off immediately, but if you do, I’m sure you’ll carry it off with style & elegance.


    in reply to: Strange test results – good or bad? #33136

    Great news, Rick!! That’s so wonderful. xx

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31886

    Tilers wanting cuppas?? Nice to know some things never change :D


    Good luck, Gerry!!!!! Come back soon & let us know how you are. We’re thinking of you!!

    Welcome, Michael – I’m sorry I can’t help with your questions but it’s good that you’ve found this wonderful site. My very best wishes to you & your family.

    Julia x

    in reply to: hair loss….gemzar cisplatin #29772

    Welcome, Beth!!! You will certainly not be alone here!! This is such a wonderful site so please come back often & tell us how you’re getting on.

    Thanks to you & scarman, too, for your comments on the thinning. My sister has now had 2 full cycles (4 doses) & slightly more hair is shedding – but there’s still not much coming out.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31880

    Tandoori mixed grill – WOW!! Sounds wonderful & I hope you enjoy it very much. I went out with friends last week & had a King Prawn Sag, which I love & haven’t had for ages. It did me the world of good.

    I had a lousy day, myself, yesterday after my Swine Flu jab – every muscle in my body ached & my body felt so heavy I could barely move. I went to bed as soon as I got home from work & was woken by my sister, who had cooked a lovely meal & was asking me whether I wanted to come down to eat or whether she should bring it up on a tray. I felt so blessed to have her here. I know she enjoyed being able to look after me, so it was a real win-win for us both.

    Today, I woke bright-eyed & bushy-tailed & can hardly remember what it was like to feel so awful yesterday.

    My very best to you & your mum & dad. Enjoy your evening & I hope you are able to relax with your friends.

    Julia x

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