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  • in reply to: Fever #33235

    We weren’t told whether it’s a common side-effect or not, we were just told to look out for it. My sister hasn’t had any fevers, so far – her reaction seems to be more of the “cold sweat” variety.

    I hope your mother in law’s temperature comes down quickly. There are others on here going through chemo, so I’m sure you’ll get more comments & guidance very soon.

    Best wishes

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31847

    How frustrating that he didn’t tell you at the time – but I’m sure we can all understand why he wouldn’t want to. I hope the weekend goes smoothly & that he can see his own GP about it.

    My sister’s chemo didn’t go too well this week but she seems to have settled down again now.

    What a rollercoaster for us all!!


    in reply to: Our Sister #32658

    Dear Jim, I’m so sorry Kathy’s having such a rough time. My very best wishes to you all.


    in reply to: Back from Holidays #33234

    I’ve never had a baby, but your analogy made me laugh. I think it’s a GREAT way to treat the team!! :)

    in reply to: We will not be overlooked at the medical conferences #33223

    This is wonderful – thank you, Karen!!!

    in reply to: The journey starts #33030

    My sister’s Onc said she could do pretty much anything she wanted to do. She was very scared of hurting herself, but he said, if she does normal everyday things (including gardening, which she LOVES), then she won’t. He just said she must wear gloves when she’s gardening.

    She has a blood test the day before every infusion.

    I’m so glad all is continuing well.


    in reply to: Back from Holidays #33232

    I’m glad you’ve had a great holiday & some good news, Wendy. No – they DON’T know you!! You go show ’em girl!!!

    Julia :D

    in reply to: I can hardly believe it myself! #33180

    That’s SOOOOO wonderful, Suzanne – thank you, thank you for telling us. It gives me hope!!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed…what next??? #32920

    Very big welcome to the site, savinggrace. Please post again soon.

    in reply to: Time for my experience and help #32354

    Very, very best of luck for tomorrow, Carlos.

    Julia x

    in reply to: Max :) #33149

    Wow!! Congratulations to you, indeed!! & please send Maddy my particular congratulations on the arrival of her little brother.

    Julia x

    in reply to: I think this is good news #33164

    Good luck getting a swift appointment!!

    in reply to: The journey starts #33027

    It’s great news that all’s going well for you, Tom. Your treatment certainly sounds the same as my sister’s. She’s on her 2nd cycle now & I’m about to update my blog. (Sometimes I find it really hard to get the blog moving – then it just sails ahead until it grinds to a full-stop again. They’re fun to do though, so if you decide to set one up, do please post a link).

    Her doctor said she’s likely to lose her hair but her chemo nurse said it’s unlikely. I’ll let you know who turns out to be right!!

    Good luck with choosing your new hair colour :D

    in reply to: Online Birthday Party…Favorite Thing??? #33124

    Thanks for telling me about Sessan. My late boy-cat, Tom, was THE most loving cat in the world. When he died I swore no more cats for me, unless another stray walked in, as Tom had (walked in from the railway line & stayed 13 years).

    Then I met Laura at the local animal shelter. Laura is feisty & beautiful, with no tail & a very distinct personality. We immediately adopted each other BUT she will NOT be cuddled. She is very decisive about wanting all four paws on the ground at all times (unless, of course, SHE chooses to lift them). Tom would follow me everywhere, but for ages Laura showed no interest at all.

    My vet said girl-cats tend to adore men & boy-cats tend to adore women. Your story interested me, too, when you said: “SHE basically cared little about me … But she LOVES Hans” & then: “HE is definately my cat and is all over me” – seems to conform to my vet’s gender observation!!

    I’m glad she’s more interested in you now – a little jealousy is no bad thing in these circumstances!!

    in reply to: Online Birthday Party…Favorite Thing??? #33117

    Kris, ever since your photo & profile popped up on the Faces page (lovely photo, by the way!!) I’ve wanted to know more about your “indifferent cat”. (Hans sounds to be GREAT – but living with an indifferent cat, too???)

    There’s something about that phrase which just intrigues me – Please tell more, Kris!!

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