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  • in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #43350

    Sorry patty, missed you when i made my last post. Nice to meet you.
    We had my mom’s blood pressure checked and it was normal. She has a low grade fever that is controlled with tylenol.

    My mom had her gall bladder removed in July, almost 75 stones, a record. She was doing ok, until the pain in her lower abdomen came back in September and then started to make her sick. After 3 days of nausea, we took her into the hospital and that’s when they made the diagnosis.

    It was surprising as before the diagnosis, she was full of energy, we just thought she had a touch of the flu, but when it persisted we knew something was wrong. We discovered after that she was having a low grade fever for about 2 weeks.

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #43349

    thank-you everyone for your comments, this forum is such a great support and resource.
    Marion – i don’t believe my mom has an infection, she has these low grade fevers while she was in the hospital and they couldn’t find any bacteria, so i will concentrate on her fluid intake to see if that helps. My mom is taking the tylenol / codeine on an empty stomach, and sometimes with food. Today we have given her gravol for the nausea and it seems to be increasing her appetite which is a great start, at least she’s back to light soup and fruit. Tomorrow she gets some blood work done, i’ll keep you updated on the results.

    Maggie – thank-you so much for the link to the article, it was an interesting read. I have heard about the alternative therapies that you mentioned, do you have an links for more information? Glad to hear that your mom is doing so well :)

    Julia – nice to meet you and i’m glad that i could help answer some of your questions, through questions or my own. Hopefully as i learn more, i’ll be able to offer more. Also glad to hear that you’re sister is doing well.

    talk to you all soon,

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #43344

    Hi Lainy, thank-you for your reply. My mom had blood work done last Thursday, while she was still in the hospital, and her liver enzymes were low enough for her to start the chemo. Since then she has come home last Sat evening, she has been slowly getting worse, first with the increased tiredness, which i guess was to be expected and then today with the vomiting. My mom will begin treatment at the Juravinski Cancer Center in Hamilton, Ontario. If she progresses to get worse, i will follow up with her oncologist and let them know she is feeling this way, and hopefully we can get some anti nausea meds. I will try the Carnation shake with the fruit to see if that can boost her nutrition. Thanks again for your reply.

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