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  • in reply to: Avastin #35720

    Hi Bill,

    Please keep me posted. We have been doing the Avastin for about 4 months and this month doubled the dose because my father turned very yellow with jaundice and had to have a stint placed in his stomach – the cancer was still spreading. The large tumor on his liver significantly shrunk, but then a couple small ones appeared. I will let you know how he responds to the double dose of Avastin. He received his second treatment yesterday.

    When we found out in October, it was already in stage 4. He felt fine at the time of diagnosis and did not start feeling bad until 2 months ago. This is a strange and aggressive cancer, but we have hope.

    Best of luck to you and your wife!


    in reply to: Avastin #35717

    Hi Bill,

    My father is taking two medication through IV- Avastin (800 ml twice a month) and Zometa (5ml once a month). In addition to that, he is taking several oral medications:
    1. Xeloda 500mg 2tablets 2x a day-2weeks on and 1 week off.

    2. Rapamune 2mg- 1 per day

    3. Zolinza 100mg-1 per day

    4. Sprycel 50 mg-1 per day

    5. Nexavar 200 mg. – 1 per day

    This does not include his blood pressure, acid reflux, thyroid, pain, and nausea medicine(s).

    You wouldn’t believe that 5 months ago he was a healthy 56 year old man who ran several miles everyday and enjoyed hours of yard work.

    I hope your wife responds to the Avastin. This is a scary cancer, and I appreciate your response and support. The site is amazing; I am so glad I found it.


    in reply to: Avastin #35710

    Thank you, Gavin

    in reply to: Avastin #35708

    Thank you for your response Lainey!

    He is not currently with MD. They wanted to treat him with Gemzar and Platinol and gave him only a few months. We wanted a more aggressive treatment plan so we did some research and found a doctor in Houston named Dr. Burzynski.

    MD Anderson said he had unknown primary-Stage 4 Adenocarcinoma of the liver with a 6 cm mass on medial lobe of liver. PET scan & MRI showed small distant metastasis to Iliac bone and T-10 vertebrae, enlarged lymph nodes around pancreas with no notable signs of pancreatic involvement and no colon involvement. Differential diagnosis is Cholangiocarcinoma.

    At that time his tumor markers were at 215 (4 months ago) they are now over 1800 and the recent PET scans do not show much improvement.

    I’m just wondering if anyone else has ever used Avastin or heard of it and if you are able to switch treatments once you have already started another.
    We are just so overwhelmed. I will search this site as you instructed.

    The cancer came out of no where. They said it is extremely aggressive and spread very quickly. Very devastating.


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