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  • lbutiong

    Thank you PCL and Marion for taking the time to reply. The port placement was postponed today. My Mom’s oncologist decided that temp of 38C and elevated WBC is a little concerning….they ordered blood culture and urinalysis. Based on yesterday’s CT scan, there is nothing concerning in the lungs. My Mom’s temperature has been normal today/tonight. Accdg to her onco, should everything be OK over the weekend, chemo will still push through on Monday via peripheral IV.

    God bless.

    in reply to: Daughter not ready to lose her mother #58428

    Dear All,

    Thank you very much for the warm welcome. I feel blessed to be part of this truly amazing family.

    @PCL – My Mom’s medical (and surgical) oncologist did mention Yttrium-90. It’s just that he wanted no more delays, thus, systemic chemotherapy first while waiting for the “result” of the R submandibular lump. He says it’s ok to have the Y-90 in between if the result is favorable. I am hoping that she’ll be able to receive this treatment.

    God Bless!

    in reply to: Daughter not ready to lose her mother #58423

    Hi all. I have been quietly reading on this Discussion Board/forum for about a month now and I’ve found it to be very insightful. My name is Lorraine and my dear Mom, Linda (67 y/o) was diagnosed, in January, with intra-hepatic cholangiocarcinoma. Her oncologist said that it is the size of a “baseball” and unfortunately, inoperable, because of portal vein involvement. On top of this, she has a big lump at the right side of her submandibular. PET scan revealed an SUV = 4.4 (maybe, cancer? accdg. to the doctors. If it is, it is highly unlikely to be metastasis from CC). Thank goodness, biopsy revealed non-cancer but don’t know what it is. We are now referred to a Head and Neck doctor, who we’re hoping to see next week. She will be starting her chemotherapy with Cisplatin and Gemcitabine on March 12 (Day 1, 7 and 21 protocol) at Seattle Care Cancer Alliance. My Mom feels fine with occasional shortness of breath with some exertion. I have also noticed that her abdomen has gotten a little rounder. I am hoping that with her pre-chemo CT scan, it will show no growth and it is just my imagination. I have been very anxious about her upcoming chemo. I have heard and read horror stories about this and I continue to pray that my Mom will not experience any side effects.
    I try to be strong for my Mom and my family. The truth of the matter is, I have been crying every night because I am very scared and it is only in prayers that I can find comfort for now.
    Thank you for listening.

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