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  • in reply to: Lauren’s tumors are shrinking!!!! #55653

    Great news! A fantastic way to begin the new year!


    in reply to: Fulfox – has it worked for you? #49932

    Latest update: had another scan yesterday. Main tumor shrank by 2cm, some of the lesions in the right side of my liver have disappeared. Read the full report from the Dr that she emailed my wife today & found out that my portal vein involvement has shrank as well……WHAT A CHRISTMAS PRESENT!!!!

    Mike :D

    in reply to: Good news for Lauren #54205

    Great news…….keep it shrinking!

    in reply to: Fulfox – has it worked for you? #49929

    Well got the results from our scan. No shrinkage, but no growth either. Tumor markers have dropped again and blood values are in normal range. Liver function is good……maybe on the way to gaining some ground. No growth is good since first Dr gave me 3 months back in April.


    in reply to: Need Advice for pain #53341

    We suffered from major constpation from pain killer when we sarted this battle. The resolution of choiceas reccommended by our oncologist is Miralax. May take a ay or 2 to work

    in reply to: Fulfox – has it worked for you? #49928

    We have also started on some suppliments which include the following: Vite E, Beta Carotene, Curcumin ( active ingrednt in Tumeric), Fish oils. For those that do not now what Fulfox is it contains the following regimen of drugs: Oxaliplatin, 5FU and levoleucovorin. We had started on Gem Cis and had virtually no side effects but as others have noted our CA19-9 jumped while local lymphnodes apeard to respond it appearded as though that found in the liver did not. We have had one scan since on the current regimen which documented stable disease. During the last month our CA19-9 dropped dramaticly ( this is also the time frame we started these supplements). Best regards,

    in reply to: Fulfox – has it worked for you? #49924

    I started on Gem/Cis and experienced tumor growth. We changed to Folfox in July. My scan at the end of August showed no change in tumor from June (stopped the growth). My CA19-9 has dropped dramatically since July & we are expecting tumor shinkage when I get my next scan on Oct 24th. My liver function has returned & I have not taken any pain medication in over a month. I will update after my end of month scan, but it seems to be working.


    in reply to: Good reports from Mayo #27412

    Dear Lainy,
    My husband is 43 years old. We are currently being treated at the University of Virginia but I have recently reached out to Mayo in Jacksonville, FL. We are waiting to hear back, as I have faxed the MR I have hear and are waiting for UVA to fax the “newer” stuff. Our current oncologist was not pleased that I was questioning her proposed plan of action. Our scan results came back mixed: local lymph nodes that had been effected have come down in size but it appears as though sometime between the initial scan ( with 3.5 wks of prior to initiation of tx) and the second scan last week we have seen increase in number and sl increase in size of existing tumors in liver. We are changing to Oxaliplatin + 5Fu on Monday. Our results so far are so mixed…… he feels OMG sooooo much better than prior to chemo initiation and all chemstry profile reuslts are within normal limits with the exception of AST which is nor only slightly elevated. Any thoughts?

    Thanks to All!

    in reply to: Good reports from Mayo #27408

    Hello to All! I am not only Brand New to this site but relatively new to this battle. My husband was diagnosed in April 2011. We have been on GEMCITABINE + CISPLATIN Chemo on a 3 week cycle Since mid April. We had our first scan today since chemo started and we are very worried. For those of you who are speaking of success what chemo treatments are the patient receiving? How old is the patient? How hard was it to get into Mayo and how long was the wait? Sorry for so many questions, but we are very young for this disease and scared as He–! Any information from those war heros would be gladdly received.

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