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  • in reply to: my mother has cc #17624

    Well, my mom had a bad week last week. Ended up going to the hospital early Saturday morning. She was having the chills and dry heaves, and being very weak. Ended up having an infection of the bladder and urinary track. She is doing much better. They have her on IV antibiotics. She is supposed to be getting out either Tuesday or Wednesday. So she will be home for Thanksgiving. We are going to have her at our house that day. We are just taking it one day at a time. I had almost forgetten that her dad and mom had died in November. My grand dad had died when I was about 13 years old (around ’74) and my grand ma died back in ’94. She reminded me about that on Friday.


    in reply to: my mother has cc #17623

    Just wanted you all to know that my moms doctors have deceided not to do anything because of her age. Also she doesn’t want to go through any of the treatments. They said with her being 81 (going on 82) that it would be to hard on her. So we are taking it one day at a time. She will be 82 on December 6th. She has her good days where she feels fine, and then there are days where she is in pain. Right now she takes Tylenol, both the regular strength and the extra strength. Which one she takes depends on how much pain she is in. At least she does have my brother checking in on her now too. So it has helped me, I’m not so stressed with being the only one taking care of her. She does not have any swelling of her legs or feet yet, so I’m happy about that. It’s just the pain around her liver and gall bladder that is bugging her right now.

    in reply to: my mother has cc #17621

    Hi Marions,
    I do go to her doctor appointments with her. The last one she had all they did was draw blood. Haven’t heard how it turned out yet. I’ll ask her doctor the next time she goes in. It seems like most of my family members are leaving it to me to do all the work. I am glad that hospice helps to look after my mom. With me working full time (late swing shift 3:15-11:15) some times it is hard for me. But at least I can make sure every thing is okay with her during the day before I go to work. I’ll see how the doctor reacts to my asking him to send the information to the Mayo Clinic. I am glad that I found this board. It has helped me some so far.

    May the good sprits watch over us…..

    in reply to: my mother has cc #17619

    Hi Sara and Marions,
    I went to the Mayo site and printed out alot of info for my mom. She is thinking of asking her doctor to send them the Scans and the other info they have on her. I’m hoping that they can do something. But with her going on 82 it’s hard to say if they will. All my friends from work praying for her. It’s just so hard for me being the only one of her kids that is doing anything for her. I have a brother that lives near by, but he really doesn’t do anything, and then rest of the family is 4 hours away, and I know that they can’t really do anything. Her primary doctor does have a nurse going to her house weekly to check on her. And then I either go over every day or call if I can’t make it.


    in reply to: my mother has cc #17617

    the doctor she saw for this sent the results to her primary doctor and the doctor she had for her breast cancer 2 years ago. And another doctor at the hospital. I’ve been looking in to maybe talking her in to going down to Arizona to the Mayo Clinic there to see what they say.


    in reply to: New here; mom-in-law recently diagnosed with CC #17597

    Hello! My name is Linda. I live in Colorado. My mom was just diagnosed with CC on September 5 of this year. She was in the hospital for about a week. She had originally gone in for Gall Blader problems. This is really hard on her. She has been pretty healthy most of her life, then this showes up. She will be 82 next month. She has days that she hurts and sleeps alot. Then there are days that she feels great. I know I will be using this site alot.


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