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  • in reply to: New Member #69246


    It was very encouraging to read your post. We all need to have the hope and faith that you have.

    After having an unsuccessful resection in December of 2011, I am now waiting to see a specialist in Toronto in 2 weeks. I have been doing quite well with the Xeloda/Gemcitabine treatments. I am starting round 15 on Wednesday. The tumor and lesions are all shrinking slowly.

    I am hopeful for good news when I go to Toronto.

    Thank you for the encouraging words. Good luck to you.

    HUGS! Laura

    in reply to: Introductions #68907


    So far I have received a combination of Xeloda (oral chemo) 2 x a day for 14 days along with Gemcitabine iv on Day 1 and Day 8 (if my blood levels stay ok)
    Apparently this is a clinical trial that they have been doing.

    I am on my 13th round of chemo and so far I have been feeling pretty good. I’m just getting pretty tired from it all. I haven’t lost my hair or anything like that and everyone who sees me says I look great. Like I’m not even sick at all. I have been off on Long term disability and I’ve been trying to keep as active and mobile as possible. The oncologist encourages me to keep active. I’ve actually gained weight (steroids) and am trying not to get too heavy. They have stopped the dose of steroids before iv now because I apparently don’t seem to need them.

    Not sure how long I’ll be on this chemo. My case has been referred to a Oncologist Surgeon at Princess Margaret cancer center in Toronto. The chemo will continue as long as I can tolerate it and it is shrinking the tumor(s). I’m waiting to see if anything else can be done.


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