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  • in reply to: Finally***almost #35541

    We do too! Our family and our belief is awesome that my dad can be the guy who lives 10 years for no other reason than he wants to! I just want to know what to expect so we can help him succeed! :O}

    in reply to: Update and request for advice #35548


    I am so sorry about your mom and can epathize with how you feel. We are just getting a game plan in place and my sister and I are relentless within my dad’s wishes. I agree with Margaret just don’t take no for an answer. My dad is letting my sister and I run his medical care for him as he feels he and his wife are not capable of doing it. That has made it a little easier for us. My most warmest and positive thoughts to both you and your mom. My dad always worries about me and my sister saying we need to take care of ourselves too we don’t do him any good if we are not the best we can be. And I truly believe that!

    in reply to: FRUSTRATION #35244

    Ahhhh! Thank you everyone! I just needed to vent. :O}

    in reply to: Dad’s update #34981

    Rick! Thanks for the information you posted. I thought that transplant was the best option depending on situation and we are currently running into the “not knowing thing” with our local doctors here. We don’t have a tx plan or anything yet for my dad . Still waiting…seems like forever but know it is so not! But I did call U of WA Medical Center and asked if they currently are doing any research etc for CC. They are listed as doing such! So here is to hoping…

    in reply to: remembrance #34784

    I am so sorry for your loss. I am so very grateful we have this site to share and learn and just be with each other in our time of need. I wish none of us had to be here but am glad we all have each other. There is unity in numbers and you are never alone here!

    Thinking of you and all of those that have lost someone to cc…

    in reply to: Timely diagnosis? #34881

    Well I saw my dad on the 2nd of Jan took one look at him and marched him down to the local ER. He was jaundiced and rather glowing. He developed diabetes too! The man had a physical 5 weeks earlier nothing out of the norm except he was asked to lose some weight. (He has now lost 48 lbs. in 8 weeks.) They originally thought it was HEP A, then the ultrasound revealed a blockage, thought it was a stone, realized it was a tumor band, realized he presented with classic CC. Did an ERCP and brush biopsy both negative, Then they did the CAT scan, we were sent to the wrong surgeon, specialized in pacreatic cancer and lower liver. Dad is presenting as Klatsky sp? or outer hepatic tumor band affecting the left bile duct past the junction hence, the jaundice. The stent was placed on the right main bile duct…,new GI guy does not perform major invasive surgeries but endoscopic procedures. He will do the endoscopic ultrasound in 3 weeks why Jen04 is not happy. He will refer us if dad is a surgical candidate. We were originally told based on tumor band location he was most likely not a candidate for surgery. We still truly don’t know. Yesterday the new doctor mentioned for the first time enlarged lymph nodes…I went over all the medical records I have and no indication that this was an issue. Obviously with cancer it is…but nothing mentioned specifically! We have great cancer centers and doctors here in Seattle we just need someone to tell us it is cancer…Or, if this is as close as we get to a diagnosis, we should proceed with the oncologist? We have one of the best in the State lined up?! We have no treatment plan and time seems to be our biggest enemy right now! JEn04 and I feel just as informed as any of the providers my dad has seen so any thoughts???!!!

    in reply to: Timely diagnosis? #34879

    I am Jen04’s sister and we are wondering if this delay is our collective doctors’ way of letting us know there isn’t much they can do for dad?! He was a perfectly healthy 60 yr. old man… Seriously 2 colds in my life time so this is quite shocking for all of us! Any insight or suggestions to expedite this process and what to expect will allow Jen to sleep! My warmest thoughts to all!


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