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  • in reply to: Dr Jenkins feedback #16500

    Thank you Peter for your response and offer of help. I contacted Dr. Jenkins’ office yesterday morning. Dr. Jenkins is out for 2+ wks. but I was told to forward my mom’s records and films and Dr. Lewis would look at them and see if he thought they could help – gosh I really hope they can. The surgeon we met with at Dana Farber is having my mom do an additional MRI at their facility tomorrow. She said my mom has an extra artery going to her left side of the liver that most people don’t have and that that may make it possible to do the surgery, although she said it was a very small chance… She wanted to look further though before ruling surgery out. The oncologist we saw gave her a prognosis of 8 to 14 mnths whereas before we were told to expect 2 maybe 3 years… so a mix of hope and dread from that visit. So now we pray for surgery options from either there or Dr. Jenkins’ office. They also recommended the bracytherapy if surgery can’t be done (as did the oncologist/radiation doctor(s) here). I think I recall someone else here that had this similar artery too, although I read so many posts in my haste to gather as many good hopes as I could, it escapes me who it was…

    Anyway, thanks to you all for your help and best wishes and prayers to you!


    in reply to: Dr Jenkins feedback #16498

    Thank you both for your responses. Marion, I had actually printed an older post in which you gave Dr. Jenkins’ contact info. to someone else and I’m planning on contacting his office tomorrow in the morning before heading to Dana Farber. Thank you for offering to help with that. And I also have a post printed from you Mary, where you described your husband’s success with bachytherapy. I was happy to read of his success – the radiologist we saw here said he would see if my mom’s tumor is amenable to brachytherapy if we can’t do the surgery.

    This community is a wonderful resource in many ways for all going through this. Thank you!


    in reply to: Dr Jenkins feedback #16495

    Thank you both for your responses, I will ask about both options tomorrow. The oncologist is only scheduled for 30 minutes – he’ll probably be kicking us out before I’m through with my questions – hope not…

    I’ll let you know what we find out.


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