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  • in reply to: Newly diagnosed 81 year old father #30905

    I think it important to remember when considering chemo that there is only a 30-40% chance that it will work in a palliative situation.My husband chose to have it and it didnt work plus he had terrible side effects.He was symptom free before he started it ,it was abandoned after 8 weeks when a scan showed progression of the cancer so that was 2 wasted months he perhaps could have enjoyed with his family.He died 1 month later.Just another perspective-the problem is that you dont really know,its a bit of a lottery really.
    Good luck Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22032

    Hi everyone,how was your week?We have had lovely warm weather for the last week of winter.I am making a flying visit to see my sister next week.I will fly up at Tuesday morning and fly back Wednesday evening.Quite a big step for me in branching out.
    I have had a few tearry moments this week,different triggers causing it.I have done some gardening though,planted some tomatoes and some petunias and weeded a bit so I am proud of that.
    I hope your week will be ok Darla,I know there will be lots of memories and I hope you are in a better place,Pauline,this week.
    How is your mum doing,Sue?Hope the work stresses abate for you.
    Hope all is well with you too,Joyce and the dog is not causing any bother or bad smells…..and hi to everyone who visits here

    in reply to: Questions #30888

    This is all so true and so hard.From my experience as a daughter and a wife,I know that this questioning and going over things is ultimately part of the recovery process. Janet x

    in reply to: Health Insurance Offer #27834

    Well, Ill jump in and say we have a different system again ,not perfect but not too bad.When studies have been done of Western nations,Australia and France have come out best.
    I have studied health systems as part of postgraduate study and Joel studied health systems with his degree in politics

    the US system really needs reform,it must find a solution that works and that is acceptable but at present the money that is spent on health per head of population seems to be going into the wrong pockets.
    Forgive me for putting my 2 cents worth in but I have real concern for the people on this board and debts and health problems should not go together.
    I agree with Kris,Sweden is definitely not insular.Countries with smaller populations tend to be more outward looking.
    addit -you may think what does someone outside this country know-but we nurses are always concerned


    Dear Elicia,
    Being positive on this site is mixed with realism and genuine understanding.False optimism is sometimes quite depressing.I think it best to accept your mom is gravely ill and say and do all the things that need to be said and done.Gather all your supports,the hospice section on this site is a good place to post as people have great knowledge in this area too.
    Sometimes people do rally and other times you get a little window where they improve for a time but comfort is the aim,and that goes for all of you.
    I,myself regret the chemo that my husband recieved as it seemed to make him worse.Others might regret not getting it.Its all hard going and that trip you made sounded like a superhuman effort!
    Best of luck and let us know how things are going

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22030

    Pauline,I really felt for you with that meltdown in the restuarant.I think it might have triggered tears for me that comment.These are really difficult times for us,we are relatively young women and we are doing our best in terribly sad and challenging circumstances.You have been such a terrific support to us all.
    I got through my wedding anniversary quite well,remembering what a great day that wedding had been.
    Darla,you are such a good and caring person you will get through this next week or so with friends and familys help.
    Joyce,I hope all is well with you,and Sue it was great to read your post and I hope Sam enjoys her first experiences working in the hospital-it is a tricky workplace to work out.
    We have great weather going on here-last week of winter- and 23degrees
    (about75farenheit)very balmy.
    love from Janet

    in reply to: husband newly diagnsed – fluid retention #30798

    Hi,the drainage of the ascites fluid is a tricky one,as it would be a very low cost procedure that would certainly not be a factor.
    The trouble is it always comes back ,sometimes within hours of having it taken off.Diuretics can be given to keep it away a bit longer.The other problem is complications caused by taking a large amount of fluid ,like low bp,dizziness etc and of course introducing infection.
    So even though it can give relief even if shortlived doctors dont jump straight into it but weigh it all up.
    Pleural fluid doesnt seem to come back as quickly as peritoneal .
    With regards to the chemo,gemcitabine is better tolerated than the platinum drugs like cisplatin but more effective when given with them.It really depends on the overall condition of the person being treated.
    Good luck Janet

    in reply to: New: #30787

    Wendy,Im in Australia,and I am very supportive to everyone but because my husband was diagnosed one minute and gone the next I havent had the experience others have so I think it best to embrace the world community and pick their brains.Tell your story and see who can help-they are all really helpful and bursting with information! Janet


    Yes,Louise very complicated and as far as the bilirubin-no ,my husband never experienced jaundice and yet was dead within 3 months.
    He was healthy,on no medications actually very fit.All we could think of was that he had travelled through south east asia as a young man

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22022

    That was quick thinking with the phone,Joyce-well done
    I have my wedding anniversary coming up this Saturday the 22nd,how have people handled this one?I dont know what I will do or how it will affect me,I just feel very aware of the date looming.I do have Aussie Fathers Day a couple of weeks later and Im concerned for us all with that one.All challenges I suppose. Janet x

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22019

    Karen thanks for sharing.Its sometimes so hard to predict the triggers,sometimes occasions can turn out much better than expected othertimes you get caught by suprise with a few tears.
    Im not familiar with zinfandels,I dont know if its grown here.I like a sav blanc or a chardonnay and occasionally a shiraz.We are spoiled with wine here,its cheap for very good quality wines because Australia produces so much.We dont get much American wine just the European,My Italian brother in law has plenty of Italian wines on offer.
    BUT,I think paulines warnings ring true for those of us who like a glass.
    What I really miss is going out for a drink in the early evening.We have a couple of beautiful old pubs with balconies looking out over the sea and beergardens running down to the cliffs.Joel and I used to love going for a drink in the evening ,just the one and then we would come back and cook dinner .We regularly saw whales and nearly always pods of dolphins,it was a nice routine for us and I really miss it.Not the same on your own or with the boys.
    Thankyou ,Pauline for your thoughts on the travel.If I could make a break for it to Italy I would.
    Love to all from Janet
    –sorry for the ramble

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22014

    Darla, we are a wine producing state here so we have that outlook but I am sure that cider is fantastic! Janet

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #22012

    Darla that sounded lovely,the cider.Is it alcoholic?I would hope so.We have apple orchards nearby too.I love the produce markets-the local olives are my favourite thing to buy.I have a vase of jonquils that I am enjoying,it is almost spring here and it gives me a lift,the longer days etc.Are we sensitive to the weather and seasons when we are grieving?I think we are.
    Pauline,are you still in Rome?Last time I was in Rome was when I was 22 but I remember the food and the fun I had there
    Love to all Janet

    in reply to: My next Scan on August 18th #30630

    Scans-what a challenge they are.Good luck from Janet

    in reply to: Chemo help… #30484

    Dear Elicia,
    I think you need to take a few deep breaths and plan carefully.It would be good to see what the ultrasound shows.Your mothers doctor was right to suspend the chemo at this point because you cant administer it unless people are in reasonable shape and your mother sounds too weak to tolerate it.When you work out if it was the chemo or the cancer that was causing her deterioration you can go from there.I can understand how worried you must be,Ive been there too.
    Have you had a good talk to the doctor,that might help.
    kind regards Janet

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