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  • in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44675

    yes she has been told to droink and drink, them drink more,lol. They do seem to be very good with her i must admit. That must have been terrible for your dad, building himself up to get procedures, only to be let down again.

    I do know there is sludge in the gallbladder, so hopefully it is this causing the blockage rather than the cyst/tumor.

    My mum has managed to eat today which i am so glad about. Hopefully get to see her tomorrow depending on if i can get my kids watched for afew hours.

    Thanks for responding. It has helped so much, i feel so much clearer on many things that were related to this.

    You have been a great source of information, compassion and strength.



    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44672

    Hi Andie,

    5 Weeks!! wow. Well we havent heard today how things are. I have 3 young kids, and being the weekend i cannot get up to the hospital. I am beside myself with worry, its always the unknown that is the scary part.

    I understand CT is limited at weekend, but hopefully they do make exceptions in these situations. The ERCP, we expect to be done over the weekend, but again not confirmed.

    We were told yesterday that the ERCP, CT, Stent were all the tests going to be done urgently, along with bloods again.

    There is no sign of infection at the moment, but the risk is very high they say. They seem more concerned about blood levels than the cyst. Which i think is a good sign.

    No antibiotics have been started, but they assure us it will be if they discover anything from blood taken yesterday.

    My mum wants everything to be kept as normal as they can be for the kids, they keep her going. I dont want to take them to hospital to see her as i think they will be scared to see their usually fit and well gran in such an unusual environment. It just frustrates me so much when i feel i cant do anything. Suppose thats normal to feel.

    Glad to hear results didnt take long for your dad, thats good to hear.

    So what does Gross intraheptic duct dilation mean?
    Is gallbladder removal a risky op?
    How long is recovery?
    How bad is the infection that they are worried about/ is it peritonitis they are referring to?

    Sorry for so many questions again, i feel you have all got great experience on all of this, and would be great to have an insight on what to expect to enable me to gain the knowledge of what (if any of this) we have to face.

    Thanks again



    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44670

    Thanks Margaret.
    We are in the UK, but docs seem to be doing well at moving quickly. As far as we know the CT is scheduled for today, and possibly the camera down the throat to see the best way of treating the blockage,

    After reading your husbands levels i feel my mums are not as bad as we first were led to believe. Your husband must have felt terrible.

    Thre main reason they say they had to admit her was the risk or infection was too serious to be staying at home with.

    I also meant to add yesterday, that when i read my mums notees, they say the diagnosis of ‘cyst’ is inconclusive. I guess this is normal. At least my mum has alittle peaces of mind thinking it is a cyst for now.

    How long does CT scan results take if you are in hospital? Do they get read any quicker?

    Chelle xx

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44667

    Hi all. Well today unfortunately has not been good.

    Mum had to be taken in to hospital this after noon. Her doc called to say that the results of blood tests very far to serious, and that she must be admitted ASAP.

    I would be very grateful if you could help with results we have from blood tests we got in notes

    on 15/11
    billburin 106
    alt 726
    a.phos 809
    albium low

    and then……

    Albium 40
    ALT 721
    A.phos 917
    billburin 220
    sodium 132
    creatinine 53

    This was also noted with urgent surgery opinion, and i read grossintraheptic duct dilation.

    It is all doulbe dutch to me,lol.

    I am glad mum is in hospital, feel like she is ablee to get a proper rest, and the attention she really needs.

    Thanks everyone, looks like be here a while longer.hehe.

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44665

    thanks for your best wishes, and moral support.

    Yes indded, a tattie scone is a must, haha.

    We should have her notes today, not that i am sure we will understand the medical talk, but heres hoping it will shed a little light on things.

    I will ensure that my mum goes into hospital over weekend if things are not improving, not seen her yet today so fingers crossed she looks a little better again. She is my best friend, the only person i truly confide in, a truly fabulous mother.

    Keep you updated.

    Sun is shining her in Glasgow (although freezing) so heres to a good day to everyone.

    chelle, xx

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44662

    Aw lainy, thats super to know, thanks. So sorry you had to go through it though. I have never known anyone to have liver or gallstone problems before, but i can only sympathise greatly. My mum is not one to show her pain, but she is nearing doing anything right now to be rid of it.

    She took a boiled egg this afternoon, and ended up being violently sick, and when she ate scrambled egg it was fine. Dont get it at all. The only difference was butter in the boiled egg!

    Strange thing the gall bladder huh.haha. Wish i could take some of her pain myself and let her get a break from it. If only that was possible. At leaset her doc seems to be keeping on top of things. My mum has never had any health concerns before this, and has knocked her for six.

    She dosent really want to know anything about it, and let it take its course. i on the other hand have to find out everything and anything i can. Think because i have had 2 cancer scares already and that i knew about what was coming next in the way of tests etc, i was more relaxed about it. Everyone is different though, and thats what makes everyone unique. So good luck to everyone whatever stage you are all at. Even though it is 99% that my mum is going to be fine, i will not just forget about you all here. Its amazing the level of support from people i dont know, and a condition i had never heard of before. Really opens your eyes to what is out there.

    Chelle xx

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44660

    Thanks andie!!!

    The doc has left mums notes at the reception to be picked up. CT scan is scheduled for next thursday, but doc has urged my mum to go sooner if things deteriorate. No antibiotic was prescribed though. No stones were found on u/s scan, only the cyst and sludge.

    I am with you on the fact that they would not be telling her that it is a cyst and nothing worse. I am very hopeful this will be the case. Will this still need surgery then? I am sure my mum will go through anything at this point to be out of pain.

    She is a foodaholic, and wants to get stuck into a big scottish breakfast,haha. Im will buy her 100 as soon as she is up to it!!

    With all this trouble i am sure her diet will change and the amount of fatty foods she has been used to eating will reduce. She is down to 7 stone, so we will have to build her up once she gets her appetite back.

    I have not found much info on cysts causing so much pain. everything seems to sway they dont usually cause symptoms unless very large, or are rupturing. I am aware this is not a site connected to cysts, so i will do further research. I suppose it could be infected though, and as you said Andie, may need an antibiotic to clear that.

    Until the ct scan has been done, we will be strong and hopefully by then we will know what the next steps are.

    Its amazing how things change in 24 hours, but thank you for all the kind words and support.

    Hope you are all having a good day

    my thoughts are with you all.

    Chelle xx

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44658

    hi all, just an update, my mums doc has got in touch regarding u/s scan. He says there is 2cm cyst showing on the liver and the gallbladder is full of sludge. Not sure exactly what it will require to resolve it, but so glad that it seems to be benign……….we hope. Thank you so very much for your support, i will keep you updated.

    thanks again

    Chelle xx

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44656

    Well i am glad to say that my mum looks a lot better today. Having been very ill looking yesterday, there has been a big improvement on her appearance today. I honestly thought today i would be taking her to hospital. Couldnt be more pleased.

    I have tried getting more information from her on how she feels, as i have said she hides her pain too well.

    Apparently she has felt she has been unwell for over 2 months!!!!
    The only thing she is managing to stomach is scrambled egg, soup, and custard. Why would this be?

    Her eyes dont look quite as bad today, im sure they are less yellow, can jaundice go away without treating the cause?

    Thanks in advance

    Chelle xxxxxx

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44655

    Thanks again for the replies. this is by far the quickest site i have ever known.

    As for the sickness, yes it is vomiting. She is at home, and hates hospitals, she is terrified to be honest. At her first doctors appt, her doc did say that he would admit her to get scan done, but she declined, so everything is being done as qn out patient. I am keeping a very close eye on her. She works with me too, so i am with her every day, and will not hesitate to get her to hospital if anything changes that i think is MORE serious. Dont know if it can at the moment, but she is so stuck in her ways, it is like banging my head againt a brick wall.

    i understand completeley Gavin that you are unable to direct me in the question i asked. After reading it back i realise i am just speaking aloud. A week is not long any other time, but right now it seeems to be forever.

    My mum has had bloods taken, but i am unsure of what they have actually tested for. I think i heard the nurse say U’s and A’s?? and lft. What these are i dont know, i presume lft is liver function? Another i heard my mum say was ALT.

    My mum tries to shield me from when she is in pain, and to be honest i dont know if she has been suffering longer than the month i know about. I do remember her taking paracetamol a while back for a short time, but she said she had headaches, but possibly she was having some symptoms related to this without saying.

    Would her GP take notice of me if i had to phone. Does patient confidence come into practice if a relation needs to act. I would love nothing more than to get my mum into hospital to get her a rest (she is working too hard) and to get proper treatment of this horrendous condition. I am going to work now, so i will post later if anything has changed.

    Thank you so much everyone, my thoughts are with you all. I know i am new to all this, but i am also hear if anyone needs a hug.

    Chelle xx

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44652

    small world indeed!!!!!!!

    I will keep strong, its all i can do at the moment. I just got a call to say my mum has been very sick, but does not want any fuss. Have we caught it early enough to treat going by the symptoms she has? How did things start for you/your loved ones? i cant believe the speed that this (whatever it is) has taken hold, would this be normal?

    Another cause of the blockage was said to be a cyst, can this be a reason to loose so much weight so suddenly. I understand jaundice and pain, but the weight loss seems extreme.

    Sorry, im ranting again, feel better though getting all the questions out of my head on here. All i have done is clean tonight, trying to put my fear into submission. My wee palace is gleaming, mum will be pleased.haha.

    May tomorrow bring you a smile

    Thanks a million



    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44650

    thank you everyone for such kind words, and for getting me through today. I have cried so much today i cant tell you. I know that sounds silly as we dont know anything for sure, but she looks so frail, and in so much pain. I just hope for this to be what andie has said., i truly do.

    Thank you for Lainy, that’s so nice to hear that you have a daughter too that would walk thew world for you, like i would for my mum. It’s all down to being a fantastic mum that we can be privileged daughters.

    I hope everyone here is aware how much your support means.

    I am in Glasgow, Scotland.


    Chelle xx

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44646

    Thanks for reply, and welcome. (CT scan is next week. Bloods redone today, results beginning of next week)

    I definately agree with you on the knowledge part.

    All i want is to know is how i can help her. my mum is my best friend. We spend so much time together, and are so close, which i am so grateful and proud of. If it wasn’t for my mum, i would have lost the way so many times.

    I am sitting crying here,lol. Being strong is so hard. I honestly dont know what to think or feel. I only know that it is not something that has got better, only worse. To go from so energetic, and carefree to the way she is now is terrifying.

    Can you suggest where to get the best info on this to be prepared for next week.

    Also, how long do results usually take from CT scan.

    To think i had never heard of this, then be here and see so many people in the same boat is scary, but comforting at the same time. I dont feel so alone today,

    Thank you all,

    in reply to: Please……i need your thoughts. #44645

    thank you so much for such a quick reply.

    I really am trying to think positive. It is just hard when she has got so bad within a short space of time.

    its great to get real people with real experiences to talk to.

    Thanks for your support

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