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  • in reply to: Dad diagnosed with extraheptic Cholangiocarcinoma #40484

    Hi Linda,

    Dad is 71 and does feel tired and is resting during the day and does get up 3 – 4 times in night.

    Hi Gavin,

    Doctor had said that if bili shows upward trend then they’ll try stents.

    It seems, Dad’s bili might be increasing as per the Doctor who examined him today. Tomorrow he’ll have blood test and if confirmed, he may have to be taken to Delhi for further treatment and possibly stents.


    in reply to: Dad diagnosed with extraheptic Cholangiocarcinoma #40481

    Dear All,

    Thanks for your support & messages. I am touched by your feelings and these would help me in such dark times.

    Dad is at present at his home in Mandi (hilly town about 500 km from Delhi), India and my mum is looking after him along with other relatives who live in the same town. Both mum and dad had come to visit us here in UK last December and went back in May when this was diagnosed in Delhi during his stay with my younger brother & his family.
    Its a school holiday season in UK and my son and wife are also with him. Unfortunately, its sad for me as I have to stay back to earn the living and can’t be with him when probably he needs all of us the most.

    I had visited him soon after his operation for a week and after Doctors didn’t advise for any further treatment (chemo etc.) it was decided that he would be most happy at his home town, where he will have support of so many relatives and other friends. He indeed was very happy once he reached home.

    While in Delhi, we had a discussion with Doctors regarding stents. As per Doctors, there was not clinical justification to puty in stent as 3 stents would be needed and there is danger of complication. Moreover Bilirubin level had come down to 2 from 12. However if the level increases, we may have to take him to Delhi again. Can only hope it won’t be too late.

    If we decide to go for chemo, what sort of life quality issues, is my Dad going to face. I have been told that it may cause him pain, feeling general unwell etc. We would seriously consider it if it potentially can increase his life even for a few more months.

    As you have suggested, we shall look for second opinion.


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