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  • in reply to: Is a stent placement the beginning of the end? #55373

    Dear Maria,

    My mother was 62 and she was diagnosed with CC 3 months ago. She passed away Nov 20, 2011.

    Her bilrubin levels went up to 33 and they put a liver drain which caused it to drop down to about 3 or so. She had 2 stents installed.. one in duodenum and other in colon.

    From what you’re describing of her situation, her feet being swollen and lethargy/ lack of movement as well as no appetite.. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but she most likely is in her last weeks if not less.

    As far as exact dates.. only God knows when He has set her time to end in this world but like I said.. I just went thru it with her and was by her side the entire 3 months. I know every step that occurred day by day. From all you’re describing, she’s going to be passing away.. Im Sorry.

    The best thing you can do right now is spend every moment possible with her. Trust me these days and companionship will mean more to her than anything thru out her life. Tough days are ahead and you have to just bare with them. Just keep her pain meds regular and if all goes well.. she’ll pass away without too much main in the end.

    I wish I could give you false hope but the truth of it is.. false hope sux because when you think everything will be fine then you take on life as normal.. and when the day comes.. you will regret it. So go spend time with her.


    in reply to: tough day #54976

    De3ar Devestated,

    My Mother was diagnosed with CC on Aug 15th 2011. After 2 intestinal stents in the colon and duodenom and a liver drain and a round of chemo.. mom passed away 10 days ago on Nov 20 2011.

    The only thing I can tell you sincerely is to spend as much time as you can with him right now while he’s still conscious and able to talk back and communicate. Have the kids spend time with him. Don’t be shy to make it seem like you won’t be able to spend time again because in all honesty you wont.

    We tried all kinds of different things including eastern medicine and fruits etc etc.. but truth is that it’s just God’s way of taking someone back to Himself. Simple as that.

    The last week of her life she was in a semi comatic state where she was on fentenyl 40 micrograms per 24 hours along with anti nausea meds. That last week we could not communicate except for small stents here and there.

    Legs will start to swell with water as the kidney and liver slow down.
    Just be aware that Dr’s told us she would pass away by the weekend and she was alive another 2 more weeks. Dr’s cannot tell you nor should you believe them.

    When their time comes it will come. My mom’s kidney and liver functions were actually very normal till the last few hours she was about to pass away. It’s all in God’s Hands. The only thing that is sure is when he starts going into another world and talking about people and things that you’re unaware of then know the time is days away.

    During the last few hours she started breathing very heavy and very rapid then would stop and then breath heavy and rapid again.. almost as though shes normal. It’s a roller coaster.

    Just spend every moment you can with him at the hospital. Out of 9 brothers.. 4 of us spent the last entire week of her life with her 24 hours a day in the hospice acute hospital and myself and other 2 brothers were there for her for entire month in the acute hospital and at home before that.

    God I miss my mom but after seeing so much pain she endured.. I miss her but I’m happy she isnt in pain anymore. Let me know if I can answer any of your questions.


    in reply to: Elevated heart rate #55220


    How long has your husband been diagnosed and what stage is he in? Is it resectable or not?

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